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Review Article

Journey of Bone Graft Materials in Periodontal Therapy:

A Chronological Review
Jitendra Kumar, Vaibhav Jain1, Somesh Kishore2, Harish Pal3
Departments of Periodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and 2Pedodontics, KVG Dental College and Hospital, Sullia, Karnataka, 3Department of General Surgery,

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Bone, the basic building block of the healthy periodontium, is affected in most of the periodontal diseases and can be managed either by
mechanically recontouring it or by grafting techniques, which encourages regeneration where it has been lost. Bone replacement grafts are
widely used to promote bone formation and periodontal regeneration. Bone grafting, placing bone or bone substitutes into defects created by
the disease process, acts like a scaffold upon which the body generates its own, new bone. A wide range of bone grafting materials, including
bone grafts and bone graft substitutes, have been applied and evaluated clinically, including autografts, allografts, xenografts, and alloplasts.
This review provides an overview of the clinical application, biologic function, and advantages and disadvantages of various types of bone
graft materials used in periodontal therapy till date with emphasis on recent advances in this field.

Key words: Alloplast, bone allograft, bone autograft, periodontal regeneration, xenograft

Introduction ostectomy and they were used to treat one, two‑wall defect.[8]
Allografts of iliac bone and marrow were used by Schallhorn
Modern day periodontics aims at maintaining the health of
et al. in 1970.[4] Freeze‑dried bone allografts (FDBAs) have
teeth and their supporting structures with the main goal of
shown that 60–68% of the defects had 50% or more bone fill
controlling the infection and regenerating the lost supporting
on re‑entry which was found in a study done by Mellonig
structures.[1,2] The basic dogma of tissue regeneration is to
et al. in 1981.[10] Dense hydroxyapatite (HA) has been shown
stimulate a cascade of healing events which, if coordinated,
to compare favorably with debridement in the reduction of
can result in the completion of integrated tissue formation
probing depth and increasing clinical attachment level by
and may prove to be a huge step‑up in managing advanced
Meffert et al. in 1985.[11] Yukna in 1990 did a clinical 6‑month
periodontal disease and preventing tooth loss. Hence, this
study on hard tissue replacement (HTR) polymer (HTR
review article focuses on the advantages and disadvantages
synthetic bone) and showed a significant defect fill and
of various bone graft materials available till date in the light
improved attachment level relative to open flap debridement
of recent advances in this field.
(OFD).[12] Bio‑Oss is a bovine bone from which all inorganic
components are removed and used for regeneration by
Historical Background Richardson et al. in 1999.[13]
The use of bone grafts for reconstructing intraosseous defects
produced by periodontal disease dates back to Hegedus in Address for correspondence: Dr. Jitendra Kumar,
Department of Periodontics, KVG Dental College and Hospital,
1923.[7] Bone grafts have undergone a major turnover from then
Sullia, Karnataka, India.
to the present day. Here, we are reviewing various bone graft E‑mail:
substitutes in a chronological way for better understanding of
the development that has taken place. After Hegedus, it was
revived in 1965 by Nabers and O’leary, they used shavings of This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
cortical bone removed by hand chisels during osteoplasty and Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which
allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially,
Access this article online as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under
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DOI: How to cite this article: Kumar J, Jain V, Kishore S, Pal H. Journey of
10.4103/2277-4696.185195 bone graft materials in periodontal therapy: A chronological review. J Dent
Allied Sci 2016;5:30-4.

30 © 2016 Journal of Dental and Allied Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Kumar, et al.: Bone graft in periodontal therapy

Objective of Bone Graft Therapy • Osteoconduction is a physical effect by which the matrix
of the graft forms a scaffold that favors outside cells to
The objectives of bone graft therapy as stated by Schallhorn
penetrate the graft and form new bone
et al. in 1970[4] include:
• Osteopromotion involves the enhancement of osteoinduction
• Probing depth reduction
• Clinical attachment gain without the possession of osteoinductive properties.
• Bone fill of the osseous defect
For example, enamel matrix derivative has been shown to
• Regeneration of new bone, cementum, and periodontal
enhance the osteoinductive effect.

We feel that for better efficacy and result of bone graft Selection of Bone Graft Material
therapy, the following additional objectives should also be According to Schallhorn in 1977,[22] the considerations that
considered – easy availability, good handling properties, easy govern the selection of a material are biologic acceptability,
storage, no/less adverse tissue reactions, and cost‑effectiveness. predictability, clinical feasibility, minimal operative hazards,
minimal postoperative sequelae, and patient acceptance.
Classifications An ideal bone graft material should be easy to use and should
Various researchers have classified bone graft materials in provide desirable results with minimal complications. Various
different ways. bone graft materials have been used and tested in the field of
Hyatt and Butler[5] have classified tissue grafts as follows: medical science in the last few decades and many are still
• Autograft: Tissue taken from one operative site and under trial, ensuring promising results and may put end to the
grafted in another operative site within the same search for a suitable bone graft material. Different bone graft
individual materials that are available, along with their properties, are
• Homograft/allograft: Tissue taken from one operative comprehensively explained in the following sections.
site in one individual and grafted in the operative site in
another individual of the same species Autogenous Bone Graft
• Heterograft/xenograft: Tissue taken from one individual Autogenous grafts can be harvested from intraoral or extraoral
and grafted in the operative site of another individual of sites. In 1923, Hegedus attempted to use intraoral autogenous
the different species bone grafts for the reconstruction of bone defects produced by
• Syngensio grafts: Tissue graft removed from blood‑related
periodontal disease.[8] This method was revived by Nabers and
O’leary in 1965. They used cortical bone shavings removed by
• Orthotopic graft: Tissue grafted into an anatomical site hand chisels from within the surgical site and reported coronal
normally occupied by that tissue, for example, bone to increases in bone height.[9]
bone and skin to skin.

Carranaza and Newman[6] have broadly classified bone as Osseous Coagulum

shown in Table 1. Robinson in 1969 described a technique using a mixture of
bone dust and blood that he termed as osseous coagulum. The
Mechanism of Bone Grafting use of such material is based on the principle that the small
particle size is resorbed and replaced by host tissue.[10]
• Osteogenesis refers to the formation and development of
new bone by cells contained in the graft Disadvantages of the osseous coagulum derive from the
• Osteoinduction is defined as a chemical process by which inability to use aspiration during accumulation of the coagulum;
molecules contained in the graft convert the neighboring another problem is the unknown quality and quantity of bone
cells into osteoblasts, which, in turn, form bone fragments in the collected material.

Table 1: Carranza (1999) classification of bone graft materials

Autogenous bone Allograft Xenograft None bone graft Alloplast
Bone from intraoral site‑ Bone from extra‑oral sites‑ Freeze dried Calf bone Sclera Porous hydroxyapatite
Osseous coagulum Iliac crest Decalcified freeze Kiel bone Cartilage Non ‑ porous hydroxyapatite
Bone blend Tibia dried bone allograft Anorganic bone Plaster of paris HTR polymer
Intraoral cancellous Calcium phosphate Beta tricalcium phosphate
bone marrow transplant biomaterials Bio‑active glass
Bone swaging Hydroxyl apatite ceramics
Tricalcium phosphate

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Kumar, et al.: Bone graft in periodontal therapy

Bone blend Decalcified Freeze‑dried Bone Allograft

The bone blend technique uses an autoclaved plastic capsule
DFDBA was first used in dentistry and medicine in 1965 by
and pestle. Bone is removed from a predetermined site,
Urist who showed through numerous animal experiments
triturated in the capsule to a workable, plastic‑like mass, and
that DFDBA could stimulate the formation of new bone
packed into bony defects.
by osteoinduction. This graft material induces the host
Bone swaging undifferentiated mesenchymal cells to differentiate into
This technique requires the existence of an edentulous area osteoblasts with subsequent formation of new bone. The
adjacent to the defect from which the bone is pushed into contact demineralization of the allograft with HCl induces the
with the root surface without fracturing the bone at its base. Bone bone‑inducing agent, which has been called the bone
swaging is technically difficult and its usefulness is limited. morphogenic proteins.[14]

Intraoral Cancellous Bone Marrow Transplants Xenograft

Cancellous bone can be obtained from the maxillary tuberosity, In contrast to DFDBA, bone mineral has also been produced,
edentulous areas, and healing sockets. The maxillary tuberosity which is free of organic component. This product, a xenograft,
frequently contains a good amount of cancellous bone, is known as bovine anorganic cancellous bone. It is produced
particularly if the third molars are not present; also, foci of from bovine bone by a special process, which removes its
the red marrow are occasionally observed. organic components, but retains its inorganic structure. This
product contains biological apatite crystals, and it is either
Extraoral Autogenous Bone Graft produced as cancellous blocks or granules.
Schallhorn et al. in 1967 and 1968 introduced the use of Recently, new processing and purification methods have
autogenous hip marrow grafts (iliac crest marrow) in the been utilized which make it possible to remove all inorganic
treatment of furcation and intrabony defects. As much as components of a bovine bone source and leave a nonorganic
3–4 mm gain in crestal bone was reported following the bone matrix in an unchanged inorganic form (Bio‑Oss,
treatment of intrabony defects with hip marrow grafts by
Endobone, Laddec, Bon‑Apatite).
Schallhorn et al. in 1970. Red, hemopoietic marrow is usually
obtained from the anterior or posterior superior iliac crest and A porcine nonantigenic collagen, known as Bio‑Oss collagen,
is used fresh or frozen.[3] is also available. This is produced from healthy pigs, and
the collagen undergoes prolonged alkaline treatment, which
Disadvantages include due to the added expense, time, and
produces a bilayer structure and eliminates any risk of bacterial
surgical procedure required, iliac crest marrow grafts are not
used in regenerative periodontal therapy today. In addition, and viral contamination. During further processing, the
one of the inherent problems of using hemopoietic cells is terminal peptides (telopeptides) are split off from the collagen
that they contain monoblastic precursors to osteoclasts, and molecules, and this process removes the area’s most concerned
therefore, might cause some resorption when the autograft is with the antigenicity of the molecule.[15]
juxtaposed to the tooth roots. The main drawback with these materials is the risk of
Allograft transmission of bovine or porcine viruses or other infective
Allografts are grafts transferred between genetically dissimilar agents.
members of the same species. The types of allografts used are
as follows: Alloplastic Materials
• Frozen iliac cancellous bone and marrow Alloplastic materials are synthetic, inorganic, biocompatible,
• Mineralized FDBAs and/or bioactive bone graft substitutes, which are claimed to
• Decalcified FDBAs (DFDBAs). promote bone healing through osteoconduction. The available
alloplastic materials are Plaster of Paris, polymers, calcium
Freeze‑dried Bone Allograft carbonate, and ceramics.
FDBAs were first used in periodontal therapy in the early Ceramics can be classified into resorbable  (e.g., tricalcium
1970s by Mellonig et al. in 1976, although they have been used phosphate and resorbable HA) and nonresorbable (dense HA,
clinically in orthopedic therapy since 1950. The development porous HA, and bioglass).
of bone allograft as an alternative source of graft material was
Bioglass developed by Hench is one of the latest and promising
spurred by the disadvantages of autogenously bone, which
substitutes for bone graft materials.
include the need for a secondary surgical site to procure graft
material and the lack of intraoral sites to obtain sufficient Various alloplastic materials are illustrated in the following
quantities of bone for deep or multiple grafts.[10] sections.

32 Journal of Dental and Allied Sciences  ¦  Jan-Jun 2016  ¦  Volume 5  ¦  Issue 1

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Kumar, et al.: Bone graft in periodontal therapy

Calcium Phosphate Ceramics to tissue fluids, a double layer of silica gel and calcium
phosphate is formed on their surface. Through this layer, the
Larger number of ceramics are available, the calcium
material promotes absorption and concentration of proteins
phosphate type has been of particular interest because of
used by osteoblasts to form an extracellular bone matrix which
the close chemical and crystal resemblance of some of these
may theoretically promote bone formation as described by
materials to bone mineral. Commonly used calcium phosphate Hench et al. in 1972.[20] They have been extensively used in
ceramics for periodontal regeneration are essentially of two conjunction with medical and dental implants because they
types: The relatively nonresorbable HA (Ca10(PO4) 6(OH) 2) or develop a layer of hydroxy‑carbonate‑apatite on their surface
the resorbable tricalcium phosphates (Ca3(PO4) 2). following exposure to body fluids. When used on the surface
of metal implants, this layer incorporates collagen fibrils and
Hydroxyapatite in this way produces a mechanically strong bond between
The HA products used in periodontology are of two forms: implant and the adjacent bone surface as described by Hench
A particulate nonresorbable ceramic form and a particulate and West in 1996.[21]
resorbable nonceramic form. In controlled clinical studies,
grafting of intrabony periodontal lesions with HA resulted in Nonbone Graft Materials
an attachment level gain of 1.1–3.3 mm which was greater In addition to bone graft materials, many nonbone graft
as compared with nongrafted surgically debrided controls by materials have been tried to restore the periodontium. Among
Galgut et al. in 1992.[16] them are sclera, dura, cartilage, cementum, dentin, and
coral‑derived materials.
Tricalcium Phosphate
Tricalcium phosphate has been shown to stimulate bone New Innovations
formation, and is comparable or in most cases superior in this PepGen P‑15
regard to HA as described by Fetner et al. in 1994.[17] It has It is a bone grafting material used to fill periodontal osseous
been shown to stimulate bone formation to a greater extent than defects that is composed of anorganic bovine‑derived HA
HA, but to a much lesser extent than bioglass as described by bone matrix combined with a synthetic cell‑binding peptide.
Wilson and Low in 1992.[18] Cultured human fibroblasts have
been demonstrated to attach readily to the surface of calcium Growth factor‑enhanced matrix 21S
phosphate ceramics. HA acts as an amphoteric ion exchanger. Growth factor‑enhanced matrix (GEM) 21S is a synthetic
Selective accumulation of calcium and phosphate ion occurs grafting system for bone and periodontal regeneration
as a consequence of the negative charges on the HA surface. composed of a purified recombinant growth factor and a
This leads to the formation of more apatite and stimulates the synthetic calcium phosphate matrix.
formation of new bone. GEM 21S is supplied in a single‑use kit. Each GEM 21S kit
consists of the following:
Plaster of Paris • One cup containing 0.5cc of beta‑tricalcium phosphate
Plaster of Paris is biocompatible and porous, thereby allowing particles (0.25–1.0 mm)
fluid exchange, which prevents flap necrosis. Plaster of Paris • One syringe containing a solution of 0.5 ml recombinant
resorbs completely in 1 or 2 weeks. Its usefulness in human human platelet‑derived growth factor‑BB (0.3 mg/ml).
cases has not been proven.
Biodegradable Composite Scaffolds
Hard Tissue Replacement Polymer Researchers are working hard to develop a strategy to modulate
HTR polymer is a nonresorbable, microporous stem cell behavior by developing biodegradable composite
biocompatible composite of poly‑methylmethacrylate and scaffolds. Research activities on biological applications and,
polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate, a resorbable polylactic acid in particular, on stem cell interaction of a biodegradable
polymer. This material has been used in the fabrication of nanocomposite have started only recently. We expect that
contact lenses, lens transplants, and prosthetic heart valves over biodegradable polymeric nanocomposites will most likely
many years. The polymer does not produce an inflammatory become one of the widely used substrates for bio‑applications.
or immune response in contact with bone or soft tissue as There is a great necessity for the development of these
described by Yukna in 1990.[19] multifunctional nanocomposite scaffolds, but there are some
difficulties and challenges to overcome in their fabrication.[23]
Bio‑active Glasses and Ceramics
Bioglasses are composed of Si‑CaO‑Na2O‑P2O5 and are Conclusion
resorbable or not resorbable depending on the relative Bone grafting is one of the most commonly used options to
proportion of these components. When bioglasses are exposed treat large bone defects in periodontal regenerative therapy.

Journal of Dental and Allied Sciences  ¦  Jan-Jun 2016  ¦  Volume 5  ¦  Issue 1 33

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Kumar, et al.: Bone graft in periodontal therapy

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