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· Fourth edition

The way I see it
What ... lik~? • Comparatives and superlatives • Synonyms and antonyms • Whats on?


look at the pictureof Mia. Describe her. Sha's about 25. She's got .. . S'It ', quite _..


What's she like?

lID Listen to four conversations about Mia. Which question ... ?

• IDS about her health uses like as a verb
asks for a physkal description • means Tell me about her in general.

<Do you like Mia?' 3 'What's Mia like?'

·Yes. I do. I like her a lot: 'She's really nice. Very friendly.'

2 'How's Mia?' 4 'What does Mia look like?'

'She's fine., thanks. 'She's tall, and she's got brown
VeryweU: eyes and black hair.'
2 Think of more answers to the questions.

No.1 Goa"', nand lIu! ~h6 's aU right.

1 ;"1atch a question in A with an answer in 8 .

I What's your tea<her like? _ a lovely! Warm and sunny.
2 What sports do you like? _ b She's great! She helps us a lot.
3 What does your brother look like? _ ( They·re OK. 8usy as usual.
4 Do you tike pilla? _ d He·s got blond hair and blue eyl!s.
S What's the weather like today? _ e Mmm, I love it!
6 How are your parents? _ f Cycling and skiing.

l1li Listen and check. Ask and answer the questions

about you.

46 Unit 6 . The way I see it

Nhat's it like? Comparatives and superlatives

I Mia often travels in her job. She's talking to her friend, 1 IDI Mia also went to Singapore and Dubai. Listen and
Tom, about Shanghai. Complete Tom's questions. complete some of the things she says.

T What 's Shanghai like? THE CITY Singapore is older than Shanghai, but it's
M It's very big and noisy. but it's ver y exciting. ____ smaller. Shanghai is bigger than
T What like? Singapore and _ _ _ __ noisier too.
M It's the best in the worldl1 just love Chinese food !
T What like? BUSINESS They're both top financial centres, but
M T hey're very frie ndly, and they really want to Singapore is importanl lt's better for investment
do business.
BUILDINGS AND PEOPLE Shanghai i s more _ __
T What _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ like?
than Singapore, but it isn't as cosmopolitan. Duhai
M When I was there. it was hot and humid.
is newest and city. and it's the
T What like?
most _ _ __
M There are new buildings everywhere, but if you
look hard, you can still fin d some older ones, too. Singapore is _ __ _ _ than Shanghai.
But it isn't hot DubaL Duhai is
} lUI Listen and check. Practise the conversation
with a partner. the ____ place. Singapore is very humid, so it's
_ _ _ than Shanghai. But Duhai is the _ __
1 Ask and answer the same questions about the town
or city you are in now. It only rains for a fewdays a year.
WHICH IS BEST! For me Shanghai is the _ __
Shanghai because it's the and the exciting.

2 1m Listen again and check. Wh at extra in fonnation

do you hear?

1 What questions was Mia asked about each topic in

exercise l ? Ask and answer them with a partner.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of
these adjectives?
old busy big important
small noisy wet modem
new dry hot exciting

When do we use -cr and -est? When do we use more and

the most?
1 These adjectives are irregular. What are the comparative
and superlative forms?
good bad
1 look at these patterns.
It a bit/ a little bigger. It's a lot/much smaller.
It's isn't as hot as Dubai.
....... Grammar Refelnce 6.1 - 6.2 pl..l

Unit 6 • The way I see it 47

from Sweden
1 lID Listen and practise the sentences. LIFE DATA
101 1, 1 101 101 III
Age: 34
rm older than Jane. But I'm not as old as John. He's the otdest.
1 II!I Listen and practise the conversation with a parmu Married., 3 children
a ..... Job:
A WHO's cleverer, YOU or BEN? Interior designer
B ME. of course! I'm MUCH cleverer than Ben! Works hours/ week:
L....!H.::e;..:isn't NEARLY as clever as ME! 50
Practise again using these adjectives. Salary:

I kind funny good-looking ambitious

$75,000 a year
4 bedrooms
1m Listen and compare.
Comparing people PERSONALITY
Intelligen t :
3 Read the profiles of the fow people. Complete the sentences *****
comparing them.
1 Agnes has the 1arqtst family. She has _ _ children
Kevin doesn't have _ _ children _ _ Agnes. He has
just two. @@@@@
2 Marilou is ___ She'5 4 l . Marcel is _ _ _He's only 25. . ~-- - - -. . ..
Agnes is a little bit _ _ Kevin. She's 34, and he's 32.
3 Kevin works the _ _ hours - 60 hours a week. Agnes KEVIN
doesn't work as _ hours as Kevin, but she still worb from Chicago
hard. She works _ _ than Marcel, who onlyworks
35 hOuni a week.
Age: 32
4 Kevin earns the _ _ . He has the _ _ salary. MarHo Family:
has the _ _ salary. Marcel doesn't earn anything like Married, two sons
_ _ Agnes. She earns nearly twice _ _ as him. Job:
5 Agnes has _ _ house than Marilou, but it isn't _ _ Financial advisor
Kevin's. He has a huge house - six bedrooms! Marcel has Works hours/ week:
4 Compare the two women. Then compare the two men. $100,000 a ye<rr
AgMS' is' yOtnlgu tha" Man/OIl. House:
6 bedrooms
S Make sentences about their personalities. Compare two
or three of them.
Marl/OIl kII't as ...• but slit's Mor6 . ..
6 \"lork in small groups. Who do you think ... ? **
• .... dw most ....... jab • is dw busiest
• is thr most ~ *****
Why do you think Agnes is the happiest?
\Vhy is Marilou the unhappiest?

48 Unit 6 • The way I see it

Multicultural london
\"hat do you want from the country you live in? Put these
qualities in order of importance fo r you ( I := most important).

a safe and honest society

a good education for children and adults
the opportunity to find work and have a career
a good place to bring up your children
_ . . ;• ..;.
;.;. ....... people "" t... to ~ and do what th<y want
Talk with a partner, then in small groups. Discuss
your answers as a class.

2 Read the introduction to the article. What is

special about London? What is special about
Stroud Green Road?

3 Look at the pictures and profiles of the people in

the artkle. Where are they from? vVhat are they
doing in London?

4 Work in small groups. Choose two of the people.

Read about them and answer the questions.
1 When and why did she/ he come to England?
2 How did he/she find it at firs t?
3 What does shelhe say about her/ his business?
4 How does England compare to his/ her
own country?
5 What family does she/ he talk about?
6 What does he/she think of living in England'
7 Does she/ he intend to stay or go back home?
5 Find a student from another group. Compare and
s....'ap information.

6 Which of the qualities of a country in exercise 1 are

important to the four people? Did they find these " This area is very cosmopolitan, and that's
qualities in England? why I love it. When I first came to England in
1986, I thought it would be like New York,
but it was much quieter. I didn't know anybody,
What do you think? and I wanted to go home.
When people go to live in a foreign country, they can experience 1 came here to study business at college. First
culture shock. What do you understand by this? I had a restaurant. Now I run this florist 's shop.
Why do people leave their own country? What are they looking for? My customers come from so many different
What are they escaping from? cultures - Ileam some thing new every day.
What I like<about England is that there's
a system that works. Things a re more
Project organized bere. I'm a British citizen now.
Find someone living in your country who is from a different When I go back to Turkey, I see how l 've
changed. Life in Turkey is faster, and more
country. What do they do? What do they think of living in your
bectic than here.
country? Bring the information to class and tell the other students.
I would like to go back to istanbul one day.
.... WRfTlHG Describing my hometown pliO
But for now, I love London. I'm marrie d, and
I have a daughter, Cere D. I wouldn't think of
living anywbere else. "

so Unit 6 • The way I see it

" I was a doctor in Chlna. My daughter wanted to study 11l
England, so we moved here in 2000.
Life for us here was impossible for the first few years It was
hard to find work. It was also difficult to talk to people. But
things got easier as my English improved. People in the West
are now more interested in herbal medicine.
My daughter is married a nd has a son and lives here. I see
her every day. That is Chlnese culture - children and parents
stay together.
This is the big difference for us. In China we are surrounded
by family. Here I feel like a foreigner. I miss my friends and
colleagues, and my wile is very close to her family back home
My daughter is settled here, but I think my wife and I will.
re turn to Chlna. We'll see. "

" My parents divorced, and my mother came to England to " I always wanted to study medicine. 1 had an uncle in
make a new start. I was 19. London, so when I was 16, I came here.
For me it was an enormous shock. When you are in Colombia, It was very hard. I remember the drive from the aupon. The
you think everything in Europe is wonderful. I arrived in roads were so much bigger and busier than in Kenya It
September, the weather was awful and the skies were grey. was summer, and the weather was 10ve1y. But then of course
London wasn't nearly as exciting as I thought. the first winter came. It was the coldest winter for years!
I spent a year studying English, then fell in love. The marriage My patients are of all nationalities, all religions, all colours
didn't work, but I had two children, Jennifer and Julian. I Jove it. I'm seeing the third generation of the same families
I bou~ht this restaurant. It's becoming more and more Thls is a democratic country. You're free here, you can say
popular, especially with Europeans . J love my work. U's the and thlnk, and do what you like.
most interesting job in the world. I'm not just serving food , England is a welcoming sodety. My children were born
rm giving people an experience of my culture. here. All their friends are English. I feel British now. J became
I'm so thankful now that I came here. There is more a British citizen 24 years ago. Bntain gave me an education
opportunity. I go to Colombia every year, but when I'm and the opportunity to better myself. nus 15 my country.
there I miss England. I really love being here. "
my home. "
________ __ ~ ~.~

Synonyms and antonyms

1 Look at the extract from the text on page 51. 4 Think of another word for these adjectives.

" It was hard to find work. It was also diffi cult good-looking amazing crazy big
to talk to people. But things got easier ... " "'w old awful (old

Which words are synonyms?

5 Work in pairs. Write sentences using an adjective in
Which words are antonyms (opposites)?
exercise 4. Read them to another group. They must
2 We use synonyms and antonyms because we don't want reply using a synonym .
to repeat words. What's wrong with this conversation?

Yoc. ktl U. 's really handsoMel

6 We can agree with people by using not very + an antonym.

A It's a IoYety day, isn't it?

B Yes, it's lovely!
A But it wasn't very lovely yesterday, was it?

Try the conversation again using the words beautiful,
nice. and horrible.

Synonyms A Tom's SO messy!

3 Complete the conversations with a synonym in the box. 8 Yes, teenagers aren't very tidy. are they?

Itiny clever annoyed wealthy fed up pleased

7 Think of a word that means the opposite of these
'Jane comes from a very rich family.' adjectives.
' ReaDy? I knew her uncle was very _ _ : easy diffieult naughty
2 'Was Sophie angry when you were late?' noisy exciting
'Yeah. She was pretty - > it's true.' miserable clever
3 'Jack's such an intelligent boy!' polite clean
'Mm. He's very _ _ for a ten- year old.'
8 Agree with these sentences using antonyms.
4 'I've had enough of winter now.' 1 That man was so rude to me!
' I know. I'm _ _ with aU these dark nights.'
Yes. M WI$fI'(vuy polite. was he?
5 'Dave and Sarah's flat is small , isn't it?'
'Mm. It's _ __ . I don't know how they live there.' 2 Some people are so stupid!
6 you happy with your new car?' 3 Dave's flat is always so dirty!
4 His wife always looks so miserable!
'Yes, I'm very ___ with it. It goes really weU:
5 Their ch ildren are so naughty!
lID Listen and check. What's the extra line 6 Th is lesson is boring!
of each conversation ? IDI!I Listen and compare. Practise the conversations.
52 Unit 6 • The way I see it
Nhat's on? listings
I Read the listings and find the answers to these questions. British MUseum
How much is itto go in the British Museum? 44 Great Russell Street,
Is the Van Gogh exhibition open on Sunday?
How many nights is the concert on at the Royal Festival Hall? • RUssell Sq
What film is suitable for young children? lOam-5.30pm
Is The Phantom of the Opera popular? How do you know?
mIl Listen and complete the conversations. Chinese Vases Pottery
from the Ming Dynasty
I A What shall we do today? 1368-1644
B I'm not sure. How about _____ 1 South American Indians
The gold and Silver of
A Mmm ... I don't really feel like _ _ __ the Incas
Ancient Egypt Statues of
2 B OK. Would you like to go to an exhibition? kings, pharaohs. and gods ! OcIeon Cinema
A That sounds interesting! _ _ _ _ _ ' : PiCcadilly Circus
-:--,:----:---_ _ ' 19 Regent St.
B Well. there's a Van Gogh exhibition. Roya' Academy : SWI Y 4LR
A 15it _ _ _ _ 1 Of Arts : 0871220 6000
B I think it _ _ _ _ _ really good!
BUrfington House, Piccadilly, i. Piccadilly Circus
WlJ 080 ~ before 5pm £to;
3A _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 020 7300 8000 ~ after 5pm £13
e Piccadilly Circus : Fil..s
B It's on at the Royal Academy. Exhlbftlon i n.. Sun-tYors (~5)
A What's the 1 The Real Van Gogh: i 10.4Oam, L50, 4.00,
the Artist and his Letters ; 6.10, 8.20, 10.30
B Piccadilly Circus. lOam - 6pm daily f Family fights to live after
A How much is it? £12; £10 seniors; f nuclear war destroys wortd.
£8 stUdents; under 7s free. i My Favourfte FaIry (UJ
B It's students. Booking 0844 2091919 i 10.00am, 12.15pm,
A What time is it open? Van Gogh's artistic : 3.00, 5.30

B From ten till six.

development is revealed f Dolls and toys come alive
in his Private letters. : in a girt's bedroom
A Rightl _ _ __ ; FInal Solution (18)
" c- ' 12.4Opm, 3.50, 6.15
) IIIII Listen again. Practise the So i 8.30, 11.10 '
conversations in pairs. uthbank Centre,
Belvedere Road, SEll 8.XX
i. Drugs, murder, violence
4 Work with a partner. Have similar conversations about
08448750073 ! in New York Crime gang.
• Waterloo
other things to do. Concert
Beethoven 's Pastoral
S Imagine you are in London for a weekend..You and Symphony
your partner have £50 each to spend on gomg out.
Thurs 4th only; 7.30pm
Talk together and decide what you want to do. £6 -£20
The Paddington Symphony
orchestra perform one of
the world's most POPUlar


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