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2 Corinthians 5:17(context: read 2 Corinthians 5:14-21)

 What is the key to living a new life?

 What has happened to your “old” life?
 What are some changes you have experienced in your life since you bacame a Christian?

Galatians 2:20(context: read Galatians 2:17-21)

 Who has been crucified with Christ?

 What does this mean then?
 If you had a problem with pride, how would the truth of this verse help you overcome it?


Romans 12:1(context: read Romans 11:32-12:2)

 What should be the motivation for surrendering ourselves to God?

 What is sacrifice?
 What is worship?

John 14:21(context: read John 14:15-21)

 What is the proof of our love for God?

 According to this verse, what responsibilities do you have?
 In what ways can you express your love to the Lord?


2 Timothy 3:16

 Who is the author of the scriptures?

 What are the four benefits of scripture listed in the verse?

Joshua 1:8

 What is the purpose of meditation?

 What kind of prosperity and success do you think this verse refers to?

(4) Prayer

John 15:7

 What is the most important part of this verse? Why?

 What does this verse tell us about Christ’s character?

Philippians 4:6-7

 In what situation are we pray to?

 How does this passage relate to Colossians 3:15?
 What kind of protection does God’s inner peace provide?
(5) Fellowship

Matthew 18:20

 What does it mean to come together in Jesus’ name?

 What does Christ promise when we come together in His name?

Hebrews 10:24-25

 What encourages you to love and to do good leads?

 What should we be doing more and more as we see the Day approaching? Why?


Matthew 4:19

 What part of this verse is a command, and what part is a promise?

 Who were these words spoken to, and how did they respond?

Romans 1:16

 How does this verse show that gospel is for all people?
 What is the Gospel able to do for us?

Part B

(1) All Have Sinned

a. Roman 3:23
b. Isaiah 53.6
(2) Sin’s Penalty
a. Roman 6.23
b. Hebrews 9.27
(3) Christ Paid The Penalty
a. Roman 5.8
b. 1 Peter 3.18
(4) Salvation Not By Works
a. Ephesians 2.8-9
b. Titus 3.5
(5) Must Receive Christ
a. John 1.12
b. Revelation 3.20
(6) Assurance of Salvation
a. 1 John 5.13
b. John 5.24

Part C

(1) His Spirit

a. 1 Corinthians 3.16
b. 1 Corinthians 2.12
(2) His Strength
a. Isaiah 41.10
b. Philippians 4.13
(3) His Faithfulness
a. Lamentations 3.22-23
b. Number 23.19
(4) His Peace
a. Isaiah 26.3
b. 1 Peter 5.7
(5) His Provision
a. Roman 8.32
b. Philippians 4.19
(6) His Help in Tempation
a. Hebrews 2.18
b. Psalm 119:9,11

Part D

(1) Put Christ First

a. Matthew 6.33
b. Luke 9.23
(2) Separate From The World
a. 1 John 2.15-16
b. Roman 12.2
(3) Be Steadfast
a. 1 Corintihians 15.58
b. Hebrews 12.3
(4) Serve others
a. Mark 10.45
b. 2 Corinthians 4.5
(5) Give Generously
a. Proverb 3.9-10
b. 2 Corinthians 9.6-7
(6) Develop World Vision
a. Acts 1.8
b. Matthew 28.19-20

Part E

(1) Love
a. John 13.34-35
b. 1 John 3.18
(2) Humility
a. Philippians 2.3-4
b. 1 Peter 5.5-6
(3) Purity
a. Ephesians 5.3
b. 1 Peter 2.11
(4) Honesty
a. Leviticus 19.11
b. Acts 24.16
(5) Faith

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