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TLA2: Differing Views of the Pre-conquest Past

Expected Output: Table of Comparison

Instruction: Complete the table provided.

Pigafetta Morga
People Positivity, self-reliance, and In Morga's description, Filipinos
friendship were characteristics of were labeled as inferior, making
the native Filipinos that Pigafetta them a low rank people. They were
observed. also subjugated to slavery, were
mistreated by Spaniards, and were

Customs and Culture ● Pigafetta does provide ● Spanish colonialism has

insight into various Visayan influenced Filipino
traditions, like their cuisine, language, culture,
how palm and coconut education (frailocracy), and
wine is made, and cuisine.
traditional dress.
● According to Morga, due to
● The Bisayan people were the Indians' use of fire to
referred to as islanders by create tracings on their
Pigaffeta. He claims that bodies that resembled
residents of the island have tattoos, the Bisayas were
holes in their ears also known as "The Land
(earrings) that are so huge of the Painted People" (or
that they can fit their arms Pintados, in Spanish).
through. With the Moreover, Morga
exception of certain of the demonstrates that the early
chiefs, who wear cotton Filipinos possessed an
cloth that has been army, navy, artillery, and
embroidered with silk at other weapons of war.
the ends using a needle, Their treasured krises and
they travel naked with a kampilans, some of which
soft covering made from are lavishly damascened,
tree bark around their are worthy of appreciation.
privies. They are painted, Their coats of mail and
dark, and fat. Also, he helmets, examples of
observed that they have which can be found in
many fiestas, music, and numerous European
dance (Diwdiw-as), as well museums, testifies to their
as written and floating tremendous advancement
literature. in this industry.

Beliefs and Religion ● He saw the country's first ● Natives, according to him,
mass and was astounded practice Christianity.
by the faithfulness and
dedication of the people in ● Father Chirino claims that
Limsawa. the "easy virtue" of the
native women was more
● The first mass was said on related to their religious
Philippine soil in March convictions. It said that a
1521 by Magellan's lady could not cross a
missionaries, who claimed perilous river without the
that the people didn't help of her husband or
worship anything but lover who would extend a
instead raised their faces hand to help her, as there
and hands to the sky and was no bridge other than a
named their god "Abba." very narrow strip of wood,
and this was on the
● The two rajahs were the journey after death to
first Filipinos to meet "Kalualhatian," the home of
Christianity as they both the spirit.
kissed the cross and
prayed alongside the crew. ● Missionaries were only able
Magellan and his men then to successfully convert a
made the decision to travel portion of the Philippines to
to Cebu in order to win Christianity. The Moros,
over more Filipinos to who are still present, are
Catholicism. Eight hundred Muslims, and Negritos,
Cebuanos were baptized on Igorots, and other heathen
Sunday, April 14, 1521, the groups continue to occupy
day the King and Queen of the majority of the
Cebu and their subjects archipelago's territory.
joined the Catholic faith Then, Formosa, Borneo,
during the Sunday service. and the Moluccas are
non-Christian islands that
the Spaniards formerly
controlled but quickly lost.
Society and In Pigafetta’s account, in some Morga contends that while it may
Government parts of the Philippines, chiefs were not be true that Filipinos are
known as Datu, whereas in other vulnerable because indigenous
parts, they were known as Rajah, possess weapons and can defend
Sultan, or Hadji. With the exception themselves, when they are not
of Lapu-lapu, the leader of Mactan, under government protection,
who refused to trade with the pirates can rob them with impunity.
Spanish, Magellan made friends Through agreements, friendship
with most of the chiefs, which treaties, and reciprocal alliances,
resulted in the legendary war in Spain came to rule and possess the
Mactan. Philippines.

Remarkable Practices Hospitality by Filpinos. The Filipinos In Morga’s account, the ancestors
welcomed Magellan's crew and the of the modern Filipinos had
chief offered to prepare supper for minstrels who remembered songs
them. detailing their ancestry and the
actions attributed to their gods.
These were recited while on a
journey in time with the rowing, or
at celebrations, funerals, or other
significant gatherings wherever
they took place.

A. Essay/ Differing Views of the Pre-conquest Past

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