Tema Mësimore: Veprimtaria e Të Nxënit: Rezultatet e Të Nxënit Të Kompetencave Të Fushës Sipas Temës Mësimore: Fjalët Kyçe

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Fusha: Gjuhë Lënda: Shkalla: Data:30.11.

dhe Anglisht e dyte Koha:45 minuta
komunikim Klasa:V
Tema mësimore: Veprimtaria e të nxënit:
1. Module 3. Lesson 1. A great zoo 1. In the animal world

Rezultatet e të nxënit të kompetencave të fushës sipas temës Fjalët kyçe:

mësimore: 1.
1. The student manes ,fast, funny, clever,
heavy, grassland
1. Talk about animals
-Compare animals, people and things
-Write about his/her favorite animal

Burimet: Lidhja me fushat e tjera ose me

Text book, video projector, pictures. temat ndërkurrikulare:PE
Metodologjia dhe veprimtaritë e nxënësve
1. First of all, I am going to ask the students to look at the pictures and guess upon the word :
What do you think the lesson might be about? What are the animals doing in the pictures?
I will pre teach a list of key words for the students to handle their learning process .Pupils are
going to learn now words like: manes ,fast, funny, clever, heavy, grassland etc. I will ask the
students to repeat chorally or individually several times so as to memorize the key words
previously written on the board. I will instruct the students to fill up the table according to the
key words provided
Class task. Building a descriptive paragraph about a favourite animal.
A model will be provided on the board
Eg. The …… is ….. and ……. . It has got a …. neck and ….. legs. It lives in the ….. .
It eats …. Or …. .It can …… but it can’t ….. .I like this animal because ………
Students are going to look at the pictures, read the sentences and then will try to answer some of
the questions using the vocabulary leant on ex2 .In the end, I am going to ask pupils to come to
the board and try to say some of the expressions learnt related to today's lesson about animals etc.
In order to reflect on the words learnt today students will take turns trying to translate the text
with my help

I will evaluate students based on their participation in the lesson .
Detyrat dhe puna e pavarur: Workbook – 3.1

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