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Alexandria Detergents

and Chemicals Company

Mixing B

Powder Mixing Report

Submitted to Eng. / Arshag Apapazian

By: Eng. / Khaled Ahmed

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Some powder mixing basics ...................................................................................................................... 2
3. Powder Flow Behavior .............................................................................................................................. 3
3.1. Mixing of Free-Flowing Powders ....................................................................................................... 3
3.1.1 Segregation or De-Mixing of Free-Flowing Powders ................................................................... 4
3.2 Mixing of Cohesive Powders ............................................................................................................... 5
3.2.1 Impact Mixers .............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2.2 Shear Mixers ................................................................................................................................ 7
3. Mixer Selection ......................................................................................................................................... 8
References .................................................................................................................................................... 9
List of Figures

Figure 1- Mechanisms of Powder Mixing .................................................................................................... 2

Figure 2 Example of a convective mixer with a high-speed chopper ........................................................ 4
Figure 3 Example of an Intensive mixer mixing by high-speed impaction ................................................. 6
Figure 4: Working principle of the Mechanofusion, showing the material which is compacted at the
wall due to the rotation of the vessel. A stationary shearing device introduces shear into the product
while a scraper transports the material in the machine. ........................................................................... 7
Figure 5 Simplified mixer selection chart .................................................................................................... 8
1. Introduction
Mixing of powders is one of the oldest unit operations in the powder processing
industries. This fact is still reflected in the design of most of the industrial mixers
nowadays. Their basic design has sometimes been developed 50 or more years ago.
although most mixing operations still can be performed with relatively simple
equipment a trend is developing towards more complex mixing requirements.
Besides blending of components modern mixers also have to coat or granulate and
also more stringent mixing quality requirements are demanded by the market.
Powder mixing is common in companies across many industries, including those in
the pharmaceutical, advanced materials, and chemical sectors. The mixing step is
crucial to many processes with the primary objective to achieve uniform
distribution of all ingredients. Powder mixing may seem simple, but is often
complicated. The main challenges with mixing powders are segregation and
agglomeration, which are directly related to the flow characteristics and particle
sizes of the powders in the mix. Before diving deeper into the problems, it helps to
have a basic understanding of powder flow characteristics.
Powders can be grouped into two main categories based on flow properties: free-
flowing and cohesive. Free-flowing powders do not cling together, whereas
cohesive powders stick to each other and form aggregates that do not disperse well
during mixing. Several factors influence the formation of aggregates, such as
moisture, electrostatic charges, and inter-particle forces. Additionally, the tendency
of powders to be cohesive increases as particle size decreases; in other words,
smaller particles tend to be more cohesive while larger particles are more likely to
be free-flowing.

2. Some powder mixing basics
Definition of powder: is a large number of very fine particles of a dry solid in
in the simplest sense powder mixing is blending of just two powders powder a with
powder (B) each with similar properties and in similar proportions but as we know
in real-life applications this is seldom true this is why powder mixing is sometimes
not as simple as it seems mixing may also involve the second step in which a
measured amount of the liquid is added to the mixture and sometimes an excess
liquid may meet also need to be removed through drying using vacuum or heat
sometimes mixing involves either coating or embedding a smaller solid particle a
onto a larger particle B obviously the mixing mechanisms involved here is quite
different than just plain mixing always careful consideration should be given to
mixing ratios between a and B as well as the temperature and duration of mixing
time mixing intensities based upon characteristics of the powders and the end
results desired the mixing intensity may be high medium or low and each involves
a different type of mixer a low intensity mixer would tend to be slow with tip
speeds in the range of one meter per second whereas a high intensity mixer would
have tip speeds in the range of 25 meters per second or more the three basic types
of mixing mechanisms are diffusive convective and shear the V cone mixer shown
at the left is an example of diffusive mixing the conical mixer and the mental
employs convective mixing whereas the high shear mixer employs a much more
active and intensive mixing action.

Figure 1- Mechanisms of Powder Mixing

3. Powder Flow Behavior
Based on a thorough observation of powder mixing processes, different
mechanisms have been determined: firstly, the overall rearrangement of parts of
the mixture and secondly a mechanism acting on tingle particles or agglomerates.
These different mixing mechanisms can be related to the different types of powder
flow behavior which powders can exhibit. In this respect powders can be
subdivided in free-flowing powders and cohesive powders. Depending on the
relative strength of the inter-particle forces in relation to the size and density of the
single particles powders tend to demonstrate either a cohesive character or show a
loose and free-flowing character.

3.1. Mixing of Free-Flowing Powders

The macroscopic transport process of parts of the mixture is often referred to as
convective mixing. This process causes an overall mixing of the ingredients. After
filling a mixer with different components, a layered order exists: component A at
the bottom and component B on top of A etc. By using some kind of ribbon or
screw type of mixing tool material is continuously transported throughout the
mixer, resulting in a less separated structure. Depending on the duration of the
mixing process, the transport rate and the transport efficiency a mixture with a
certain homogeneity is obtained. Fig. 2 shows an example of a convective powder
mixer. Usually, a convective mixing mechanism satisfies for mixing free-flowing
powders. The loose structure of such powders allows particles to mingle with each
other on a single particle scale. However, problems can arise when one or more of
the components tends to segregate.

Figure 2 Example of a convective mixer with a high-speed chopper

3.1.1 Segregation or De-Mixing of Free-Flowing Powders

The main cause for segregation of components in a mixture is due to differences in
size of the particles, and to a minor extend differences in particle density of shape.
Usually, cohesive powder with particles below about 75 microns exhibit a
sufficiently strong cohesive character thus preventing segregation. However, when
particles become larger and no longer stick together it is possible for smaller
particles to move into voids between the larger particles. Besides particle size, the
segregative movements between particles are also strongly influenced by particle
shape, i.e., the contact area between two particles. The dynamic behavior of the
smaller particle moving into the voids. of the bigger ones is dependent on the
density of the material, heavy small particles will move faster than light ones. The
three main mechanisms for segregation of powders:
• Percolation In a packed bed of powder gravity causes small particles to
move into the voids between larger particles, this is likely to happen when
the difference in particle size is relatively large.
• Vibration occurs over time as smaller particles are vibrated and shift
under larger particles. Similar to percolation, vibration mostly occurs
when powders being mixed include large and small particle sizes.

• Transportation When transporting powders, the particles will be

constantly accelerated and decelerated, e.g., in bends in pneumatic

conveyors or when charging a hopper. Due to differences in
trajectories of particles with different masses and/or sizes these
particles will be separated during transportation. Similar effects
happen when such powders are poured on a heap. The heavier
particles will roll to the outside of the heap while the smaller
concentrate in the center of the powder heap. The shape of the
particles also plays an important role during this type of segregation
process. Measures against segregation of free-flowing powders can be
found in different directions: alteration of the powder particle
characteristics which means to give them a more similar size or make
them more cohesive. Also, special precautions can be taken during
handling of these powders. By reducing the transportation velocity or
the falling height segregation is minimized.

3.2 Mixing of Cohesive Powders

More complex becomes the situation when the powder is no longer a free-flowing
powder but exhibits a cohesive character. This means that inter-particle forces are
strong enough to keep particles together in a structured manner during handling of
the product. These interparticle forces can either be electrostatic forces, Vander
Waals forces or can be forces caused by liquid bridges in humid products. During
convective mixing these structures are not broken up by the relative mild forces
used for transportation of the material through the mixer. This means that after
completion of the convective mixing process the material is only mixed at a
macroscopic level. When looking at a microscopic level, i.e., at the single particle
scale, the cohesive structures remain unchanged. In order to break up these
cohesive structures additional mixing forces are necessary. The application of such
extra forces during mixing will also lead to an additional energy input, the mixing
becomes more intense. For this reason, these types of mixing mechanism are often
called intensive mixing. The energy required for the break-up of these structures
can either be supplied by high-speed impact forces like choppers of knives or by
shear forces in relatively slow-moving equipment like for example an edge runner
mill. The impact forces simply cut the structures in the powder into pieces, the
shear forces deform the structures enough to break them up. Every impaction will
break-up a limited number of structures: only the structures which are hit by the
impact element. Shear forces are much more effective: all structures in the entire
shearing zone are subjected to breakage.

3.2.1 Impact Mixers
In practice most industrially used intensive mixers apply impact forces for energy
input during mixing of cohesive material. This can mean that conventional
convective mixers are combined with an additional chopper, thus combining
convective movement of the material with locally high energy input for intensive
mixing, such a mixer is shown in Fig. 2. In other cases, special machines have been
developed for the intensive mixing of powders. Here the overall convective mixing
process which is always necessary for producing homogeneous products is also
performed by the intensive mixing element. Fig. 3 shows a typical high speed
impact mixer developed for the intensive mixing of powders. In case of intensive
mixing by impact forces the structures, which are destructed have no preference for
enrobing other particles, they can easily form similar structures again or adhere to
other particles in a random manner. The latter means that the high capacities of
high impact mixers are obtained by using a less intensive mixing process.

Figure 3 Example of an Intensive mixer mixing by high-speed


3.2.2 Shear Mixers
The principle of applying shear forces for breaking-up structures in cohesive
mixtures is best illustrated with one of the most intensive mixers available at the
market the Mechanofusion. Here the material to be mixed is centrifuged in a
rotating chamber. Due to the high radial velocities the material is compacted to
the wall and in this compacted material extremely high shear forces are
produced by a stationary shear element. Fig. 4 shows a schematic drawing of
this mechanism. This figure also shows the scraper which removes the
compacted and sheared material from the wall, thus producing the necessary
convection or transportation of material.

Figure 4: Working principle of the Mechanofusion,

showing the material which is compacted at the wall
due to the rotation of the vessel. A stationary shearing
device introduces shear into the product while a scraper
transports the material in the machine.

Although the enormous shear forces produced in the Mechanofusion are almost
ideal for the intensive mixing of material, applications of this technique are
limited to smaller batches and special mixing processes, whereas components
are really fused onto other materials by the extreme mechanical forces. Due to
constructive restrictions the high shear forces are only produced in a small zone
in the product, making the process something less effective and strongly
reducing the overall mixing capacity. By shearing material, a rolling motion of
the particles is obtained and when structures of cohesive components are
broken-up in the shearing zone the single particles encapsulate directly the
larger rolling particles. This process results in a nearly ideal state of mixing.
Fig. 5 summarizes the differences between the various mechanisms available
for mixing solid materials.

3. Mixer Selection

On the basis of the flow characteristics of the powder to be mixed, mixers can
be selected according to the scheme given in Fig. 5. This selection diagram is
solely based on the flow characteristics of the materials to be mixed. When
selecting a mixer for a certain industrial application more factors will influence
the final choice. The capacity of the mixer, the batch size, contamination risk,
mixing time, dimensions, etc. will all play a role in the definitive choice.

Figure 5 Simplified mixer selection chart


1- van der Wel, Peter. (1999). Powder mixing. 11. 83-86.



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