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“I am Attorney Robert Limco of Happy Cola Company. Congratulations! Your

SIM card number has been chosen in our raffle draw. You have won 500,000
pesos. Please give me your bank account number so we can deposit your

a. What is the tone of this fraudulent message? (enticing, scary, informative,

formal, encouraging, etc.)

-The tone of this fraudulent message is enticing at the same time scary. Enticing
because it is attractive and tempting in the way how the sender congratulates you and
the amount of cash price. Scary because the sender is requesting for your bank account
which is a private matter.

b. Why do you think Filipinos fall for this kind of fraudulent or scam text

-Filipinos fall for this kind of fraudulent text messages because they feel the desire to
get the cash price which is big that’s why their attention is in the money. Some are also
desperate to get the money even if they don’t if the sender is trustworthy. People who
believed it didn’t have enough knowledge in determining some spam messages.
Scammers frequently use persuasion techniques like pretending to be a legitimate
business and using local area codes to foster familiarity. Or they make time-sensitive
claims to increase motivation.

c. Do you think that text-based messages are powerful? Why?

-Yes, because money is powerful in the way that people will take risk to take the money,
send their personal information and do what they are asking to do. Scams cost
individuals, organizations and governments trillions of dollars each year in estimated
losses, and many victims endure depression and ill health. There is no other crime, in
fact, that affects so many people from almost all ages.

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“False Information”

Propaganda is about distributing knowledge or concepts to manipulate thoughts

or behaviour. This will still be skewed, and more generally pessimistic. Internet is an
online network that runs around the globe. In other words, to expand our message it's
our variety of information and communication. What if they will be combine?

From the published last 7:00 PM, October 03, 2016 by Maria A.
Ressa entitled, “Propaganda War: Weaponizing the Internet.” The title itself gave an
idea about this article. For example, “Man with bomb nabbed at Davao checkpoint” this
is a disinformation. This led readers to believe that they caught the guy with the bomb
that day and let them distribute the updated meaning as headline. Reporters may use
the FUD (anxiety, confusion, doubt) to distribute derogatory content about anxiety and
vulnerability in their readers. They will use "positive-negative" terms to alleviate their
anxiety and their fear of being impacted by the problem. Journalists will always be
influenced by what their followers would experience after reading a news story. They
have the influence in a negative way to do what's good. The positive thing is they don't
have the guts to be affected because they know they 're safe if they don't take the
propaganda as really negative. The deception often represents the truth.

Web is a very powerful tool. It will let read propaganda leading to positive for the
readers. Why? Why not? Because they are unable to tell whether that is true or not. All
is covered by the Internet. The Internet has 2 faces as well as people. Propaganda has
a motto, "words are powerful rather than actions." It explains all that's why it influences
the readers to do things differently.If propaganda and internet had its collaboration, well
a huge impact on us will be attain in our mind.

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