APSP2022 AbstractTemplate

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An Abstract Template For the 14th APSP2022: Title should be concise, informative and as

short as possible

First A. Author1, Second I. Author2

Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand; 2College of Dental Medicine,
Rangsit University, Pathumtani, Thaialand. E-mail: Correspondingauthor@chula.ac.th

The abstract should be written in a single paragraph with a maximum of 300 words. Build the abstract into a single paragraph, with
no indentation and no blank line between paragraphs. Figures, graphs, images, tables, diagrams and references must not be included.
Abstracts should clearly state (proportionate):
- Background and objectives: The rationale or hypothesis followed by objectives.
- Methodology: Briefly discuss the design of the study/ program and how it was conducted.
- Results and discussion: Present the main results/ data analysis and pertinent discussion.
- Conclusions: Limit the conclusions to those that are directly supported by the results.
(Levels of statistical significance which can be mentioned without further explanation are: *p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p <0.001.)

Key words: Provide three to five key words relevant to the study ; Dental implant, Periodontitis, Guided bone regeneration

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