PDM Lab Manual

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List of Exercises
Exercise 1 - Study of Product Development Life Cycle Stages
Exercise 2 -Study of Windchill software
Exercise 3 -Study of Windchill Installation
Exercise 4 - Creo-Windchill Integration
Exercise 5 - Navigation into Windchill Database
Exercise 6 - Parts and BOM using Windchill
Exercise 7 - Document Management using Windchill
Exercise 8 -Change Management using Windchill
Exercise 1 - Study of Product Development Life Cycle Stages
Exercise 1 – Study of Product Development Life Cycle Stages

The product development process is just as vital as product management; both

seem similar but have subtle variances. Product development focuses on the
creation of a product, whereas The entire process is overseen by product
management. The agile methodology makes the job easy for managers in the
process of building a product, so it is important for budding product development
professionals to learn necessary skills.

A physical product, software, or service-oriented product can all be developed within

the product development process. Let us examine the new product development
process with examples and the best practices for the phases of product

What Is the Product Development Process?

The complete process of activities in creating a new product or bringing a

redesigned version of an existing one to market is known as the product
development process. The process of developing a new product and bringing it to
market is referred to as the New Product Development Process (NPD). Anywhere,
including the market, client needs, research, or problems with existing products,
might inspire the creation of a new product. There are several phases in the generic
product development process that must be completed in order to generate such
new products, from the concept stage to the point at which they are sold on the

In addition to the above-listed factors, industries continually develop their current

product lines while developing new items based on emerging technologies. Nearly
every industrial product in the world is relevant to the study of the product
development process.. It involves seven product development process steps. Each
stage will be covered in more depth below and let's explain the process of new
product development.

The 7 Stages of Product Development Process

Many different stages have been described in the product development
process. Let's take a closer look at the 7 stages of new product development

Stage 1: Ideation or Idea Generating

The first step in the new product development process is ideation or idea
generation. Customer needs serve as the foundation for developing ideas.
Companies or enterprises do market research on client requirements, technological
adaptability, competitive products, new designs, and problems with existing items.
Ideation progresses through several stages, beginning with innovation and ending
with actualization.

There are various popular approaches to idea generation. In this step, let us look
at different ways.


When a group of individuals or a single team brainstorm, they produce many ideas
without evaluating the outcomes. Everyone will have an opportunity to express
themselves here, and there is a possibility to come up with innovative ideas. The
complete list of ideas will be examined to see which ones are the finest.


Bodystorming is a method for coming up with several solutions to a single issue that
involves simulating numerous movements with the body. Role-playing and mind
maps are utilized in conjunction with body-storming.

Reverse Brainstorming

It is a special ideation approach because, as the name implies, it generates ideas

for a problem in the opposite direction. Every team will plan or come up with ideas
to get over obstacles when creating a product, but using reverse brainstorming, one
may find the issue at its core and determine why the risk was raised in the first
Idea mapping

The ideas developed during the brainstorming phase are transformed into maps
using graphical designs, diagrams, and drawings throughout this procedure.
Everyone can understand the concept better thanks to this process, which also aids
in its development by incorporating additional concepts and necessary data.


SCAMPER is made up of seven concepts such as "Substitute," "Combine," "Adapt,"

"Modify," "Put to other users," "Eliminate," and "Reverse," which are connected by
the first letter of each word. It is possible to create new methods for producing a
product or finding a solution to a problem by taking into account all the components

Five “Why”s concepts

The "Five Whys" method, which involves asking "why" five times and writing down
your responses for each, can help you identify the problem's fundamental cause
and provide appropriate remedies. It is frequently used in conjunction with the
"fishbone diagram," a very popular tool.

There are a few additional tools used in ideation; let's look at some of the most
popular ones globally:

• Lateral thinking process
• Six Thinking Hats
• Herrmann brain dominance instrument
Stage 2: Research

Researching is the second stage of product development phases. After you have
decided on a product concept, it is crucial to carry out market research to
comprehend consumer behavior and the target markets. Additionally, it entails
receiving feedback from customers, conducting surveys, and learning about their
needs and issues with reference to a certain product that is being produced.
In order to plan the product design appropriately, market research is used in new
product development research primarily to understand customer needs,
requirements, and beliefs. As the primary goal of developing a new product is to
increase profits, it is crucial that firms take this process into account because it
reveals potential marketing strategies.

By this stage, a business or industry will be able to determine whether investing in

the creation of a new product is worthwhile. Several elements are involved in the
research stage of new product development; the following are the primary ones:

1. Product Research: It is a procedure to assess the concept of your product in

terms of how well it sells in the market, which aids in determining how best it
is to develop.
2. Risk Analysis: Analyzing previous hazards experienced with the same sort of
product or process can help identify risk factors in the development and
marketing of a product.
3. Customer Analysis: Recognizing the target audience and understanding what
motivates them to fulfill their needs.
4. Competitor Analysis: It is a tactic to evaluate the market share, cost, cons,
benefits, flaws, strengths, and customer reviews of competing products.
5. Audience research: It involves choosing a group of individuals and conducting
a poll to see how many of the participants will become potential customers.
Market research also plays a significant part in this process during the product
development stages. Let's look at some elements of market research:

1. SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis aids in identifying a product's strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market.
2. Marketplace data: Using this technique, one may view the retail pricing of the
product in the market and its supply in relation to demand.
3. Market Trends: Studying the ups and downs of the stock market could be
extremely beneficial for knowing about the market demand for existing
4. PEST Analysis: PEST, an acronym for political, economic, social, and technical
considerations, refers to those elements that affect how long things will remain
on the market.
Stage 3. Planning
After deciding on our concept via ideation and conducting research into its market
viability, it is crucial to outline the product's development process before moving
forward with manufacturing a prototype. Planning entails considering and visualizing
the resources needed to create the product. Planning entails a business strategy, a
budget, the choice of materials, the team, the design, and advertisements, among
other things.

Without having the necessary measurements, raw materials, equipment, and

funding, one cannot build a prototype. In this procedure, all these variables must
be planned, and designs must be created in accordance with the plan.

Stage 4. Prototyping

The process of prototyping involves testing a product on a sample basis. A prototype

is a model or a sample product that is made to be tested before being produced in
large quantities. It prevents the loss of time and money. For things like software,
hardware, and electronics, prototypes are employed.

Before receiving a final sample product, it usually takes multiple prototypes to be

produced. Every prototype that is produced will be tested thereafter to see if the
final specifications have been met.

Sometimes there will be important changes between the prototype and the finished
product. Let's learn about them using the table below:

Prototype Final product

Process The process will be Because it will be mass

straightforward with produced, the
portable or tiny manufacturing process
equipment because may be intricate and
each product will be include large
produced separately.
Prototype Final product

machinery that differs

from the prototype.

Material The materials used will As it gets to the buyer,

be less expensive the material will be
because it is a sample pricey and of high
product and does not quality.
reach the buyer.

Verification The finished prototype Before reaching the

product will require consumer, the finished
some rework and will product must pass all
be excluded from quality inspections and
inspections because meet all criteria.
the buyer will not get

Stage 5. Sourcing

You have all the knowledge necessary to make the finished product in big quantities
and sell it to customers after the prototype stage. Thus, the business will be able
to coordinate the necessary resources throughout this stage, including raw supplies,
machinery, investors, and employees.

A product manager will compare prices and, if possible, request bids in order to find
the proper quality materials. and use contract labor or outsourcing companies to
complete some time-consuming tasks. It also entails putting up equipment that is
appropriate for the process needed to get the desired outcome.

Stage 6. Costing
The most important aspect is the cost of the developed product. We will have clear
data on expenditures incurred in each phase, including a future phase of marketing,
since we have traversed ideation, planning, research, prototyping, and sourcing.

Costing includes expenditures of materials, manufacturing costs, rentals,

advertisements, shipping prices, salaries, etc., Adding together entire
manufacturing costs with taxes and calculating profit based on market value will
result in the highest retail price that can be offered in the market.

Stage 7. Marketing or Commercialization

The final stage in the new product development process is marketing also known
as the commercialization of the finished product. We are now at the point where
our product has passed all quality inspections and is ready to be released to
customers. It is necessary to raise market awareness through marketing tactics such
as digital marketing channels: email marketing, social media marketing, Google
AdWords, and SEO.

The new product development process in marketing selects targeted customers to

run advertising campaigns which results in faster sales.

Who Is Involved in the Process

Throughout a product's life, the development process goes through 7 steps in the
new product development process and is carried out by different teams. The project
manager oversees the entire life cycle, starting with ideation and continuing until
the product is released onto the market.

Let's take a closer look at the different managers and the teams they lead who are
participating in the process.

• Directors on the board and top management: The management team is crucial
to this process; they create teams, hire personnel in accordance with their
duties, and designate managers for each team to oversee all operations. They
are in charge of gathering all the resources needed for the team to complete
product development processes. In addition, securing investors and
outsourcing some projects might speed up the process. Certifying the finished
product and boosting sales with the appropriate strategies.
• Product Management: The team will be led by a product manager who will
supervise all work to ensure on-time completion. Each piece of information is
recorded and documented by this team for future use. The product team will
act as a communication link between all the process teams.
• Marketing team: Before creating the product, this team is in charge of
conducting market research to understand client needs and behavior.
• Design team: This team assists with the planning phase of creating a prototype
by helping to envision the concept through design drawings.
• Project management: The team will be led by the project manager, who will
oversee the entire product development process in operations management
and the project manager will oversee all tasks in the creation of the product.
• Sales team: This team will be in charge of advertising the product and growing
sales, causing all of the teams to generate additional products.
Aside from the departments mentioned above, other teams that contribute to the
product creation process include human resources, engineering, research and
development, and finance.

Best Practices for Your Product Development Process

Many practices have been offered for the use of the steps in product development
process. Let us now look at several essential approaches:

1. Stage-gate model:

Stage-gate model is also known as the stage-gate process for new product
development. This model is widely used for the development process of new
products to launch in the market. Benefits from the stage gate product development
process include better cooperation, higher success rates, quicker failure detection,
better launches, and more.

2. Front End of Innovation:

This is commonly referred to as FFE (Fuzzy Front End). It is the first stage of product
development in which every possibility is identified and pros and disadvantages are
discovered before the formal creation of the process. This allows the team to
determine whether to invest in further development or not.

3. BAH Model:

BAH stands for Booz, Allen, and Hamilton. It was invented in 1982, yet many
companies still use it for new product development. It is the basic model that has
served as the foundation for many additional models.

4. Lean Startup:

Lean startup is also called a lean product development process. By compressing the
steps in the product development process, this method helps to save time and
money. But in order for the same procedure to continue, it is necessary to check
with client feedback. Businesses that suffered losses and wish to bounce back
quickly find it most helpful.

Product Development Process Example

Let us examine stages in the new product development process with examples of
some successful companies.

Ola Electric Scooters:

Let's understand the new product development process with the Indian example. In
India, Ola has already established itself as a well-known brand and offers taxi and
rental car services. The goal behind creating electric scooters was to meet the
demands of the market, which included:

1. Rising gas prices on a daily basis.

2. Only a few well-known businesses, including Hero, Bajaj, and Ather,
manufacture electric bicycles.
3. Most electric scooters cannot travel faster than 60 miles per hour.
4. Numerous low-quality local imports of electric scooters.
5. Urban residents care for the environment.
OLA created and planned to manufacture electric bikes in India by establishing a
plant in Tamil Nadu with a capital investment of roughly 2400 crores, taking into
account the aforementioned consumer demands.

A small number of bookings were first opened with the goal of gauging public
acceptability, and a small number of motorcycles were sold. Following positive
consumer feedback, OLA increased manufacturing and began selling a lot more

Electric two-wheeler production has benefited by adapting the first seven steps of
the product development process. Let us see those stages:

• Ideation: Generated concepts, and decided to produce electric bikes

• Research: Researched the market for electric bikes and the products of
competitors while studying consumer behavior.
• Planning: Designed the plan and published demo pictures.
• Prototyping: Initially produced sample vehicles to check for conditions to adapt
on roads and weather.
• Sourcing: After successful prototyping, OLA set up a plant in Tamil Nadu for
mass production.
• Costing: They have set the price before being sold in the market.
• Marketing: Marketing or commercialization done with ads, news, and demo

We have studied product development life cycle stages with examples of successful
company products. Many top companies use this process to overcome their
struggles. Product development process stages help the manager and his team to
simplify the work and divide responsibilities among them. Many fields like the digital
product development process and automotive product development process have
adopted this concept and found success in generating income.
Exercise 2 -Study of Windchill software
PLM and its Key Components
Portfolio and Program Management
Document Management
Requirements Management
Eng. Data Management
Product Data Management
DMU / Collaboration
Configuration Management Eng. Change Management

Supplier Management

Product Cost Management

Compliance Management

Enterprise Integration
Leading PLM Solutions in Market
Team Center


ENOVIA MatrixOne

Agile PLM

ARAS - Open Source PLM

PTC Windchill Solutions

Service Lifecycle Management

Product Lifecycle Management

Application Lifecycle Management

Global Product Development SLM System Systems Engineering
Project Management Technical Information Global Software Development
Global Platforms Solution Management
Global Quality Solution Warranty and Contract
Manufacturing Process Management
Management Service Parts Information
UDI Solution Service Parts Management
Enterprise Validation and Field Service Management
Review Service Network Management
Service Parts Pricing
Knowledge Management
Technical Information for A&D
Windchill – PDM and Process Management Solutions




PDMLink Supplier

PLM – Building Blocks
LC States
Workflow / Activities
Documents Specifications
Versions Versions
Requirements Content Revision
Drawings Content
Part BOMs
Number Revision
Projects Type Product Structure
Phase - Gate LC State Configuration Specs
Activities Revision
Milestones Units
Resources Alternates Quality Builds
Deliverables Substitutes Issues / Non-Conformance Effectivities
MEP Engineering Change
Root Cause Analysis
Change Request
Change Order
Windchill PDMLink – Description
Windchill PDMLink is a product data management system that provides a single source for product
data for a company and facilitates the following critical processes that occur throughout the life of a

Product Content Management Windchill PDMLink System:

Configuration Management Allows global and controlled access to
Change Management critical product data within your
company, using a familiar application
Process Automation and navigation paradigm, namely, a
Visualization Web browser.

Reporting Provides extensive capabilities in the

areas of data control, information
Enterprise Integration management, and process control.
Windchill - Architecture
N-tier Architecture

Architecture with
Replicated File
Windchill - Architecture
PDMLink Data Objects
Site Parts Lifecycle Users
Documents Workflows Roles
Change Objects Groups
Product CAD Documents
Folder Dynamic Documents
Library Notes


Version Control Access Control

Data Management Objects
Parts, End Items, Configurable Parts, Product Structure
Documents, Document structures
CAD Documents, CAD Structure
Dynamic Documents
Logging in to Windchill

Enter the Windchill URL in the Browser


Provide your User ID and Password

Windchill UI - Overview
Key components of Windchill UI are:
Home Page
Bread crumbs
Quick Links
My Notebook
Information Page
Browsing in the Navigator Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

Takes you to your

Home page.
Recently visited context
Open and close the
All contexts of a selected type Navigator.

Expand context to access Display the Navigator

pages specific to that context. alongside the rest of
the page by pinning it
in place.

Resize the Navigator

as needed.

Context type icons

Did You Know? Sites
If you open any page within a context (for example,
the information page of an object), it is added to the
Navigator‘s Recently Visited list. To find contexts not
already in your Recently Visited list, either select the icon
for that context type and then hit “View All,”
or use Search.

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Searching in Windchill Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

Global search applies a keyword search across all contexts.

You can select which object types to include, or select a
recent search.

Objects matching your search appear in the Search Results

table. You can use the Actions menu to perform actions on
multiple objects at once.

Click Save This Search to add the search to your Saved

Searches list.

Did You Know?

Your search results are retained Search History and Saved Searches
even when the Navigator is closed.

Perform a recent or saved search.

Modify a recent or saved search

before executing it.

Advanced Search

Did You Know?

Keywords are applied towards all attributes and
document content (if indexing is enabled). You can You can click Actions > Export
use wildcards to extend your search. List to File > Export Importable
Spreadsheet to export your search
Filter your search by one or more object types, results to a Microsoft® Excel® file.
contexts, or context folders. If you deploy the new Windchill
Print Services module, you can click
Select specific attribute criteria. The criteria that is Actions>Batch Print to send the
available depends on the object types selected. objects you select to a Windchill
If no value is provided, the criteria is ignored. server-configured printer.

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Your Information: The Home Page and Tables Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

Takes you to your home page. Commonly used functions, such as user preferences, appear from Quick Links.

Customize which tables appear

on your home page.

Work items you are responsible

for, either as an owner, assignee,
or resource.
Objects you recently created
or modified.

Objects you currently have

checked out.

Use the Task Assistant to enter comments for the the task while navigating to different
pages in Windchill.

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Your Information: The Home Page and Tables Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

Choose or save your view.

Perform specific actions on Click a column header to sort the

objects in your tables by table by that column.
clicking these icons, or by
choosing from the Actions
menu, or by right-clicking
on any row.

Did You Know?

Tables can be modified using

a column’s drop-down menu
and saved for later reuse.
To perform an action on
an object in a table, simply
right-click over that row.
To open a link in a new
window or tab, right-click
and hold the CTRL button.

Further customize your table’s view

by clicking on the small arrow that
appears when you roll over a column
header to sort, lock, and hide columns.

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Information Pages Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

Actions you can perform on the object. The part’s identifying information such as its number, name, and version.

Object attributes and information tables for

the object are arranged in tabs.

Create a new tab.

Right-click to rename or remove a tab you

have created.

Add new information tables to your new tab.

Drag-and-drop the page anchors on the top

of the pane to reorder the information tables.

Did You Know?

Click the View Information icon within tables and

folders to view an object’s information page.

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Information Pages Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

Hover over an object’s thumbnail to

navigate, see additional relationship
information, and take action on
the object.

Resize either the window or the

panes to see as much or as little
as needed.

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Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide
Desktop Integration for Documents
Find and manage your documents in Windchill directly from Windows
Explorer’s Windchill Documents node. From here, you can navigate
directly through a secure connection to folders in your system.

Drag-and-drop documents
here to add them to Windchill.

Perform a variety of Windchill

actions from within Microsoft Office.

Check in or add a document directly

from Microsoft Office applications.

Manage Windchill Server


Did You Know?

If you install Windchill Desktop Integration,
you can open and save new Windchill
documents directly from the Office
application’s Open and Save As menu.

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Document Management in Windchill Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

Create a new document by clicking the New Document

icon or selecting Actions>New>New Document.

Select New Multiple Documents to create multiple documents

at once. Select Upload Documents from Compressed File to
upload documents in a ZIP file.

Optionally, upload attachments

such as images or links.

You can upload

Select the document type.
documents by
dragging and
dropping them over
the New Document
Identifying information, such as name and or New Multiple
description. Your site can add custom Documents windows.
attributes for different document types.

Did You Know?

To see Windchill documents in Windows Did You Know?
Explorer and in Microsoft Office
If you are using Google
applications, download and install
Chrome or Mozilla
Windchill Desktop Integration, available
Firefox, you can create
from Quick Links>Software Downloads,
documents by drag-
and connect to the Windchill server.
ging and dropping the
files directly over the
Folder Contents table.

Confirmation windows with embedded links inform

you of server actions, and automatically disappear.

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Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide
Windchill Parts
Part Relationship Diagram Document
Another Part
Reference Document
(End Item in
this example) Requirement


CAD Document

Viewable Usage links contain

information such as:
• Quantity
• Unit of Measure
• Line Number
• Find Number

Example of information that can be related to a part.

Part’s identification information

Visual representation of the part.

Click to launch Creo View.

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Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide
Editing Windchill Part Structures
Find parts in the product structure. View and edit the part structure,
The structure is expanded to reveal including related CAD data and
matching parts within subassemblies documents, and usage information.
and allows easy navigation from one
match to the next.

The actions toolbar contains

frequently used viewing, editing,
and analysis functions.

Use configuration
specifications, attributes,
and spatial criteria
to display the desired
product structure
In the Occurrences tab, directly configuration.
access, view, and edit information.

To change the panel display on the

Structure tab, right-click anywhere
in the Structure tab or click Display
in the actions toolbar.
In the Uses tab, enter a partial part
number or name and the system
will auto-suggest matching parts
that you can select to add.

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CAD Data Management: Workspaces and Model Structures Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

Select and configure custom

table views.

Apply workspace actions to single

or multiple objects.

Action Icons Status Glyphs

Checked out by you in Another iteration is checked
Check In Shared to a project
another workspace out by another user
Modified in workspace
Check Out Shared from PDM New
and upload needed
Checked out from PDM Checked out by
Undo Checkout Modifications uploaded
another user
Checked out to a Modified and not eli-
Update Locked
project gible for upload
Another iteration is
Checked out by you
checked out by you

View a model’s structure.

Adjust structure view to show

additional attributes and show or
hide related parts.

Add assembly to workspaces

or baselines.

Compare the model and its related Did You Know?

part structure.
You can add an object to your workspace
from the folder browser or search results.
Right-click the object and select
Add to Workspace

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CAD Data Management: Comparing Structures Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

From the top screen, click Compare

Part Structure to launch the Structure
Compare tool from either a CAD
structure or part structure for a
side-by-side structure comparison.

View the specific differences

between the two structures by
clicking the arrows.

Click the Build multi-level Part

structure icon to propagate (build)
structure changes from the left
structure to the right structure.

Differences between the two

structures appear with a red font.

Lower-pane tabs provide additional

attribute, usage and related-object

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Windchill Change Management Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

Assess your change tasks directly

from the My Tasks table on your
Home page through the right-click
actions menu.

Use the Change Summary table to

easily see all the data on the change
notice without having to navigate to
each change activity separately.

Additional default table views

include views for Affected Parts
and Change Intent. Additionally,
you may customize your view to
meet your organization’s Easily compare
business needs. information.

Display parts, CAD documents,

documents, and other items on Change workflow Change terminology in Windchill
the change.
Item Description Required
Problem Report Waiver Deviation Problem Report Define an issue or opportunity Optional
Deviation Acceptance of planned departure from Optional
configuration before part is built
Waiver Acceptance of non-conformance after part Optional
Change Request
has been built
Change Request Define business and technical justification Optional (with
for the change preference)
Change Notice
Change Notice Define plan for data to be released Yes
Change Task Assign, track, review data and work Yes (at least one)
against the change notice
Change Task Change Task Change Task

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Change Management: Create New Change Request Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

Start a new change request by

right-clicking on the affected
object and selecting New>New
Change Request.

Enter the Name, Description,

Proposed Solution, and
other attributes.
Business or technical
justifications (e.g., files,
Objects that are impacted or links, etc.).
referenced by the change. Add
additional affected objects with
the clipboard or Add, or use the
collector to find related items. Comments for affected
objects, such as why
this item was added.

Related change objects that are

part of the same change process.

Change objects that are not part of the same

process, but can be used as references.
Did You Know?
Administrators can create rules that determine what
objects are required when associating other changes.

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Glossary Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide

New to Windchill? Here are some important Contexts: Contexts can be thought of as Tables: Information about multiple objects is
terms and concepts you should know: separate data vaults. There are three main commonly presented in tables. Because some
types of contexts in Windchill: tables can contain large quantities of data, you
Actions: Performing a task against an object can define a view to display just the objects and
or table in Windchill is called an action. Actions • Products: A product is typically thought of columns that you want to see.
are available from icons on a table’s toolbar, as the physical item manufactured and sold
the Actions menu on information pages and to customers. Windchill expands the concept Versions, Revisions, and Iterations:
toolbars, and right-click actions menu on of a product to include the environment in
rows in tables. which users collaborate to develop parts. When you save an object Revision Iteration
in Windchill for the first
CAD documents: CAD files (for example, • Libraries: A library is typically a vault for time, you create the first A.1
models or drawings) are managed in Windchill common parts, models, and documents. version of it. In Windchill,
as CAD documents. CAD documents and their most objects are assigned
structures can be associated to Windchill parts. • Projects: A project is a virtual location into a revision and iteration.
A CAD document is the CAD designer’s view which you invite people to collaborate as a Together, the revision and iteration define
of the design, and a Windchill part is the rest project team. Projects are ad-hoc collabora- the object’s version. For example, if A.1 is the
of the enterprise’s view of the same design. tion spaces, as opposed to Products and version, A is the revision and 1 is the iteration.
For example, AML/AVL information is only Libraries, which allow you more control of
associated with the corresponding Windchill product development processes. Workspace: A workspace is a private area
part. This associative relationship enables where you can manage your CAD work and
Information Pages: An information page is perform CAD data management operations.
CAD structures to automatically build part used to access information about, and perform
structures. Top-down design (TDD) allows part actions on, a particular object.
structures to build CAD structures.
Objects: An object is a generic name for
Change Management: Windchill functionality business data that is added to, and managed
that manages issues and improvements to in, the Windchill system. For example, a part,
© 2022, PTC Inc. (PTC). All rights reserved. Information described herein is
furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice,
products and processes via a robust, closed-loop a CAD document, and a Windchill document and should not be taken as a guarantee, commitment, or offer by PTC.
system. Changes can be identified, tracked, and are all Windchill objects.
PTC, the PTC logo, and all PTC product names and logos are trademarks or
registered trademarks of PTC and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and
viewed across the enterprise. The entire other countries. All other product or company names are property of their
enterprise can then assess how these changes Occurences: An occurrence in Windchill is a respective owners. The timing of any product release, including any features or

in product data will affect different teams.

functionality, is subject to change at PTC’s discretion.
database object that stores information about
one named usage of a part within a part structure. 177953_ WC_Quick Start_12_4_25
Commonspace: A collective term for the data
that is not in a user’s workspace. The folder Roles: A role determines the access privileges
browser is Windchill’s equivalent of the that users have and what they are allowed to
commonspace in Pro/INTRALINK®. do within contexts. Manager, reviewer,
observer, or approver are all examples of roles.

Page 16 of 16 | Windchill 12 Quick Start Guide PTC.com

Exercise 3 -Study of Windchill Installation

Note: Before installation process turn off firewall until the installation get
completed don’t turn on firewall.

→Go to e support login download the support matrics for respective windchill
version and windchill installable.

→hardware configuration minimum

8Gb RAM,500GB harddisk, windows 10/windows server above 12.


➔ Windows = Windows 10 pro (64-bit)

➔ JDK = and 8
➔ Database = Oracle Database 11gR2 & 12cR1, and for Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 & Microsoft SQL.
➔ Microsoft SQL Server = 2016,2017,2019.
➔ Creo View = 7.1

Steps to be followed Before installation:

Step 1: Download all the software which are required for installation and
Extract all the files to Drive.

Step 2: Change the System Domain name.

PC→Properties →Advance system setting→computer name→Change→ enter

Domain name→more→enter→external url→save →Restart windows.

Ex: wcdev.windchill.com

Disk management

Again, click on the pc→manage→disk management→click on c drive→ shrink

volume→do partition of disk.

Adding additional drive

Go to device→insert guest additions cd image→virtual box guest additions

drive will be created→open →run Vboxwindows additions application.
Step 3: Install JDK 11 and JDK 8(For WC11.2 directory server)

Step 4: Need to set Java Home path, Class Path, Path & LAX path for jdk 8

→to config java File path→ go to pc→ properties→adv s/m

Settings→environment s/m setting→give path

JAVA_HOME = Variable name/java_home+jdk installed path.

CLASS_PATH = C:/programfiles/java/jdk/jre/bin.

PATH = C:/programfiles/java/jdk/bin.

Lax_VM path for Directory server installation:

"LAX_VM" to following Path "C:\jdk-1.8_202\bin\java.exe"

Step 5: Installation of WC11.2 directory server:

Download the PTC solution installer and Directory server installation files of
WC 11.2 from PTC.

Refer the step14 for the installation process.


Step 1: Run the setup.

Step 2: select new sql server stand-alone installation or add features to an

existing installation.
Step 3: Specify Edition(Developer).

Step 4: Accept license agreement.

Step 5: Don’t update anything Go to next step.
Step 6: Setup rules identify problems that might occur while running setup.
Failures must be corrected before running setup.
Step 7: Select the features for installation and the drive in which it must be
Step 8: Specify the name and instance of sql server.

Step 9: Make all the service automatic.

Step 9: Select sql collation (SQL_Latin_General_CP1250_CS_AS).
Step 10: Enter password and Add current user.
Step 11: Successful installation.
Step 11: after installation →go to sql server configuration manager→client
protocols→Enable shared memory, TCP/IP, Named Pipes.
• Drop down “SQL server network configuration”.
• Select Protocols for MSSQL server.
• Make sure the status is enabled in all three fields.

Step 12: Search for “Local security policy” in windows and check whether
password is disabled.

Step 12: Install ssms workbench. Give username and password connect to db.
Step 13: run the query for authentication.
Step 14: Install a standalone WindchillDS of previous Release (Wc by referring
the steps provided in below PTC Article:

Need to change Java Home path & LAX path for jdk 11 after DS installation:

• →to config java File path→ go to pc→ properties→adv s/m Settings→environment

s/m setting→give path
• JAVA_HOME = Variable name/java_home+jdk installed path of jdk 11
• Lax_VM path for Windchill installation:
"LAX_VM" to following Path "C:\jdk-11.0.11\bin\java.exe"

• After the installation of WC directory server (DS), go to the installed directory of DS:
WindchillDS > server > control-panel > Login by providing the following password:
ldapadmin123 > Start the directory server.

STEP 15: run the PSI file in command prompt by giving its path and give
setup.vbs for installation.
Step 16: After running PSI file installer page will be opened.
Step 17: accept the license agreement.
Step 18: Click on new product installation for new installation.

Step 19: Select product lifecycle management options which you needed.
Step 20: Select Database software as sql server.

Step 21: disable windchill performance advisor.

Step 22: Select the drive in which you to have install.
Step 23: Give sql username and password.

Base distinguished name for ldap users: o=ptc

LDAP Password: ldapadmin123

Step 23: Give sql username and password (wcsqldb and password:
Step 24: Give ptc user name and password (you have ptc account you can

Step 24: Give ptc administration name and password (wcadmin, wcadmin)

Step 25: Give ptc administration name and password (wcadmin, wcadmin)
Succes s ful ins
Common errors:
1. This is observed at the SQL tab while installing WC using PTC solution installer.

• Open SQL server configuration manager

• Drop down “SQL server network configuration”.

2. This is observed during the installation of Windchill DS through PTC solution

• Check LAX_VM path for jdk 8 version is set or not.
Exercise 4 - Creo-Windchill Integration
Exercise: 04 Creo-Windchill Integration
1. Registering with PDMLink server
1. Go to file> Manage session> Server Manager in Creo


3. Following screen is shown

4. Go to server> Register New server

5. Provide name as Windchill

6. Provide URL in location as http://rmkec.windchill.com/Windchill

7. Click on check

8. Click on Check and then click on ok button. Provide user credentials.

9. Set Server as Primary and Activate Workspace

2. Creating new part in Creo and uploading it to PDMLink

1. Select server and activate workspace and set as primary.

2. As a best practice create your own workspace.

3. Click on workspace

4. Uploading newly created data or first time uploading data from disk

5. Create a part and from menu select action, File> Check- In > Custom Check In

6. Click on “Ok”

7. Select “Model & viewable” option.

8. Select location for part and click on next

Set location

9. Click on Finish

10. Creo Part is created in windchill

3. Modifying existing part from server
There are many ways. One is given below

11. Go to File open> Windchill cabinets> Products>

12. Go to respective product or library as shown below and click on open

13. Click to modify component.

14. Following message will be prompted.

15. Modify file and check in back by using following action

Rest of process of Check-In of component is same

Exercise 5 - Navigation into Windchill Database
Exercise – 05 – Windchill Navigation
Login into Windchill – demo / demo
Navigate to the Home Page
View the available groups displayed in the home page
Collapse, Expand the Updates and Tasks groups
Add new tables – Discussions and Subscriptions
Reorder the tables
Use the Navigation Bar to browse the Products and Libraries
Open Product – Golf Cart
View the Details page
View the Folders page
Navigate to the Design folder to see the table listing Parts and CAD data in Design folder
Use “Recently Accessed” to open one of the parts recently viewed
Use Quick Links to Open Windchill Help Centre
Search for Information
Login into Windchill – demo / demo
Use Navigation Bar to select Search
Search for Part - *axle*
Select and view the information page of one of the parts from search result – Wheel_axle
Modify the search criteria to search for other parts
Viewing information in Tables
Login into Windchill – demo / demo
Use Navigation Bar to select Search and search for Part - *axle*
Expand the Search Result Window by dragging the Navigation Bar
View and Manipulate the Search Results Table
Change the Sort order Sort on Name
Reorder to Name to appear before Number column
Freeze Table to Name Column
Customize view to add additional column – Last Modified By
Viewing Designs with Creo View
Login into Windchill – demo / demo
Use Recently Accessed to open End Item “Golf Cart” and select the Details Tab
Click on the graphic Thumbnail to open the CAD visualization
Exercise 05 – Navigation into Windchill Database

1. Login into Windchill – demo / demo

1. Start Windchill Shell→Windchill start.

2. Click Winchill PDMLink Book mark
3. Login User: demo
Password: demo
2. TabNavigate to the Home Page

a. View the part attributes

1 b.

1. Select Home icon from Welcome Page/Navigator

2. Home page
3. Groups displayed
4. Table display of a single Group


5. Click the icon to toggle between Collapse/Expand Table.


6. Click customize select checkbox Subscriptions & Discussions(Add new table)

7. Discussion & Subscription tables


Reorder the tables

8. Drag and drop the group to order of our choice

Navigate to Product – Golf Cart and folder – Design

1. Select Browser→Product→Select GOLF_CART

2. Select icon to expand the GOLF_CART
3. Select Detail or Folder to view the content
4. View the contents of Folder(follow the same for details)

Navigate to the Design folder to see the table listing Parts
and CAD data in Design folder


Follow steps 1-4

5. Select Design folder.
6. Parts listed in table
7. CAD part
8. Recently Accessed icon
9. Select a part from table
10. Quick Links
Use Quick Links to Open Windchill Help Centre
1. 11

11. Quick link→Help→Windchill Help Center→PTC Winchill help Center window.

Find the required topic of help from this window
Exercise 02 – Search for Information
Use Navigation Bar to select Search


3 3a


Follow Steps from previous Exercise to login as Demo

Search for Part - *axle*
Select and view the information page of one of the parts from search result – Wheel_axle

1. Navigator→Search
2. Advance search
3. Keyword type→*axle*→Search(3a,3b parameter for search)
4. Search Result


Modify the search criteria to search for other parts

Modify the search criteria to search for other parts

5. Modify by Edit Search Criteria

Search can saved which is available in Search History and saved searches.
6. Change parameter to conduct new part / modify existing search

Exercise 03–Viewing information in Tables
a. Login into Windchill – demo / demo
b. Use Navigation Bar to select Search and search for Part - *axle*

Exercise 3 a,3 b(Follow Steps from Ex 1 & Ex 2)

c. Expand the Search Result Window by dragging the Navigation Bar

1. Drag the Navigator tab to view the complete detail of the Search table
2. Complete details of the search

Exercise 03–Viewing information in Tables
d. View and Manipulate the Search Results Table
1. Change the Sort order Sort on Name
2. Reorder to Name to appear before Number column
3. Freeze Table to Name Column
4. Customize view to add additional column – Last Modified By

3 4

Change the Sort order Sort on Name

3. Sort by number
4. Sort by Name
5. Name is sorted

Reorder to Name to appear before Number column

6. Swap the number by Name
7. Result of reorder

5 6
3. Freeze Table to Name Column
4. Customize view to add additional column – Last Modified By

Freeze Table to Name Column

8. Lock the column(lock the column(Name) to right of it fixed & left Moveable )
9. Result Table(Side bar to move )
10. Name is sorted

4. Customize view to add additional column – Last Modified By


Customize view to add additional column – Last Modified By

11. Column→Last Modified
12. Result Table

Exercise 04–Viewing Designs with Creo View
a. View and Manipulate the Login into Windchill – demo / demo
b. Use Recently Accessed to open End Item “Golf Cart” and select the
Details Tab
c. Click on the graphic Thumbnail to open the CAD visualization

Exercise 4 a, 4 b(Follow Steps from Ex 1 & Ex 2)

Click on the graphic Thumbnail to open the CAD visualization

1. Detail→click→Display in Cero view
Exercise 6 - Parts and BOM using Windchill
Exercise 06 – View Part and Product Structure

Login into Windchill – demo / demo

Use Recently Accessed to open End Item “Golf Cart” and select the details Tab
View the part attributes
Select the Structure Tab
View the Product Structure
View the BOM (Uses Tab)
View the Occurrence (Occurrence Tab)
View the part in Product Structure Explorer
Create Parts

Login into Windchill – demo / demo

Navigate to Product – Golf Cart and folder – Design
Create new parts
Engine Assembly – CX 100
Cylinder Block Assembly – CX 100
Create Multiple Parts
Connecting Rod
Crank Shaft
Create Product Structure

Use Recently Accessed to open part Engine Assembly – CX 100

Edit BOM
Add the part Cylinder Block Assembly – CX 100
Edit Cylinder Block Assembly – CX 100 and add following parts
Piston – Qty 4
Connecting Rod – Qty 4
Crank Shaft – Qty 1
Create New Part to add to BOM – Piston Ring – 1
Edit BOM – Product Structure Explorer - Engine Assembly – CX 100
Edit BOM in draft mode - Cylinder Block Assembly – CX 100
Create and Add new Part – Cylinder Bore Liner – Qty 4
Edit Quantity for Piston Ring to 4
Save to commit the changes
Check in
Exercise 06 – View Part and Product Structure

1. Login into Windchill – demo / demo

1. Start Windchill Shell→Windchill start.

2. Click Winchill PDMLink Book mark
3. Login User: demo
Password: demo
2. Use Recently Accessed to open End Item ―Golf Cart‖ and
select the details Tab

a. View the part attributes

1 b.

1. Select Recently Visited.

2. Select Product GOLF_CART → expands Product.
3. Select Details tab
4. View the part attributes

Select the Structure Tab

1. View the Product Structure

2. View the BOM (Uses Tab)
3. View the Occurrence (Occurrence Tab)
4. View the part in Product Structure Explorer

Exercise – Create Parts
Refer to Slide-1 for Demo Login
1. Navigate to Product – Golf Cart and folder – Design

1. Select Folder
2. Create new parts


Create Engine Assembly – CX 100 Fill Name, Number, Assembly Modes →Separable
1. Select New Part Icon.
2. New part window Type→Part→Finish 4. Part created.
3. Create as End Items→NO
Fill Name, Number, Assembly Modes →Separable Create Cylinder Assembly on same lines
For Assembly part

3. Create Multiple Parts

Create Multiple Parts

1. From Folder Content→Action→New→New Multiple Parts.
2. New part window Type→Part→Finish
3. New Multiple Parts→Name:


Exercise – Create Product Structure
Use Recently Accessed to open part Engine Assembly – CX

Add the part Cylinder Block Assembly

1. Recently accessed→Engine Assembly→Insert Existing Part
2. Insert Existing window Name→Cyclinder→Search
3. Search Result→OK

Edit Cylinder Block Assembly – CX 100 and add following parts
Piston – Qty 4
Connecting Rod – Qty 4
Crank Shaft – Qty 1
Create New Part to add to BOM – Piston Ring – 1
4. Recently accessed or Folder/Design→Cylinder Assembly→Structure→Insert Existing Part→ Insert -
Part→Name→Search→OK(Repeat procedure for Quantity)

Create New Part to add to BOM – Piston Ring – 1

1. Recently accessed or Folder/Design→Cylinder Assembly→Structure→Insert New Part

2. New Part→Name→OK

3. Final product structure with all the parts.

1 2



Part to add to BOM Piston – Qty 4

1. Recently accessed or Folder/Design→Cylinder Assembly→Structure→Use Tab→ Select Part→Edit Attribute value→
2. Edit Attribute value-Set: Quantity-To: Number required (for Piston 4)
3. Quantity is updated

Edit BOM Product Structure Explorer - Engine Assembly CX 100

Edit BOM in draft mode - Cylinder Block Assembly CX 100
Create and Add new Part Cylinder Bore Liner - Qty 4
Edit Quantity for Piston Ring to 4


Edit BOM Product Structure Explorer - Engine Assembly CX 100

Edit BOM in draft mode - Cylinder Block Assembly CX 100
Create and Add new Part Cylinder Bore Liner - Qty 4
Edit Quantity for Piston Ring to 4

1. Recently accessed or Folder/Design→Engine Assembly→StructureUse→Cyclinder Assembly

2. Uses Tab→New part
3. New update attributes →OK
4. Cylinder Bore Liner is created →Enter the Quantity value to 4(Edit attribute not required)
5. Edit Quantity for Piston Ring to 4(Refer to Part Add BOM from previous slide)

Check in
1. Check –in
a. Action menu, b. Right click on part
2. Part checked- in part iterated A1→A2

Exercise 7 - Document Management using Windchill
Exercise 07 - Document Management
Create Single and multiple documents or type “Document”
Golf Cart – Product Specification Document
Golf Cart – Customer Requirement Specifications
Golf Cart – Design Specifications
Golf Cart – Safety Specifications
Define a document structure
Edit Golf Cart – Product Specification Document
Add Customer Requirement Specifications, Design Specifications and Safety Specifications
Check Out, Modify and Check In a document
Replace a Document content
Revise Document
Associate a Document to a Part – Reference
Exercise 07 - Document Management
1. Create Single Document

1. Find the Product GOLF CART(Search/Recently Accessed)

2. Folder Design –Folder Contents : Select Create new Document.
a. View the part attributes 3


3. New Document Window.

4. Type (Sub-Type Available select/use Document) →Product Specification.
5. Primary Content Source → Drop-menu Select the location of based on location.
6. File Name→Choose File name to upload(depends on option from Step-5)
7. Name→Default File name is used
8. Next(Optional)/Finish
9. Set Attachment
10. 10a. attach File, 10b.attach URL, 10c.Physical location or hard copy location of Document.
11. Finish

10 a
10 b

10 a

10 c 10 b

10 c


12. Document created(Use above steps to create other documents -Customer Requirement Specifications,
Design Specifications ,Safety Specifications)
Create multiple documents

1. Design→Folder Contents→ Action→New→New Multiple Document window(Follow Steps 4-11 of

Creating document)
2. Documents created

Define a document structure
Edit Product specification Document

For Add Customer Requirement Specifications, Design Specifications and Safety Specification

1. Select the document for which product structure needs to created

3. Structure→Insert Existing(Step 3)/Insert New(Follow Steps 4-11 of Creating document)
4. Insert Existing Window→Name/Number→Search→Select file→OK
5. Add to product structure of Product specification

Check out, Modify and Check in Documents

Check Out/Check In
1. Search the part
2. Right click on the selected document/Select the part from Uses/CheckOut/CheckIn Tab →Check
Out/Check In.
Modify a Document
3. Select required part→Edit→Next→Save→CheckIn

Replace Document Content

1. Select Document→Edit→Edit window→Browse→ Select new document to replace →OK

Revise a Document
1. Select Document→Revise→New revision B is created →OK

Revision A
Associate a Document to a Part – Reference

1. Related Objects→Parts→Add describing part→Search part→Select→OK

2. Document associated to part

Exercise 8 -Change Management using Windchill
Exercise : 08 – Change Management
Define Problem Report
Creator: Mfg Engineer
Issue: Lower Arm Support – Breaking during rough Handling
Effected Part: / Effected End Item : Golf Cart
Define Change Request to Address the problem
Creator – Design Engineer
Proposed Solution : Increase Thickness
Effected Part: / Effected End Item : Golf Cart
Observe the Problem Report status chage
Define Change Notice
Creator : Design Team Leader
Change Task : Modify Design – New Revision
Assignee: Design Engineer Reviewer: Design Team Lead
Effected Item: Resulting Item:
Complete the Change Task, Change Notice process
Observe Status update on the Resulting Items, Change Request and Problem Report
Windchill – Change Management Process
Identify Issue – Problem Report
Describe Issue
Create Problem Report
Provides a name and description of the issue, along with other attribute information such as category and priority
Provide affected end items, additional affected objects, and attachments

Review Issue
Discussions and Commenting on the issue

Submit Issue
Initiates workflow and routes the issue to Change Administrator I

Change Admin I analyze the issue
Information page of Problem report provides Details, Process, and History

Confirm / Reject
Change Administrator I adds comments and Confirms or Rejects Problem report
If the problem report is rejected, the process ends.
If it is accepted, it moves forward in the workflow to the change request phase
Identify Issue – Problem Report
Request Change – Change Request
Request Change
Create Change Request
Provide information : Name and description, category,
priority, need date
Provide proposed solutions, and associated costs
Submit ECR to initiate workflow
Change Administrator I analyze ECR and decide to:
Proceed with further analysis and implementation
Send the change request back for further clarification or
Reject the change request and end the process
Classify ECR as Simple or Complex based on impact of
Request Change – Change Request
Conduct Change Review Board Meeting
Change Administrator I ensures that the required analysis
is performed and recorded in the change request prior to
meeting with the change review board
Approve Change Request
change review board uses the change request
information to:
Reject, approve, or send the change request back for further
analysis and clarification
If the change request is approved, it proceeds to change
planning and the creation of the change notice
Request Change – Change Request
Plan Change – Change Notice / Change Task
Develop Plan
Create Change Notice – Lead Engineer
Create from Change Request or from the Object to be changed
Provide information - name, description, complexity, and a date
that the change must be completed.

Define Activities
The planner creates one or more change activities
Work tasks
Affected data
Assigned resources
Schedule, and sequencing
When all the tasks have been defined, the planner completes
the change notice.
The workflow advances the change notice for plan approval to
the person performing the role of Change Administrator II
Plan Change – Change Notice / Change Task
Approve Change Notice
Change Administrator II reviews the Change Notice
Approve if Simple Plan
If large and complex Plan, schedule Change Implementation
board meeting
Each company can define the criteria for deciding if the change
notice must be reviewed.
Change review board meeting reviews:
Overall plan
Downstream impact on other products,
Disposition of existing inventory. T
The change plan can be approved, rejected, or sent back for
Change Implementation – Change Task / Change Notice
The change notice planner specifies whether a completed change
task requires review
The reviewer checks to see that the work is complete and verifies
that the work instructions have been followed
When all change task reviews for a change notice are complete,
the change notice is forwarded by the workflow to Change
administrator III for audit
The change administrator completes the audit task and the
workflow proceeds to the release step

Release Deliverables
The change notice workflow promotes the new object versions to
the released state
Sends an email notification that the change notice is complete
When change notice is complete, the workflow completes the
change request and problem reports
Plan and Implement Change – Change Notice
Plan and Implement Change – Change Task
Physical Implementation – Change Notice
The implementation of new product designs in production depends on manufacturing schedules.
therefore, the change process is not finalized until new part designs are fabricated and assembled
Windchill also provides the ability to address variances to product specifications using the
variance processes
Deviation Request
Deviation Request
A request for permission to depart from production specifications prior to producing the parts
A request for acceptance of materials that have already been produced but do not conform to
Exercise :08- Change Management
Define Problem Report

1 3

1. Select Lower_Supp_Barfrom Recently Accessed→Change

2. Actions→New→New Problem report
3. New Problem report
4. New Problem report →4a Name: problem description,4b Requester: Creator,4b Requester: Creator
4c Category: Select from drop down, 4d Priority: Select from drop down, 4e Need Date: Select Date
5. Next




Exercise : Change Management
Define Problem Report

3 6

6. New Problem Report→Find Affected End Items(Fill search criteria)→Search→Search-Results→OK→Next

7. Select Affected Objects: Add Affected Objects→ Find Affected Objects)→Search→Search-Results→OK→Next

Exercise : Change Management
Define Problem Report

8. Set Attachment→Add attachment→Browse→Upload Window→Select File→Open→Finish

9. Problem report created

Exercise : Change Management
Define Change Request to Address the problem
3. TabNavigate to the Home Page


1. Problem Report
2. Actions→New→New Change Request
3. New Change Request
4. New Change Request→4a Name: Solution description,4b Category: Select from drop down,4c Priority: Select from
drop down, 4d Need Date: Select Date
5. Finish
6. Follow Steps 6-7(Define Problem Report)




Exercise : Change Management
Define Change Request to Address the problem
4. TabNavigate to the Home Page

10. Set Attachment→Add attachment→Browse→Upload Window→Select File→Open→Finish

11. Change Request Created

Exercise : Change Management
Define Change Notice
5. TabNavigate to the Home Page

7. Change request
8. Actions→New→New change notice
9. New Change Request
10. Name :
11. Set attachments Follow Steps 6-7(Define Problem Report)
12. Finish

Exercise : Change Management
Define Change Notice
6. TabNavigate to the Home Page

7. Change Notice Created

Exercise : Change Management
Change Task

13. Change Notice→Implementation Plan

14. New change Task →Edit→
15. New change Task
16. Name :
17. Search to fill Assignee/Reviewer
18. User window→ Search result
19. OK

3 6

Exercise : Change Management
Change Task: Effected Item & Resulting Item:

11 10

20. New Change Task→Select Affected resulting Objects→Add affected/Related Objects

21. Find affected/Related Objects →Search results
22. ok
23. Finish
24. Change Task

Exercise : Change Management
Modify Design – New Revision

25. Change Task→Details

26. Affected Objects →Action→Edit
27. Edit change Task
28. Select the Affected objects
29. Revise
30. Revise Window→Revision B for the Part is created based on Design Change notice
31. OK→Finish

3 6

Exercise : Change Management

1. Change Notice→Status: Implementation

2. Action→Set State→Resolved
3. State changed to resolved
Note: Change Task: Resolved →Change Notice : Resolved →Problem Report : Resolved

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