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Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry

The Journal of Metabolic Diseases

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Inhibition of notch signalling and mesangial

expansion by combined glucagon like peptide-1
agonist and crocin therapy in animal model of
diabetic nephropathy

Shaimaa Nasr Amin , Eman Mumtaz El-Gamal , Laila Ahmed Rashed , Samaa
Samir Kamar & Maged Ahmed Haroun

To cite this article: Shaimaa Nasr Amin , Eman Mumtaz El-Gamal , Laila Ahmed Rashed ,
Samaa Samir Kamar & Maged Ahmed Haroun (2020): Inhibition of notch signalling and
mesangial expansion by combined glucagon like peptide-1 agonist and crocin therapy
in animal model of diabetic nephropathy, Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, DOI:

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Published online: 07 Dec 2020.

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Inhibition of notch signalling and mesangial expansion by combined glucagon

like peptide-1 agonist and crocin therapy in animal model of diabetic
Shaimaa Nasr Amina,b , Eman Mumtaz El-Gamalb, Laila Ahmed Rashedc, Samaa Samir Kamard and
Maged Ahmed Harounb‡
Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Hashemite University, Zarqaa, Jordan; bDepartment of Medical Physiology,
Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt; cDepartment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt;
Department of Histology and Cell Biology, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt


Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the devastating complications in diabetes mellitus (DM). Received 28 April 2020
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is one of the incretins secreted from L cells in the intestine. Crocin (a Revised 21 October 2020
carotenoid component of saffron) has antioxidants properties. We investigated the renal effects of Accepted 26 October 2020
Exendin-4 as a GLP-1 agonist and Crocin in DN. Published online 26 Novem-
ber 2020
Thirty male rats were divided into five groups: control, type II DM, type II DM þ Exendin-4, type II
DM þ Crocin and type II DM þ Exendine-4 þ Crocin. At the end of the experimental period, systolic KEYWORDS
and diastolic blood pressures were measured, and GFR was calculated. Blood and urine samples were Diabetic nephropathy; GLP-
collected for biochemical analysis. Tissue samples were collected from the kidney for histological 1 agonist; saffron; Crocin;
examination and biochemical measurements of protein expression. notch signalling
Treatment with GLP-1 agonist or Crocin caused a significant improvement in renal function. Better
results were achieved with simultaneous administration of both drugs with inhibition of notch signal-
ling pathway and the related proteins.

Introduction activities (Bahmani et al. 2016) and improve the insulin resist-
ance caused by a high-fat diet (Mahdavifard et al. 2016).
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the devastating compli-
It is important to elucidate the molecular effects of the
cations in diabetes mellitus (DM). The pathophysiological
proposed renoprotective agents on critical signalling path-
mechanisms of DN are multifactorial involving immuno-
ways of DN like Notch signalling pathway (Benedito
logical, inflammatory and microvascular abnormalities that
et al. 2012).
affect the levels and functions of advanced glycation end The notch is a single-spanning transmembrane protein.
products (AGEs) and their receptor; receptor of advanced gly- The cell interaction mechanism depends on interactions
cation end products (RAGE), asymmetric dimethylarginine between the Notch receptor expressed on the surface of one
(ADMA), and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) cell, and membrane-bound ligands expressed on the surface
(Hazman and Bozkurt 2015; Yoon et al. 2016). of its neighbours (Guruharsha et al. 2012).
There are different proteins and natural substances that Notch signalling activation requires interaction with other
showed a beneficial effect on glucose homeostasis including signalling pathways like; hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1),
glucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1) and saffron. GLP-1 is one of transforming growth factor (TGF-b) and vascular endothelial
the incretins, augments glucose-induced insulin release from growth factor (VEGF) (Niranjan et al. 2009).
pancreatic b-cells, suppresses glucagon secretion, and slows Notch signalling may be induced in mature podocytes by
gastric emptying. GLP-1 receptor agonist, Exendin-4, amelio- high glucose as in DM, TGF, or ischaemia, and its activation
rates albuminuria and glomerular hyperfiltration (Ozaki linked to podocyte dedifferentiation, glomerulosclerosis, and
et al. 2000). apoptosis (Yoon et al. 2016).
The other substance with a protective action is Saffron; Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate and
the dried stigmata of the flowers of saffron. Crocin, crocetin, compare the renal protective effect of Exendin-4 as a GLP-1
and safranal are the primary active constituents of saffron. agonist and Crocin in DN and demonstrate the molecular
Saffron, Crocin, crocetin, and safranal have high antioxidant mechanism for renal protection offered in DN and more

CONTACT Shaimaa Nasr Amin Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Hashemite University, Zarqaa, Jordan;
Department of Medical Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Department of Histology and Cell Biology, Armed Forces College of Medicine, Egypt

Department of medical physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Modern University for Technology and Information Cairo, Egypt
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

specifically we aimed to clarify the role of Notch signalling in a thermostatically controlled heating cabinet (Ugo Basile,
and how the given renal protective agents affect Italy) for better detection of tail artery pulse, the tail passed
this pathway. through a miniaturised cuff, and a tail-cuff sensor connected
to an amplifier (model ML 125 NIBP, AD instruments Pty.
Ltd., Sydney, Australia) and BP recorded on a chart (Irvine
Materials and methods
et al. 1997).
The ethical and scientific committee of the Physiology Blood samples were collected from retro-orbital venous
Department and Cairo University approved the research sinuses to measure serum glucose, insulin, Blood urea nitro-
protocol, experimental steps, animal handling, and gen, creatinine, and copeptin. After blood samples collection
scarification. for biochemical measurements, rats sacrificed, and euthan-
asia measures followed. Kidneys were removed and blotted
using filter paper to remove traces of blood. The right kid-
Experimental animals and study groups neys were prepared for histopathological examination and
Thirty male albino rats, body weights ranging from 120 to the left kidneys taken for biochemical measurements.
150 grams were used as animal models. The rats maintained
under the same environmental conditions with free access to
Biochemical measurements
food and water at standard day time and dark cycles.
Animals acclimatised their environment for one week before Measurement of Fasting Blood Glucose: The blood glucose
starting the experiment. Rats were divided randomly into the assayed by the method adopted by Trinder (1975). The kits
following five groups (6 rats/group): were supplied by Diamond Diagnostics, Cairo, Egypt.
-Group I (Control group): fed on standard chow for the Measurement of serum insulin by enzyme-linked immuno-
entire study duration, received a vehicle. assay (ELISA) kits (DRG, USA) according to the manufacturer’s
-Group II (Type II DM) fed on a high-fat diet (HFD) (60% instructions.
Kcal fat) for two weeks followed by injection with a single Homeostasis Model Assessment of insulin resistance
dose of streptozocin (STZ) (Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co., St. (HOMA-IR):
Louis, MO, USA) (45 mg/kg) intraperitoneal (i.p) dissolved in HOMA ¼ glucose (mmol/dL) x insulin (mIU/mL)]/22.5.
freshly prepared 0.1 M citrate buffer (pH ¼ 4.5) (Okoduwa HOMA value of more than 4.0 is an index for insulin
et al. 2017) with no further treatment. We supplied a 5% glu- resistance (Becker et al. 2005).
cose solution orally to the rats to prevent hypoglycaemia Measurement of blood urea nitrogen: Serum urea was esti-
during the first 24 h following the STZ injection. After one mated by the QuantiChromTM Urea Assay kit (DIUR-500,
week, we measured the blood glucose, and rats with blood USA) according to manufacturer instructions.
glucose levels of more than 200 mg/dl enrolled in the study Measurement of serum and urine creatinine: Serum and
(Kaur et al. 2017). urine creatinine estimated by QuantiChromTM creatinine
-Group III (DM þ Exendin-4): treated with Exendin-4 as a Assay Kit.
GLP-1 agonist (Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo, Measurement of Urinary albumin execration: urine samples
USA) in Phosphate buffered saline (10 lg/kg body weight) collected for twenty-four hours using metabolic cages.
for four weeks by subcutaneous injection in the morning Before this stage, rats were fed once before being deprived
once daily (Boshra and Elkashef 2017). of food for one day, yet, still have free access to water.
-Group IV (DM þ Crocin): treated with Crocin (Sigma- Assessment of urinary albumin by using Albuwell M Kit:
Aldrich Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo, USA), the active ingredi- Murine Microalbuminuria ELISA (DiaComp, USA).
ent of saffron (100 mg/kg) for four weeks by IP (Shirali Urine protein Spot test (urine albumin creatinine ratio):
et al. 2013). Albumin creatinine ratio (ACR) is a ratio between albumin
Group V-DM þ Exendin-4þ Crocin: treated with Exendin-4 (reported in mg/dl) and creatinine (reported in g/dl).
and Crocin in the same doses and duration as in group III Albuminuria is diagnosed when ACR is higher than 30 mg
and IV. albumin/g creatinine (Haneda et al. 2015).
We calculated ACR after 4 weeks of induction of DM
Diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy onset (ACR1) and at the end of the work (ACR2).
Calculation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR): Using modi-
After induction of diabetes, rats left untreated to induce early fied Cockcroft-Gault equation for GFR calculation, Creatinine
DN (Morsy et al. 2014). After four weeks, albumin: creatinine clearance: Ccr ¼ (Cu/Cs)  V [Cu: concentration of creatinine
ratios on morning spot urine collections calculated. Values in the urine, Cs: the concentration of creatinine in serum,
higher than 30 mg albumin/g creatinine considered to have and V: the urine flow rate in milliliters/minute] (Adewole
DN (Haneda et al. 2015). et al. 2010).
Measurement of plasma copeptin: By ELISA Kit
(MyBioSource, USA) according to manufacturer’s instructions
Blood pressure measurement
Measurement of kidney RAGE, ICAM-1, ADMA: by using
The tail-cuff technique is a non-invasive method to measure ELISA Kit for RAGE, ICAM-1, and ADMA (kits supplied by
systolic pressure in rats. Animals warmed for 30 min at 28  C MyBioSource, USA).

Table 1. PCR primer sequence. temperature with 5% (w/v) skimmed milk powder in PBS.
Name Sequence The manufacturer’s instructions followed for the primary anti-
Jagged1 forward primer: 50 AACTGGTAC-CGGTGCGAA30 body reactions. Following blocking, the blots developed
HES-1 forward primer: 50 CGACACCGGACAAACCA-AA30
using antibodies for notch and beta-actin supplied by
reverse primer: 50 GAATGTCTGCCTTCTCCAGCTT30 (Thermo scientific, Rockford, Illinois, USA) incubated over-
DL4 forward primer, 50 - CTGCCTGCCTGGATGTGAT 30 night at pH 7.6 at 4  C with gentle shaking. After washing,
reverse primer, 50 - AGACAGCCTGGATAGCGGATA 30
HEY-1 forward primer: 50 - AAGAAGGACCTCCGGCTCT 30 peroxidase-labeled secondary antibodies were added, and
reverse primer, 50 -TGACTCAGAATCTGGC5GTATTTC-30 the membranes incubated at 37  C for 1 h. Band intensity
b-actin forward primer, 50 - AAGCCACCCCACTTCTCTCTAA 30 was analysed by the ChemiDocTM imaging system with
reverse primer, 50 -AATGCTATCACCTCCCCTGTGT-30
Image LabTM software version 5.1 (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.,
HES-1: hairy and enhancer of split; DL4: delta-like 4; Hey1: hairy/enhancer-of-
split related with YRPW motif protein 1. Hercules, CA, USA). The results expressed as arbitrary units
after normalisation for b-actin protein expression
Measurement of kidney NO product: measured by
Colorimetric Determination (Montgomery and Dymock 1961).
Histological examination
Kidney specimens were obtained, sectioned, and immediately
Real-Time PCR fixed in 10% formol saline for 24 h. Paraffin blocks were proc-
RNA extraction and reverse transcription RNA was extracted essed, and 5 lm thick sections were subjected to
from tissue using the ToTAL LY RNA Kit protocol and Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) to elucidate the morpho-
reagents (Ambion, Austin, TX). RNA integrity and quantity logical changes and Periodic acid Schiff (PAS) reaction coun-
were assessed on Nano Lab Chip Kit (Agilent Technologies). terstained with haematoxylin (Bancroft and Gamble 2008).
Reverse transcription performed using the AMV reverse tran- Morphometry: Using "Leica Qwin 500 C" image analyser
scriptase kit (A3500; Promega) according to manufacturer’s (Cambridge, UK), assessment of the area percent (%) of the
instruction. glomerular mesangium in PAS stained sections measured in
Real-time PCR analysis real-time PCR performed using 10 non-overlapping high power fields (x400)/rat.
step one plus System (Applied Biosystems). For the PCR step,
SYBR Green 1 Buffer (Applied Biosystems), forward and
Statistical analysis
reverse primers used shown in Table 1, and complementary
DNA template. Real-time PCR was run for 1 cycle (508 C for By SPSS 21(IBM SPSS Statistics 21; IBM Corporation, New
2 min, 958 C for 10 min) followed by 40 cycles (958 C for 15 s, York, USA), data expressed as mean ± standard deviation
608 C for 60 s),. Data were analysed using a comparative crit- (Mean ± SD), a comparison of quantitative variables between
ical threshold (Ct) method in which the amount of target the groups done using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with
normalised to the amount of endogenous control relative to Bonferroni post hoc test. Results were considered statistically
control value (Applied Biosystems). significant at p  0.05 (Altman 2005).

Detection of VEGF and TGF BETA Results

They were detected by ELISA kit supplied by MyBiosource Table 2 demonstrates blood pressure measurements in the
(San Diego, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instruction. studied group:
-Systolic blood pressure was significantly increased (p 
.05) in the diabetic group compared to the control group.
Western blot analysis
Treatment with Exendin-4 or Crocin or simultaneous adminis-
UsingV3 Western Workflow Complete System, Bio-Rad tration of both drugs significantly decreased (p  .05) sys-
Hercules, CA, USA): Briefly, proteins were extracted from tis- tolic blood pressure compared to the diabetic group but
sue homogenates using ice-cold radioimmunoprecipitation could not return SBP to average values.
assay buffer supplemented with phosphatase and protease -Diastolic blood pressure was significantly increased (p 
inhibitors (50 mmol/L sodium vanadate, 0.5 mM phenylme- .05) in the diabetic group compared to the control group.
thylsulphonyl fluoride, 2 mg/mL aprotinin, and 0.5 mg/mL Treatment with Exendin-4 or Crocin or simultaneous adminis-
leupeptin), then centrifugation at 12,000 rpm for 20 min. The tration of both drugs significantly decreased (p  .05) dia-
protein concentration for each sample was determined using stolic blood pressure compared to the diabetic group, but
the Bradford assay. Equal amounts of protein (20–30 mg of only simultaneous administration of both drugs returned
total protein) were separated by SDS/polyacrylamide gel DBP to normal.
electrophoresis (10% acrylamide gel) using a Bio-Rad Mini- -Mean blood pressure was significantly increased (p  .05)
Protein II system. The protein transferred to polyvinylidene in the diabetic group compared to the control group.
difluoride membranes (Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA) with a Bio- Treatment with Exendin-4 or Crocin or simultaneous adminis-
Rad Trans-Blot system. After transfer, the membranes were tration of both drugs significantly decreased (p  .05) mean
washed with PBS and were blocked for one h at room blood pressure compared to the diabetic group, but only

Table 2. Arterial blood pressure measurement and glomerular filtration rate in the studied groups.
Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
SBP (mmHg) 115.667 ± 3.669 160.667 ± 6.282 137.333 ± 2.732# 137.833 ± 3.544 # 133.667 ± 6.532 #
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000)
DBP (mmHg) 86.167 ± 6.675 118.667 ± 3.614 105.333 ± 1.366# 96.333 ± 2.875 #$ 93.167 ± 5.344 #$
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (P¼.005/#P¼.000/$P¼.016) (#P¼.000/$P¼.001)
MBP (mmHg) 95.833 ± 4.792 276.00 ± 11.171 116.00 ± 1.788 # 110.167 ± 3.060 # 106.667 ± 5.428 #
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (P¼.005/#P¼.000) (#P¼.000)
GFR (ml/min/ kg) 19.226 ± 6.206 3.944 ± 1.830 7.350 ± 1.988 5.113 ± 3.246 22.099 ± 13.09#$^
(P¼.006) (P¼.05) (P¼.012) (#P¼.001/$P¼.008/^P¼.002)
Group I: control; Group II: DM; Group III: DM þ Exendin-4; Group IV: DM þ Crocin; Group V: DM þ Exendin-4 þ Crocin.
SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; MBP: mean blood pressure; GFR: glomerular filtration rate.
Significant compared to control at p  .05.
Significant compared to T2DM group at p  .05.
Significant compared to T2DM þ GLP-1 at p  .05.

Significant compared to T2DM þ Crocin at p  .05.

Table 3. Serum and urine biochemical measurements in the studied groups.

Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Serum glucose (mg/dl) 94.233 ± 13.350 270.533 ± 42.600 140.083 ± 27.477# 173.517 ± 15.322# 108.783 ± 10.646#^
(P¼.000) (P¼.038/#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000/^P¼.001)
Serum Insulin (uIU/l) 6.951 ± 1.465 18.366 ± 3.521 11.033 ± 1.607# 10.100 ± 1.457# 8.803 ± 1.360#
(P¼.000) (P¼.020/#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000)
HOMA-IR 1.639±.502 12.192 ± 2.699 3.835±.982# 4.158±.710# 1.636±.303#^
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (P¼.034/#P¼.000) (P¼.000/^P¼.034)
Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dl) 39.017 ± 11.133 92.800 ± 18.783 64.250 ± 9.465# 72.717 ± 8.800 54.367 ± 8.575#
(P¼.000) (P¼.012/#P¼.004) (P¼.001) (#P¼.000)
Serum creatinine (mg/dl) .163±.047 1.468±.502 .555±.201# .635±.082# .365±.134#
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (P¼.034/#P¼.000) (#P¼.000)
Serum copeptin (ng/ml) 15.233 ± 2.977 97.133 ± 12.123 50.383 ± 13.432# 58.203 ± 10.582# 32.033 ± 12.423#^
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000/^P¼.004)
ACR 1 (mg/g) 9.524±.450 32.870 ± 3.310 29.760 ± 4.565 31.578 ± 2.906 30.712 ± 1.435
(P¼.000) (P¼.000) (P¼.000) (P¼.000)
ACR2 (mg/g) 10.293 ± 1.190 61.948 ± 7.539 33.702 ± 4.181# 48.581 ± 1.7786$# 18.002 ± 1.58#$^
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#$P¼.000) (P¼.028/#$^P¼.000)
Group I: control; Group II: DM; Group III: DM þ Exendin-4; Group IV: DM þ Crocin; Group V: DM þ Exendin-4 þ Crocin; RAGE: receptors for glycation end products,
ICAM 1: intercellular adhesion molecule-1; ADMA: asymmetric dimethyl argentine; NO: nitric oxide, ACR1: albumin creatinine ratio 4 weeks after induction of dia-
betes mellitus; ACR2: albumin creatinine ratio at the end of the work.
Significant compared to control at p  .05.
Significant compared to T2DM group at p  .05.
Significant compared to T2DM þ GLP-1 at p  .05.

Significant compared to T2DM þ Crocin at p  .05.

simultaneous administration of both drugs returned MBP -Albumin creatinine ratio1 (after four weeks of induction
to normal. of DM) was significantly increased (p  .05) in all four groups
-GFR was significantly decreased (p  .05) in the diabetic compared to the control group. No significant difference in
group compared to the control group. Simultaneous admin- albumin creatinine ratio (p  .05) between the four groups.
istration of both drugs significantly increased (p  .05) GFR -Albumin creatinine ratio2 (at the end of the experiment;
compared to the diabetic group and compared to treatment after eight weeks of DM) significantly increased (p  .05) in the
with each drug alone. diabetic group compared to the control group. Treatment with
Table 3 shows the results of serum and urine biochemical Exendin-4 or Crocin or simultaneous administration of both
measurements: drugs significantly decreased (p  .05) albumin creatinine ratio
-The serum glucose level was significantly increased (p  compared to the diabetic group but still significantly increased
.05) in the diabetic group compared to the control group. (p  .05) compared to control group. Treatment with Crocin
Treatment with Exendin-4or Crocin or simultaneous adminis- alone significantly increased (p  .05) albumin creatinine ratio
tration of both drugs significantly decreased (p  .05) serum compared to treatment with Exendin-4. Combined treatment
glucose compared to the diabetic group, with only simultan- significantly decreased (p  .05) albumin creatinine ratio com-
eous administration of both drugs returned serum glucose to pared to treatment with each separate drug.
average values. -Blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, and copeptin
-Serum insulin level and HOMA-IR were significantly were significantly increased (p  .05) in the diabetic group
increased (p  .05) in the diabetic group compared to the compared to the control group. Treatment with Exendin-4
control group. Treatment with Exendin-4 or Crocin or simul- alone and combined treatment by GLP-1 agonist and Crocin
taneous administration of both drugs significantly decreased significantly decreased (p  .05) blood urea nitrogen and
(p  .05) serum insulin and HOMA-IR compared to the dia- plasma creatinine compared to the diabetic group.
betic group. Treatment with Exendin-4 and simultaneous -Table 4 shows the measurements of renal biochemical
administration of GLP-1 agonist and Crocin returned HOMA- measurements (notch1, JAGGED1, DL4, HES1, HEY1), TGF-b,
IR to near normal and control levels, respectively. VEGF, RAGE, ICAM-1, and ADMA: there was as significant (p

Table 4. Kidney biochemical measurements in the studied groups.

Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
NOTCH1(Relative Expression) 1.006±.01033 6.616 ± 1.2205 3.258±.27279# 3.350±.59582# 1.636±.27869#$^
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (P#^.000/$P¼.002)
JAGGED1(Relative Expression) 1.0067±.008 6.410±.694 3.7017±.2778# 3.4967±.557# 2.65±.333#$^
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#^P¼ .000 /$P¼.003)
DL4(Relative Expression) 1.01±.01549 8.35 ± 1.11669 4.093±.23619# 4.33±.46332# 3.038±.6741#$^
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000/$P¼.007/^P¼.014
HES1(Relative Expression) 1.001±.00408 6.083±.702 2.783±.47504# 3.250±.62530# 1.905±.2781#$^
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (P¼.019/#P¼.000/$P¼.002/^P¼.021)
HEY1(Relative Expression) 1.0033±.008 5.1833±.904 2.6683±.22807# 2.6900±.3885# 2.1700±.21194#
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000)
TGF-b (pg/mg protein) 58.46 ± 5.90 159.11 ± 18.57 87.5 ± 2.501# 95.75 ± 6.8570# 74.43 ± 9.082#$^
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000/$P¼.077/^P¼.010)
VEGF (pg/mg protein) 34.13 ± 3.0237 111.13 ± 7.56 62.53 ± 10.57# 52.70 ± 3.7218# 48.71 ± 3.79#$
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (P¼.001/#P¼.000) (P¼.044/#P.000/$P¼.049)
RAGE (pg/mg protein) 96.333 ± 14.112 207.467 ± 18.359 137.783 ± 15.305# 142.617 ± 17.141# 121.367 ± 13.387#
(P¼.000) (P¼.001/#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000)
ICAM 1 (pg/ml) 30.233 ± 5.867 128.836 ± 24.655 71.800 ± 12.002 # 84.583 ± 4.889 # 49.666 ± 12.954 #^
(P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000) (#P¼.000/ ^P¼.002)
ADMA (ng/mg protein) 2.558±.657 13.150 ± 4.291 6.768 ± 2.251# 7.090 ± 1.241# 3.995 ± 1.715#
(P¼.000) (#P¼.001) (P¼.030/#P¼.002) (#P¼.000)
NO product (nmol/mg protein) 27.116 ± 7.659 8.323 ± 1.580 15.333 ± 2.802# 13.583 ± 2.819 17.550 ± 3.035#
(P¼.000) (P¼.000/#P¼.047) (P¼.000) (P¼.005/#P¼.007)
Group I: control; Group II: DM; Group III: DM þ Exendin-4; Group IV: DM þ Crocin; Group V: DM þ Exendin-4 þ Crocin; RAGE: receptors for glycation end products;
ICAM 1: intercellular adhesion molecule -1; ADMA: asymmetric dimethyl argentine; NO: nitric oxide.
Significant compared to control at p  .05.
Significant compared to T2DM group at p  .05.
Significant compared to T2DM þ GLP-1 at p  .05.

Significant compared to T2DM þ Crocin at p  .05.

Figure 1. Relative expression of renal notch1 by western blot analysis.


 .05) increase of their relative expression in diabetic group development of DN and higher systemic pressures (Arauz-
compared to control. Treatment with either Exendin-4 or Pacheco et al. 2002), which may be explained by the failure
Crocin significantly (p  .05) decreased the expression of of insulin to stimulate the secretion of NO by endothelial
these proteins compared to the diabetic group; however, the cells (Ginsberg 2000).
expression was significantly (p  .05) increased compared to Treatment with Exendin-4 caused a significant decrease (p
control. Simultaneous treatment with both drugs showed a  .05) in systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressures com-
synergistic effect, and the expression of notch1 (Figure 1), pared to the diabetic group. Golpon et al. (2001) proposed
TGF-b, RAGE, ICAM 1, and ADMA was restored to normal. direct dilatory effects on peripheral vasculature by GLP-
-NO product was significantly decreased (p  .05) in the through NO. Moreover, Yu et al. (2003) reported a diuretic
diabetic group compared to the control group. Only the sim- and natriuretic effects of GLP-1. Also, exogenous GLP-1
ultaneous administration of both drugs significantly reduced circulating angiotensin II levels (Skov et al. 2013).
increased (p  .05) NO product compared to the dia- Treatment with Crocin significantly decreased (p  .05)
betic group. systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressures compared to
Histological analysis of diabetic renal sections (Group II) the diabetic group, which agrees with Fatehi et al. (2003),
demonstrated dilated Bowman’s space, inflammatory cells where Saffron extract reduced the blood pressure in a dose-
infiltration, and degenerated vacuolation of the tubular epi- dependent manner. Another study by Imenshahidi et al.
thelium with sloughed epithelium in the lumen. Treatment (2010) reported that aqueous extract of saffron reduced the
of diabetic rats with Exendin-4 (Group III) or Crocin (Group MBP and suggested that both heart function and blood ves-
IV), displayed amelioration of renal injury, yet mild tubular
sels involved in this effect.
dilatation with few sloughed cells. Combined treatment with We revealed that better control of blood pressure (SBP,
Exendin-4 agonist and Crocin (Group V) provided further pro-
DBP, and MBP) was achieved with simultaneous administra-
tection of the kidney indicated by the restoration of renal
tion of both Exendin-4 and Crocin.
histology and architecture (Figure 2).
GFR was significantly decreased (p  .05) in the diabetic
Figure 3 illustrates a substantial increase in the mesangial
group compared to the control group, and this is in accord-
matrix deposition and destruction of the brush border of the
ance to Fernandes et al. (2016). Oxidative stress can promote
tubular epithelium in the diabetic group (Group II).
the formation of vasoactive mediators, causing renal vaso-
Application of GLP-1 agonist (Group III) or Crocin (Group IV)
constriction or decreasing the glomerular capillary ultrafiltra-
demonstrated moderate protection of the renal tissue indi-
tion coefficient (Craven et al. 1992).
cated by a decrease in the mesangial expansion and pre-
In our study, treatment with Exendin-4 or Crocin alone
served brush border. However, Group V (diabetic þ Exendin-4
causes a non-significant increase in GFR compared to the
þCrocin) illustrated the full protection of the renal cortex
diabetic group. However, Simultaneous administration of
from diabetic injury.
Quantitative analysis of the PAS-positive (þve) mesangial both drugs significantly increased (p  .05) GFR compared to
matrix showed significantly increased mean area % of the the diabetic group and compared to treatment with each
mesangial expansion in the diabetes group. Meanwhile, drug alone. In accordance with our results, a study by
Exendin-4 and Crocin treatment significantly ameliorated the Thomson et al. (2013) found that GLP-1 agonists caused GFR
mesangial matrix expansion compared to the diabetic group. to increase due to the vasodilation of the glomerulus.
However, combined Exendin-4 and Crocin treatment eluci- Moreover, Mahmoudzadeh et al. (2017) reported that ischae-
dated a significant decrease in the mesangial expansion as mia-reperfusion with pre-treatment with saffron extract
compared to Group 2, 3, and 4 (Figure 4). caused a significant increase in GFR.
Our results of the biochemical indicators that reflect the
glucose homeostasis and degree of renal dysfunction sup-
Discussion ported the protective effect of the given therapy.
In this work, we compared the protective effects of Crocin, Diabetic rats had significantly (p  .05) elevated blood
Exendin-4 as a GLP-1 agonist and a combination of glucose and insulin compared to the control group. Exendin-
Crocin þ exendin-4 to treat DNand evaluated the molecular 4 treatment significantly (p  .05) decreased blood glucose
changes especially on notch signalling pathway proteins and level and insulin compared to the diabetic group. The effect
other markers and measurements involved in the patho- of Exendin-4 on blood glucose level found in our study
physiology of DN. We showed a protective effect for both agrees with a study by Lotfy et al. (2014) and Kapucu (2020);
drugs and more protection offered with simultaneous ther- however, their study contrasted with ours regarding the
apy by Crocin and Exendin-4. The protective effects are effect of GLP-1 agonist on serum insulin. Furthermore, Wu
reflected by the changes in the measured parameters et al. (2016) found that exenatide significantly decreased
(physiological, biochemical, and histological) as following: serum insulin compared to control or diabetic rats.
In our study, vascular effects as reflected by measurement GLP-1 agonist enhances glucose-dependent insulin syn-
of blood pressure and calculation of GFR showed that; sys- thesis by beta cells, decreases glucagon production, and
tolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressures were significantly slows gastric emptying time (Ozaki et al. 2000). Moreover,
increased (p  .05) in the diabetic group compared to the GLP-1 potentiates Ca2þ-dependent exocytosis in isolated
control group. There is an association between the human b cells (Drucker 2006).

Figure 2. Photomicrograph of H&E stained sections of renal cortex (400) (scale bar 20).

Figure 3. Photomicrograph of PAS stained sections of renal cortex (400) (scale bar 20).

In our study, the HOMA-IR in the Exendin-4 treated group peripheral tissues, and inhibition of intestinal glucose absorp-
rats was significantly (p  .05) lower than that in the diabetic tion (Youn et al. 2004).
group. Our results agree with a study by Wu et al. (2014). In our study, treatment with Exendin-4 or Crocin alone
We showed that treatment with Crocin significantly did not normalise blood glucose, but the simultaneous
decreased (p  .05) serum glucose, serum insulin, and administration of both drugs returned serum glucose to
HOMA-IR compared to the diabetic group. Our findings average values. Also, treatment with Exendin-4 or Crocin
agree with Shirali et al. (2013); however, it was against what alone decreased serum insulin and HOMA-IR, but more
is demonstrated by Kianbakht and Hajiaghaee (2011). decrease with simultaneous administration of both drugs.
Saffron extract produces hypoglycaemia by reducing insu- In this work, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine
lin resistance (Xi et al. 2007), stimulating glucose uptake by were significantly increased (p  .05) in the diabetic group

Figure 4. Morphometry of mean area% of mesangial expansion in PAS stained sections of renal cortex.

compared to the control group. Treatment with Exendin-4 specific receptors (RAGE) (Yan et al. 2003). AGE and RAGE
significantly decreased (p  .05) blood urea nitrogen and interaction stimulates oxidative stress, inflammation, and
serum creatinine compared to the diabetic group, which renal damage architecture in diabetes (Reiniger et al. 2010).
agrees with a study by El-Gohary and Said (2016). We also The simultaneous administration of Exendin-4 and Crocin
found that; treatment with Crocin decreased blood urea caused more decrease in kidney RAGE agrees with
nitrogen (non-significant) and significantly (p  .05) Samarghandian et al. (2014). This effect of Crocin may be
decreased plasma creatinine compared to the diabetic group. related to its antioxidant potential, its serum Glucose lower-
These results are in agreement with Altinoz et al. (2015). ing function, or its function as an inhibitor of protein glyca-
We reported a significant increase in urinary albumin tion (Shirali et al. 2013).
excretion (UAE) (p  .05) in the diabetic group compared to NO is a paracrine mediator that inhibits inflammatory
the control group, and Exendin-4 treatment significantly (p  reactions in vessels and exerts anti-thrombogenic and endo-
.05) reduced UAE, and therefore, albumin creatinine ratio thelial cell-protective properties (Yamagishi and Matsui 2011)
(ACR) compared to diabetic group. This finding agrees with a so, impaired production of NO plays a role in vascular com-
study by Kodera et al. (2011). Treatment with Crocin in this plications in diabetes.
work significantly (p  .05) decreased UAE and, therefore, Oxidative stress (OS) lowers the production of NO and
ACR compared with that of the diabetic group, which is in enhances degradation (Mortensen and Lykkesfeldt 2014).
agreement with Li et al. (2017). These data indicate that During the early phases of nephropathy, NO increased, which
Exendin-4 and Crocin relatively decrease renal dysfunction may contribute to hyperfiltration and microalbuminuria in
and damage that develop in DN. this phase. As the duration of exposure to the DM increases,
Copeptin, the stable COOH-terminal portion of the precur- factors that suppress NO bioavailability eventually prevail
sor of vasopressin, is an easily measurable marker of vaso- (Prabhakar 2004).
pressin. Plasma copeptin and vasopressin correlate strongly Einbinder et al. (2016) demonstrated an up-regulation of
over a wide range of osmolalities (Balanescu et al. 2011). In endothelial nitric oxide synthase) eNOS (expression after
our study, plasma copeptin significantly increased (p  .05) GLP-1 treatment, indicating that GLP-1 may improve the
in the diabetic group compared to the control group. Similar endothelial dysfunction in diabetes, which is in accordance
to our results, Velho et al. (2013) demonstrated that high with our results.
plasma copeptin concentration is strongly associated with Yosri et al. (2017) observed that Crocin increased antioxi-
the risk of severe renal outcomes in type II diabetes. dant defences, the suppressed incidence of oxidative stress,
We found that treatment with Exendin-4 significantly and recovered proinflammatory cytokines to normal.
decreased (p  .05) plasma copeptin compared to the dia- Endogenous NOS inhibitors, in particular, ADMA, increased
betic group; this is in contrast to what is reported by in chronic kidney diseases, including DN. The kidney partici-
Frøssing et al. (2018) who investigated the effect of liraglu- pates in the elimination of endogenous ADMA (Baylis 2008).
tide on plasma copeptin level in polycystic ovary syndrome Increased serum ADMA concentration in DM may be a
and reported no change in levels of copeptin in the liraglu- consequence of decreased ADMA degradation or through an
tide group compared with placebo. axis that induces the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines
Glycation reaction is the modification of proteins by (Zaciragic et al. 2014).
reducing sugars, and then progressive modification occurs In agreement with our study, Ojima et al. (2013) revealed
with the formation of irreversible cross-links. These molecules that AGEs significantly increased ADMA-modified protein lev-
are called AGEs. The cellular effect of AGEs mediated by els in tubular cells, and the treatment with GLP-1agonist

prevented that by the cAMP pathway. Moreover, Guo et al. angiogenesis in malignant tumours and ischaemia. The
(2014) found that Quercetin prevented ADMA-induced apop- effective new vessel needs a delicate balance that is needed
totic endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway activation. between the sprouting of new vessels and the maintenance
ICAM-1 is an intercellular adhesion molecule involved in of the developing vascular tube. Notch signalling causes the
atherogenesis. Increased circulating ICAM-1 plasma levels in formation of non-functional new vessels (Segarra et al. 2008).
type II DM patients with or without vascular complications. Histopathological results were in parallel and confirmatory
AGE’s interaction with RAGE increases ROS in cells and stimu- to the biochemical and functional measurements: H&E
lates the expression of adhesion molecules in endothelial stained sections of the renal cortex of diabetic renal sections
cells such as ICAM-1 (Yan et al. 2003). demonstrated dilated Bowman’s space, inflammatory cells
A study by Sancar-Bas et al. (2015) in which Exendin-4 infiltration, and degenerated vacuolation of the tubular epi-
attenuated the levels of proinflammatory cytokines, chemo- thelium with sloughed epithelium in the lumen. Treatment
kine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1(MCP-1), ICAM-1, of diabetic rats with Exendine-4 or Crocin displayed amelior-
prevented macrophage infiltration and decreased oxidative ation of renal injury, yet mild tubular dilatation with few
stress and NF-jB activation in kidney tissue (Kodera et al. sloughed cells. PAS stained sections of the renal cortex
2011). We showed that; Crocin significantly decreased (p  showed a Substantial increase in the mesangial matrix
.05) ICAM-1 level compared to the diabetic group, which is deposition and destruction of the brush border of the tubu-
in agreement with a study by Xiang et al. (2006). lar epithelium in the diabetic group. Application of Exendine-
The molecular effects of the GLP-1 agonist Exendin-4 and 4 or Crocin demonstrated moderate protection of the renal
Crocin have been evaluated on notch signalling pathway as tissue indicated by a decrease in the mesangial expansion
revealed by estimation of the related signalling proteins: and preserved brush border. However, the simultaneous
notch1, JAGGED1, DL4, HES1, HEY1, TGF-b, VEGF, RAGE, administration of both drugs illustrated the full protection of
ICAM-1, and ADMA significantly (p  .05) increased in dia- the renal cortex from diabetic injury.
betic group compared to control. Treatment with either Microscopic abnormalities described in type II DM include
Exendin-4 or Crocin significantly (p  .05) decreased the thickening of the glomerular basement membrane, mesan-
expression of these proteins compared to the diabetic group; gial matrix accumulation, and increased mesangial cells. The
however, the expression was significantly (p  .05) increased mesangial expansion linked to deteriorating glomerular filtra-
compared to control. Simultaneous treatment with both tion (Østerby et al. 1990). Changes in the tubulointerstitium
drugs showed a synergistic effect, and the expression of that reported in DN include thickening of the tubular base-
notch1, TGF-b, RAGE, ICAM 1, and ADMA was restored ment membrane, tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, and
to normal. arteriosclerosis (Gilbert and Cooper 1999).
Notch signalling inhibition promotes the health of islet The podocytes support the glomerular capillaries, buffers
cells and affecting insulin production and secretion and intraglomerular pressure, and is part of the filtration barrier.
decreases FoxO1-driven hepatic glucose output (Billiard et al. Like the basement membrane, the podocyte is covered by
2018). These effects may explain the best glucose homeosta- negatively-charged molecules, which help repel anionic pro-
sis and insulin sensitivity when both drugs are simultan- teins such as albumin (Pavenstadt et al. 2003).
eously administered. In diabetes, podocyte foot processes broaden and efface.
Pathogenic Notch signalling in the tubular cells may occur Eventually, there is a loss of the podocyte itself. Podocytes
in the DM due to TGF-b induced expression of Jag1, which cannot regenerate, so this loss cannot be compensated for
produces tubulointerstitial fibrosis (Bielesz et al. 2010). (White et al. 2002). A study by Einbinder et al. (2016) demon-
Furthermore, Notch1 and phosphatase and tensin homo- strated enlarged glomerular size because of mesangial
log deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) signalling linked to expansion followed by nodular glomerulosclerosis in DN; this
fibrosis. In diabetes, fibrosis is enhanced through the Notch1 ameliorated by GLP-1 treatment.
pathway via Hes1, together with inhibition of the PTEN and Hazman and Bozkurt (2015) found that diabetic renal sec-
autophagy (Liu et al. 2018). tions showed interstitial inflammation and connective tissue
ICAM-1 downregulation by Crocin in this study is sug- proliferation, flattening of the tubular epithelium, intratubular
gected to be the result of its Monocyte chemoattractant pro- debris or hyaline formation, hydropic degeneration in the
tein–1 (MCP-1) as it decreases serum level of MCP-1 which epithelium, epithelial desquamation, and necrosis. The
has a positive impact on cell adhesion and inflammation lesions decreased in the saffron treated group. Moreover;
(Abedimanesh et al. 2020). Kapucu (2020) showed that Crocin therapy improved renal
Furthermore; The effect of Crocin in our study on TGF-b injury caused by diabtes with improved glomerular atrophy,
may be related to its effect on PTEN; Kapucu (2020) showed brush border loss, bowman’s space widening and luminal
that crocin increased the expression of PTEN and he sug- cast formation.
gested that as one of the renoprotective effects against
injury induced by diabetes as PTEN downregulation is
involved in pathogenesisi of DN.
Nephropathy is part of the microvascular complication This work demonstrated the synergistic effects between GLP-
group of diabetes in a process involving notch signalling 1 agonist and Crocin and the impact of this synergistic effect
activation (Fioretto et al. 2008). Notch signalling regulates on the notch signalling pathway and the related proteins
10 S. N. AMIN ET AL.

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