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Instruction for Technical Skill Test IT - PT Astra Welab Digital Arta

Please read the instructions carefully.

1. During the test, participants are required to do a screen recording.

2. The screen recording will have to be uploaded by the participant to google drive (please
set the share link -> anyone with link) and the participant will share the link from the
screen record file through the column provided.
3. The test can be done using any device, such as a laptop, handphone or tablet.
4. Participants will be given 10 minutes to fill in their personal data + upload the screen
record. **If any chance, uploading the screen recording need a long time you can
submit the test and share the link to our email.
5. The explanation regarding the test sheet:

Picture 1. Visualization of the data entry page on the test sheet

a. Number 3 which written Source, please instruct the participants fill in the origin
of the company / vendor.
b. The test questions will start at number 5.
c. The screen record link will be submitted on the last page of the test.
6. For the questions regarding the test, please instruct the participants to work on the test
as it is and if there is no additional information from us then there are no revisions about
the test.
7. After completing the test, please ensure that the test sheet has been sent.

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