Asgn 2 Eng Cls 6

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This is a story about a poor area in Tibet.The people there did not know what
happiness was like and suffered from cold and hunger.The old folk believed that
happiness was a beautiful bird.Wherever the bird flew happiness went with it.The
Bird of Happiness was said to be guarded by three old monsters who could kill a
man by simply blowing through their long beards.Whoever went to look out for
this bird never returned.
One year an extremely bright boy called Wangjia was sent to find the Bird
of Happiness.He walked eastwards and faced the three monsters one at a
time.The three monsters asked him to kill three different people if he were to find
the Bird of Happiness.Wangjia denied this proposal which made them very angry
and they made his suffering even worse.He faced more and more hardships in his
journey but he did not give up.
At last,he reached the peak of the mountain and heard the voice of the
Bird of Happiness.The Bird of Happiness treated Wangjia with lots of love and
ended all his suffering and comforted him.It asked as to what Wangjia
wanted.Wangjia replied that he wanted warmth and happiness for his people.The
Bird of Happiness fulfilled all his wishes and the people became very happy
Thus,Wangjia’s determination and strong character made him win his
battle at the end.


1.WORD MEANINGS(learn and write in literature copy)’ll be done for-you will suffer

2.scree-sloping mass of stones on a mountain
3.gaffer-old man
5.reckless-without care
6.gouge-to force out
7.ordeal-severe trial
8.groping-feeling or searching about
9.clambered-climbing with difficulty

2.Make sentences from the above word meanings in the copy.

3.Learn and write the following question and answers.

a)What did the old folk believe happiness was?

ans.The old folk believed that happiness was a beautiful bird living on a snowy
mountain far away in the east.

b)Why was Wangjia punished by the three monsters?

ans.Wangjia disagreed to do the cruel deeds ordered by the three monsters.This

made them angry and so they punished him.

c)How did the Bird of Happiness treat Wangjia?

ans.The Bird of Happiness treated Wangjia very kindly and caressed him.It made
all his wounds heal and offered him food to eat.

d)What gifts did the Bird of Happiness give to Wangjia and his people?

ans.It gave warmth and soft breeze to Wangjia and his people.The bird made
forests,flowers and birds appear for the people.Rivers and green fields appeared
by the blessing of the bird.

e)What sort of boy is Wangjia?List some of his special qualities.

ans.Wangjia was an extremely bright boy who was full of positive qualities.He
was very caring,hardworking and absolutely selfless.


● The part of a sentence that names a person or a thing is called

the ​subject.​The subject can be a word or a group of words.It is
usually a noun or a pronoun.

● The part that tells us something about the subject is called

predicate.​The predicate contains a verb.It can be a word or a
group of words.

e.g.1.​The tourist bus ​moved slowly towards the gate.

2.​Rohini​ can drive a car.

(underlined words are the subject,rest is the predicate)

● The subject often says who or what performs the action,that the
verb refers to.

EXERCISE 1.(To be done in the grammar copy)

Underline the subject in the following sentences.

a)Kangaroo and wallabies are found in Australia.

b)The earth’s land was once made up of a single, huge continent.
c)Tell me the story behind the success of Gujarat.
d)The guards of the palace rescued the children from the burning
e)All the water in the vase has evaporated.
f)What an interesting story you have told me!
g)These pieces gradually moved further apart.
h)On a small table near the bed is lying an encyclopedia.
i)Sunflowers are blown in summer.
j)How were so many oceans and seas formed?


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