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Name: Marinel L.

Santos BSBA-OM 201

1.Choose and define ONLY one (1) from the three (3) given terms, and state how it described Jose Rizal’s life and works:




I choose patriotism because Jose Rizal lived an idealistic life and produced works that sought to liberate Filipinos from prejudice, exploitation, and
discrimination. Jose Rizal’s life and work undoubtedly helped many Filipinos understand what foreigners are truly up to in our nation. Many Filipinos credit
Rizal’s life and efforts for giving them the fortitude to stand up for what is right. He shares with the people their experience and pains through his work and
writing, particularly in his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. That which he revealed in order to make his compatriots aware of long-unspoken

2.Choosing ONLY one (1) out for the four (4) periods below to define popular nationalism, how will you demonstrate it.

a.) During the Spanish Occupation?

b.) During the American Regime?

c.) During the Japanese Period?

d.) Today?

Today, Popular nationalism is was show through Filipinos good attitude have. And each Filipino being simplified by the action, our words and manner that
doesn’t need to have approval or show to the government to demonstrate our love for our country.

3.) In no more than five (5) sentences, justify whether the pre-colonial Philippines was a nation or otherwise.

I can state that throughout that period, the pre-colonial Philippines was a nation in which the indigenous peoples engaged in beneficial trade with a range
of regional cultures and economies. Before the Spanish, American, and Japanese eras, this gave way to a protracted colonial period. The Filipinos already
possessed a highly developed civilization long before the arrival of the Spanish. This was the pre-colonial era. As a result of the high literacy rate, the pre-
colonial Filipinos educated themselves to a very high level. The educated Spanish, who eventually arrived, were astounded to learn that the literacy rate of
the Filipinos was higher than that of Madrid. This indicates that the Filipinos were already a country with a government.

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