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The Entrepreneurial Habits that Harish Hande shows in handling SELCO is curious being.

Harish Hande
shows curiosity or to seek and ask more to know what his next move will be, like on how he can further
expand and how he can help more people in India by the SELCO. When the SELCO faced its first problem
in terms of financial Hande turns obstacles into assets, when he was able to restructure the company,
he found new investors that is more aligned with its goals. In addition to this, he was also able to keep
everything in intact like the sales and the services, complete with its importance of highly motivated
employees. Hande also focus on the ca uses, not effect, of-connfidence, and success, after facing the
problem Harish Hande was able to continue and to innovate the solar solutions, he was also known for
redesigning o-the-shelf solar electronic that is in badly need in the urban and rural poor. He also
creates or take control of the situation by convincing the India’s banks and Microfinance Organization
the effectiveness of the Solar Power tar the reason of, the capital expense of purchasing the solar panels
and batteries is out of reach. So, the SELCO farmed partnerships tocrafinancial instruments that will
permit the entrepreneurs and the families to repay the capital expenses in regards with Installing the
solar equipment. India’s developmental problems were alarming: over 400 million individuals were in
poverty, that’s why Hande put first things first by giving importance to those who badly needs the solar
power. Hande think win – win that’s why in year 2009 Hande build an innovation center that provided
energy solutions beyond solar.Because he seeks first 10 understand, then to be understood Ile come up
with that decision for the reason of he understands what difficulties people In India experienced then,
he wants to be understood by the people so, they can help Hande with his mission and goal. His success
does not come easily. It went through ups and downs. The company he founded was to provide solar
electricity for lighting and power to India’s poor. From my standpoint I can tell that the habit he used
was the habits of ‘turn obstacles into assets” The company started to sell and service photovoltaic (PV)
system sin his home state of Karnataka, India. And created franchise dealer, but unfortunately it was
designed to a hapless fate. He does not give up and made research that uses a qualitative method of
data collection that aims to observe, interact, and understand people while they are in a natural
environment. Hande realizes that the poor would defend on creative financing which is unusual way of
structuring a loan that allows a person to buy a home, land, or some other major item. With the help of
World Bank’s commercial finance arm, the decisions made by the company at this time e in its
development would be critical in deciding its long-term success. To come to the point hindrance for him
is not a reason to give up, but to see opportunities in it. Besides failure is success in progress.

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