Parts of The Paragraph - Worksheet With Examples

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Read the paragraphs and fill in the spaces.

Complete the tables:

A. Credit cards have a lot of advantages. First, credit cards are convenient because you don’t have to
carry a lot of cash around. You can buy the products and services you need even if you do not have
cash in your pocket. In addition, credit cards are very helpful in emergencies. Finally, you can
become a better money manager as you learn to use credit cards responsibly. Credit cards are very

Topic Credit cards

Topic Credit cards have a lot of advantages
1. First, credit cards are convenient because you do not have to carry a lot of
cash around
sentence 2. You can buy the products and services you need even if you do not have
s cash in your pocket.
3. In addition, credit cards are very helpful in emergencies.
4. Finally, you can become a better money manager as you learn to use credit
cards responsibly.
Concludi Credit cards are very useful.

B. The library is very an essential part for any university. The first benefit of the university library is you
can use the books there to do research and to find information for your courses. Second, you can use the
library computers to type your assignments and to research your projects. You may wish to write the final
draft of your assignment on the computer. Finally, the library is a quiet and comfortable place to study. In
conclusion, the library is an essential part of any university.

Topic sentence

Support sentences


C. The internet is a very useful tool for students. For example, students can learn
about different cultures. They can have a friend in China and compare culture using
email. As a result they can understand and appreciate other cultures better. If they
have a math problem, they can easily find a tutor to help on the internet. Students who
want to learn different languages can find places where they can listen to tapes to
simulate a teacher. If they have to do a research paper on a specific topic, all they
have to do is to go to the internet and they will find the information instantly. The
internet is useful to students in many ways.

Topic sentence

Support sentences


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