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Lipids are "Hydrophobic" biomolecules that play critical roles in living

organisms. While long-term energy storage is the main task of lipids, they can also be

used for protection, insulation, and lubrication. They also serve as precursors for

certain hormones and are an important concept in cell membranes.

Lipids are classified into four basic groups. Triglycerides, Phospholipids,

Steroids, and Waxes are the names of these substances. Even though these groups

vary slightly in many ways, they all share one feature: they are all insoluble in water.

You've probably noticed that lipids and water don't mix. Consider the oil in the cup of

water shown here. Even after several minutes, or even several hours, of stirring, the

oil would separate from the water. This is due to the hydrophobic nature of lipids. So,

when you hear the term "hydrophobic lipid," it means that water and lipids do not


Triglycerides are made up of fats and oils. Animals use fats (such as butter) for

insulation, protection, and long-term energy storage because they are solid at room

temperature. Plants use oils (such as olive oil) for long-term energy storage because

they are liquid at room temperature.

Triglycerides produce two types of subunit molecules at the molecular level:

Glycerol and Fatty Acids. A fatty acid is composed of three major components: a

chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms known as the "Hydrocarbon Chain," a Methyl

group at one end, and an acid group at the other. Fatty acids can be either saturated or

unsaturated. Saturated fatty acids are fatty acids with only one carbon to carbon bond.

This is due to the carbon chain being "saturated" with all the hydrogen atoms it can
hold. In contrast, unsaturated fatty acids have one to several double bonds. Double

bonds cause kinks in the fatty acid chain, lowering the melting point of the fat.

A trans-fat is an unsaturated fatty acid with hydrogen atoms on opposite sides of

the double bond. Trans-fats are commonly found in partially hydrogenated oils and

are typically formed during the manufacturing of processed foods. Excess hydrogen

atoms are added to unsaturated oil to increase its shelf life and melting point. This

causes trans-fat bonds to form in the fatty acid chain. Unfortunately, trans-fat

consumption has been linked to cardiovascular disease, and its use has declined.

Phospholipids. It contains glycerol and two fatty acids, like Triglycerides. In

place of a third fatty acid, a phosphate group is attached to the third carbon of

glycerol. Because of their exceptional water-binding properties, phospholipids are

extremely important. The phosphate head of the molecule is hydrophilic. This means

that it mixes well with water. Phospholipids tend to organize themselves in such a

way that only the hydrophilic heads engage with a watery environment, while the

hydrophobic tails crowd inward and away from the water due to their distinct

properties. This structure is a key component of the plasma membranes of the cell.

Steroids are the next lipid class. Steroids are made up of four fused carbon rings

to which various functional groups are attached. Cholesterol is a well-known steroid

molecule. Cholesterol acts as a forerunner to produce other steroids such as

testosterone, estrogen, vitamin D, and cortisol. Cholesterol is found in plasma

membranes, which helps to keep the membrane stable. The functional groups of the

hormones Testosterone and Estrogen differ slightly. However, there are significant

differences in their effects on organisms.

Waxes are the last type of phospholipid. Waxes are non-polar substances that

repel water. They can be noticed in protective coatings on leaves and the exterior of

animals. Some animals' ears produce wax to help shield the eardrum. Furthermore,

bees build honeycombs out of wax.

II. Photosynthesis

Do we understand how plants produce their food?

When we say photosynthesis, we mean the process by which plants produce their

food, or, in more technical terms, the conversion of light energy into chemical energy

by plants. Plants use this chemical energy for growth and nutrition. In Greek, "Photo"

refers to light, and "Synthesis" refers to putting together.

For example, when humans cook food, some basic ingredients are required, such

as fire, water, vegetables, and so on. Plants, like animals, require certain essential

factors to produce food, such as light, water, carbon dioxide, soil, and so on.

Plants get their light from the sun, their water from the ground, and their carbon

dioxide from the air. All these elements, including air, water, carbon dioxide, and

sunlight, work together to help plants produce their food. Plants have "Xylem" tubes

in their stems that allow water from the ground to be sucked into the leaves. This

system works in the same way that a human would when sucking liquids through a

straw. And, plants have “Phloem”. It is the living tissue in vascular plants that

transports photosynthates, which are soluble organic compounds produced during

photosynthesis. It transports sucrose and amino acids between the plant's leaves and

other parts.

The Xylem is found throughout the plant, including the stem, branches, and up to

the leaves and it transports essential nutrients throughout the plant. The Xylem in

plants is like the vessels in the human body in that they serve as an important means

of transporting water and nutrients. The pores on the plant's leaves are very similar to

the pores on our bodies' skin. These pores are known as "Stomata." Stomata are cell
structures in the epidermis of tree leaves and needles that help plants exchange carbon

dioxide and water with the atmosphere. It controls the rate of gas exchange. Through

these stomata, the carbon dioxide in the air that is responsible for photosynthesis

enters the plant. The stomata also allow oxygen to escape. "Mesophyll" cells are

important cells in leaves. These cells have a green component called "Chloroplasts."

A chloroplast is an organelle found within the cells of plants and certain algae that is

responsible for photosynthesis, which is the process by which energy from the sun is

converted into chemical energy for growth. In other words, it is a plastid that contains

a high amount of chlorophyll (the green pigment) and where photosynthesis takes

place. This chloroplast is in charge of the green color of plants and leaves. When

carbon dioxide and water reach the chloroplasts in the presence of sunlight, the

photosynthesis process begins. During photosynthesis, the following reaction occurs

in the plant's leaves. In the presence of light energy, carbon dioxide, and water

combine to form oxygen and glucose or carbohydrates. Glucose and oxygen are the


Carbon dioxide and water are used to create carbohydrates, which are a type of

glucose. Glucose is used by plants to help them grow. Some of the glucose is used

immediately, and the remaining glucose is stored in the leaves as starch. Some of the

extra glucose is also stored in the plant's roots. When there is no sunlight, the extra

glucose is used to perform photosynthesis.

In the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is released into the atmosphere via the

stomata. The oxygen that is released is used by human beings to breathe during their

respiration process.
Have you ever wondered why this process is known as photosynthesis? As I

previously stated, the term photosynthesis is a combination of two Greek words. The

word "photo" means light and "synthesis" mean "putting together" or "combining."

Thus, photosynthesis refers to the process of combining water or carbon dioxide in

the presence of light. As a result, the following elements are required for

photosynthesis to occur just like sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Underwater

photosynthesis occurs at a slower rate than normal photosynthesis. This is because the

sun's energy is absorbed by the water layers, and only a portion of it reaches the plant.

Some plants, however, do not require the photosynthesis process to grow.

Mushrooms, Venus’s flytraps, and other such plants are examples. Mushrooms obtain

their food from the ground and their surroundings. Venus’s flytraps trap and eat small

insects that come close to the leaves.

III. Biogeochemical Cycle

In contrast to energy, which is ended up lost as heat, the six most common

elements in organic molecules, Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus,

and Sulfur, are conserved in Biogeochemical Cycles.

Weathering of rocks, erosion and the subduction of continental plates are all

geological processes that contribute to the recycling of matter. A Biogeochemical

Cycle includes the movement of an element or, in certain cases, a compound

including such water between living factors, also understood as biotic factors, and

non-living factors, widely recognized as abiotic factors. This name highlights the

importance of chemistry, geology, and biology in understanding these cycles.

On our planet, the living world is referred to as the Biosphere. When it comes to

abiotic factors, the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere are the most important.

As a result, the biogeochemical cycle will be how nutrients move between living and

non-living things.

So, how do the producers get the nutrients they require because when we move

matter, everything on our planet is conserved, and there is no sun? The answer is that

it comes from their surroundings. From the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the

lithosphere. How do customers obtain the information they require? The answers are

to eat plants or to eat consumers who ate plants. How does the matter return to the

environment? So, the answer is through these biogeochemical cycles.

So, let's begin with the water cycle. How does it move through our planet's

abiotic parts? The Evaporation will be the first step. Evaporation from oceans, lakes,

and rivers. And then there will be evapotranspiration. So, it is evaporating, but it is

also transpiring through the leaves of a plant. It is now changing from a liquid to a

gas. The clouds will eventually condense. We're getting rain. Then there was runoff

from the surface and groundwater. And the whole thing starts over.

How does a plant get carbon if we start with carbon? Photosynthesis is the

solution. Both in terrestrial plants and in phytoplankton found in the ocean. So, what

becomes of that carbon? It is eventually expelled by cellular respiration. It returns to

the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. We can now take that carbon and cover it with a

rock to produce coal, oil, and fossil fuels. As a result, we are storing carbon in the

rock. We can get it back by digging a well. Then there's the combustion, in which a

factory releases carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, and the cycle begins again.

The Nitrogen cycle is a little peculiar. Most of the nitrogen will end up in the

atmosphere as Nitrogen Gas. And to get into living systems, we must do Nitrogen

Fixation some bacteria live on the roots of plants and these nodules all the time, and

they convert the nitrogen in the atmosphere into usable ammonia. We could also use

ammonia as fertilizer in our fields. And then it will be assimilated. In other words,

plants will absorb it through their roots, and we will obtain it from plants simply by

eating them.

The Phosphorus Cycle will now turn more slowly. It begins with phosphorus-

containing rock being uplifted. Weathering and erosion will then move the

phosphorus into the soil and the water supply. Fertilizers could also be added. And
the entire thing, because it is limiting, can promote Eutrophication. So, what

happened to the Phosphorus? Then there is assimilation, in which it is absorbed by

plants. We can get it by eating the plants. We all die at some point. As a result,

phosphorus is returned to the water supply via excretion and decay. It makes its way

to the sea eventually. It then settles in these sediments. As a result, it is never released

into the atmosphere. It is incorporated into these phosphate rocks, which are then

uplifted again. Since we do not include the atmosphere, this cycle takes a long time to


Finally, there's the Sulfur Cycle. The Sulfur Cycle will move from the oceans to

bacteria, which will convert it to dimethyl sulfide, which will eventually become

sulfur dioxide. Volcanism can also increase sulfur dioxide levels. As a result,

volcanoes emit hydrogen sulfide, which is converted into sulfur dioxide. The factories

will then emit sulfur dioxide as well. It's in the air right now. So, how does it return to

Earth? The solution will fall as sulfuric acid and sulfates. We can then assimilate that,

and incorporate it into living materials, plants, and consumers. Finally, it makes its

way back through the water supply, and now there is sulfur in the oceans. As a result,

the cycle can begin again.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
7009 Datu Panas, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In the subject
CHE048 Biochemistry for Teachers

Submitted by:
Iza Jay T. Donato

Submitted to:
Mr. Jether S. Sumpo
May 2022

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