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Seeing my father run so many businesses simultaneously and
being enthused by his involvement, I have wanted to follow his
footsteps. I see him take tough decisions and trounce
complexities with the knowledge and experience he has gained
in the field of business which has forever been encouraging me
to study more about the same. Moreover, time was another
decisive factor- it made me decipher that my motivation to
pursue business management for higher studies had gradually
transformed into my passion.
Personally, I believe that a striking personality is one which is
all-round. I too have tried my level best to have a diversity of
skills during school days. From being a part of swimming,
basketball, athletics, boxing and cricket teams- winning the
table tennis championship thrice in school, once at district
level and achieving high positions in all sports; to being an
active member in co-curricular events and also completing all
eight grades with distinction in communication skills which
was held by Trinity College London, I have endeavoured to
achieve a range of capability. The awards have helped me
strive and develop a sense of managerial skills and leadership-
which in the long run will add on to make me a strong
independent woman. However, many confuse my participation
with instability in choices, yet I am certain that above all my
priority is my career in the field of business management.
It is very rightly said that hints to future are there in the
present and have been there in the past. I can recall anecdotes
of my past- when on my birthdays I would sit back after my
birthday cake would be murdered, counting the money that I
had received from relatives and friends (it’s a custom- those
that cannot get presents usually gift money) and planning how
much would I manage to spend on what and how much would
I save in the piggy bank. My mother says that while she would
make the monthly grocery budget I would sit alongside with a
pen and paper trying to calculate and see how she will manage
the whole household. I have always looked at business
management which connects socially with people a subject
which deals with the human behaviour like how a man deals
and manages the challenges of a particular household,
community, organisation or a country. For me business
management has always stood out of other subjects. As we
know India is still a developing country, so my curiosity
towards figuring out where were we lacking in the
management skills we are lacking which has left us behind in
the third world category and how the allocation of resources
not distributed because of the ignorant behaviour of our higher
management authorities, not only India but there are 46 least
developed countries and to figure out the dearth’s of all these
countries your university would help me in getting a global
idea. In free time, I would sit down with peers and juniors to
discuss and debate over the business topics and challenges and
how we can solve it through a disciplined and planned pattern
in order towards the development of that entity. I felt
contented doing all these tiny things and even today I do.
When I look back at myself I know management is my forte.
I am confident about me excelling, being provided with proper
guidance. The US would be the right place for me because it
has had wonderful results in training aspirants. I wish to get a
global taste which is possible here. I feel that my formal
undergraduate degree in business management would certainly
give me more confidence and season a professional manager
within me. I would be better prepared to face this gigantic
business and managerial challenges, as the program would
expose me to the working culture. In the near future, I desire
to see myself in the mirror the way I fantasies. It would be an
honour for me to be a part of the college family. I will try my
best to shine and be an asset making the university proud of

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