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The world has recently been swept off by the panic-inducing pandemic named as the Novel

CoronaVirus, more commonly known as the CoVid-19, leaving 527 Million infected cases and more
than 6 Million deaths, globally. This virus pandemic left the world weeping, struggling to find a
cure and trying hard to stop the spread in order to prevent more deaths from incurring. Lockdowns
were imposed, countries were shut down, prohibiting each other from having close contact, as
Social Distancing became the new norm. Students, Teachers, and the Academe stopped from having
face-to-face classes, as mandated by the imposition of quarantine worldwide, having moved into
online classes for the time being. Even workers and employees of different enterprises stopped
going to work to adhere to the rules and guidelines set by the government to battle the virus.
However, even though this pandemic has required us to help each other, disputes among countries
can still be observed, as one country blames another for spreading the virus, one country not being
adhered and acknowledged for their effective health measures that has been proven effective based
on the trend of the virus in their country, even territorial disputes are brought up, even though this
problem is majorly a health concern. Instead of working with each other, and bringing up one
another to uplift everyone during the dark times of the virus, a divide among countries is also
observed. Businesses, especially SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), shut down one by one, as
commerce becomes slow, for people are staying at their homes, and no trade of goods and money
has taken place. Along with these happenings, one aspect of society that severely took a hit is the
economy, both locally and internationally. Due to the halt of activities starting from households as
consumers, the usual exchange of goods that is the building block of a country’s economy has also
slowed down as an effect. The economy is in a state of decline, as the activities sustaining it has also
stopped happening, due to everyone’s fear of contracting the virus. Recessions are predicted by
economists, as a major effect of this problem. It is even said that things will never get back to
normal after this, and instead, we will have a new normal, as we adapted to the lasting effects of this

Lim, J. (2020). COVID-19 and the Philippine Healthcare System. Retrieved from

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