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I am delighted to be here today to tell you about my favorite celebration.

It was graduation when

I was 18 years old. After completing the school's rituals such as awarding prizes and putting
flowers on parents' shirts. I and my classmates participated in a game of water polo and colored
powder. This game wants to send a message to the students, no matter who you are in the future,
we have all had a youthful time associated with Nguyen Hue High School. Then we went to a
friend's house to have a farewell party for our high school years. We together cooked some dish
traditional food, decorate a party, make a cake. I felt this is a graduation that I would never
forget. Because it was the ceremony that brought back the best memories of my high school
days. It was also the last time we were able to stand under the school roof as students. After the
ceremony ended, each of us no longer shared the same path, each of us went our separate ways to
fulfill our dreams. Thanks for listening.

I am delighted to be here today to tell you about my favorite celebration. It

was graduation when I was 18 years old. After completing the school's rituals

such as awarding prizes and putting flowers on parents' shirts. My classmates

and I participated in a game of water polo and colored powder. This game

wants to send a message to the students, no matter who you are in the future,

we have all had a youthful time associated with Nguyen Hue High School.

Then we went to a friend's house to have a farewell party for our high school

years. We together cooked some dish traditional food, decorate a party, make

a cake. I felt this is a graduation that I would never forget. Because it was the

ceremony that brought back the best memories of my high school days. It was

also the last time we were able to stand under the school roof as students.

After the ceremony ended, each of us no longer shared the same path, each of

us went our separate ways to fulfill our dreams. Thanks for listening.
1. Are you planning to go to any festivals this year?

Yes I plan to go to the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Lunar New Year every year

2. When does your whole family usually get together?

Every year on the Tet holiday, my family will gather together to cook, travel and
celebrate the age of relatives.

3. Are there some special types of food connected with the celebration/ festival?

On the Tet holiday in Vietnam, it is indispensable for traditional dishes such as Tet

cake, Sticky rice cake, Pickled small leeks, dried shrimp, caramelized pork and


4. Are there any special activities for children?

On each Tet holiday, the children look forward to the activity to celebrate the age
of the adults to receive lucky money. This is an activity that every child loves and
is also a traditional beauty in the Vietnamese New Year male

5. What are some of the most popular festivals or celebrations in your country?

Mid-Autumn Festival is the reunion festival of Vietnamese people, September 2,

also known as the national holiday, this is a big holiday in Vietnam to celebrate

the country's independence. Tet is the biggest festival of the year. Vietnamese is

used to welcoming the new year with good things and also an opportunity for

people to gather with their family.

6. What festivals or celebrations do you dislike?

I think is Valentine’s Day because I am single and On that day, people around me

often ask if I have received gifts, which makes me uncomfortable because my

point of view is that what I like, I will buy it myself without anyone giving it.

Therefore Valentine’s Day is the only festival that I don't like

7. Are there any festivals from other cultures that you wish to celebrate?

I think it's the hot air balloon festival in Switzerland. It's my dream to go hot air
balloon once in my life because I want to conquer the sky and I will try to fulfill
that dream in the future.

8. How do you feel about attending festivals and celebrations that attract huge crowds?

I feel excited, looking forward, to festivals and celebrations that attract huge crowds

because I will meet everyone and have plenty of friends

9. What do you often do to celebrate your birthday?

I often have a small party with my family and close friends at home, cooking
together, making birthday cakes, and singing.

10. Is gift-giving a part of festivals or celebrations in your country?

I think it’s partly right because it depends on each person. some people like gift-

giving so that express their attention to the relationship. Others are not important

gift-giving because they like gather together in festivals

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