Word Form Excercise

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1. In the future the public will have a wider choice of television programs. (CHOOSE)
2. Looking after the health of 700 children is heavy responsibility (RESPONSIBLE)
3. The town spent more money on housing and health than ever before (HOUSE)
4. Do you have any particular preference where we sit? (PREFER)
5. There’s a striking contrast between what he does and what he says. (STRIKE)
6. The party turned out to be a huge disappointment (DISAPPOINT)
7. He was fined and disqualified for reckless driving (QUALIFY).
8. Is it possible to remove the smell from the books that have been in storage for such a long time?
9. Many people are interested in job satisfaction more than in earning large amount of money
10. I hadn’t made a reservation, so I just got on the first flight available. (RESERVE)
11. The anti-doping association believes that all sports must be free of drug abuse (USE).
12. The country is facing a population explosion. (EXPLODE)
13. It is advisable to fasten your seat-belts before take-off (ADVISE)
14. She claimed unemployment benefit for over six months. (EMPLOY)
15. Tax evasion is one of the biggest problems that face the new country. (EVADE)
16. You can basically wear what you want but there is an unwritten law that says you must not
wear jeans. (WRITE)
17. The management course is being paid for by the company. (MANAGE)
18. It’s a crying shame that she didn’t have a better chance in life. (CRY)
19. The farm house we stayed in was completely off the beaten track. (BEAT)
20. The police searched the house systematically. (SYSTEM)
21. He is a highly -paid senior executive. (HIGH)
22. A full-scale reorganization of our company is urgently needed (ORGANIZE)
23. Are we going to be saved econimically by our oil supplies? (ECONOMY)
24. Experts have tried to find a solution to the personnel problems. (SOLVE)
25. She’s a specialist in psychology and human behaviour. (BEHAVE)
26. The blockade of the most important port of the country eliminated all trade. (BLOCK)
27. The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold. (MONEY)
28. He recovered from his injuries in the naval hospital (NAVY)
29. He has loved her passionately ever since they first met. (PASSION)
30. The importance of this invention has been extremely overrated. (INVENT)
31. He is a convinced follower of Chinese communism (FOLLOW)
32. Jane’s party was more of an endurance test than anything else. (ENDURE)
33. The government has committed itself to developing _____renewable____ sources of energy.



34. He took a job as a salesman __assistant____ in a big department store. (ASSIST)

35. The potential benefits of this treatment _____outweight____ the risks. (WEIGH)
36. Make sure the hairdryer is___disconnected____ before you fix the switch. (CONNECT)
37. They say that travel ___broadens___ the mind. (BROAD)
38. Without his teacher’s _____encouragement____he would have given up long ago.
39. Dickens’s last novel was __titled_____ The Mystery of Edwin Drood. (TITLE)
40. She has known me for two years now but she still ___mispronounces____ my name.
41. The results were very strange! In fact, they were ___unbelievable______! (BELIEVE)
42. He has an unfortunate __inability_____ to understand people’s feelings (ABLE)
43. Due to the clerk’s _____stubbornness_____we missed the train (STUBBORN)
44. What we saw was beyond all ____expectation____ (EXPECT)
45. She is a student of the humanities (HUMAN)
46. The book contains some great ______illustrations___(ILLUSTRATE)
47. Please give us details of your present ______occupation_____ (OCCUPY)
48. What is the __length_____ of the Danube River (LONG)
49. The ______mechanization___ of our agriculture is important if we want to produce more food
50. Drug _______addiction_______________ is a problem causing great concern (ADDICT)
51. The ________presentation______________ of the awards is scheduled for next Friday
52. I have been sworn to _____secrecy_________________ so I can’t say a word (SECRET)
53. After losing her job she was _______unemployed_______________ for a month (EMPLOY)
54. Pushing into a queue is considered to be extremely _____impolite_________________
55. The audience gave the violinist a round of ____applause__________________ (APPLAUD)
56. He isn’t happy with his job because he feels he is ______underpaid________________ (PAY)
57. We have just been shown another example of ____senseless__________________ killing
58. My sister’s ______shyness________________ makes her social life difficult (SHY)
59. I’m not sure at all I really can’t say with _______certainty_______________ (CERTAIN)
60. My ____specialty__________________ is the history of Elizabethan England (SPECIAL)
61. The police were told by their _____imformant_________________ where to find the criminal
62. He received many medals for his acts of ____heroism__________________ during the war



63. The _____expansion_________________ of the company is said to be dangerous to small

firms (EXPAND)
64. For all of us, Marilyn Monroe was the ___personification___________________ of beauty
65. I can guarantee the _____reliability_________________ of our new product (RELY)
66. The government is encouraging heavy _____investment_________________ (INVEST)
67. People who suffer from _____loneliness_________________ should buy themselves a pet
68. George and I have been friends since ____childhood__________________ (CHILD)
69. Everybody is worried about the ______destruction________________ of the rain forest
70. Some MPs are calling for ____detainment__________________ without trial (DETAIN)
71. My grandfather was given a medal for ____bravery__________________ (BRAVE)
72. My father takes great ____pride__________________ in his work (PROUD)
73. This bag contains all my photographic _______equipment______(EQUIP)
74. ____Electricity________is probably the most useful form of energy (ELECTRIC)
75. John turned up on the wrong day because of a ___misunderstanding_______
76. Jake had another __disagreement____________________ with his boss (AGREE)
77. The bank robbers were sentenced to twelve years of ____imprisonment__________________
78. Mary suddenly felt sick, so we needed a _______replacement_______________ for her part in
the play (REPLACE)
79. Failure to apply in time may result in a ___loss__ of benefits (LOSE)
80. Pat was accused of stealing some _____confidential_________________ documents
81. The survey showed many young offenders had had difficult ___upbringing__________.
82. Despite the _striking__similarities between the two paintings, the court decided the artist was
not guilty of making a ___fraudulent__________ copy. (STRIKE/ FRAUD)
83. You should dress ______imformally_______ for the party. No tuxedo required! (FORMAL)
84. The stray dog spent his days following tourists hoping to ___befriend____ one of them.
85. Severe __overcrowding__ problems in the country's prisons persuaded the government to
invest more money in its prison __rebuilding______ programme. (CROWD/ BUILD)
86. The child's __inability____ to hear his mother calling was blamed on a slight hearing
_disability_ which was eventually solved using a __revolutionary__ new technique from Norway.



87. I am looking to leave in order to find a new job, __regardless___________ of whether Mr.
Perkins offers me more money or not. (REGARD)
88. It was a ___seemingly__________ minor accident but tragically, one of the two drivers died.
89. Most of the activities we did on the course were __meaningless___________ and irrelevant. I
think it is very ____wasteful_________ to spend money on these things. (MEAN/ WASTE)
90. The best way to solve this dispute is to find a neutral, disinterested third party and follow his or
her suggestions. (INTEREST)
91. To join the police, there is normally both an age and a __height___requirement__. (HIGH/
92. You have been __immeasurably___ important to the success of this company. I don't know
what I would have done without you. (MEASURE)
93. His performance in the match today ___belies___ his reputation as a great player. (LIE)
94. Many people often make a __comparison___ between London and New York. (COMPARE)
95. This book __originated__ as a series of lectures about shipwrecks, which were given two
decades ago. (ORIGIN)
96. There are power stations across Europe that use the ___daily__ rise and fall of the ocean tides.
97. If you weren't so _critical__ of Ben, he'd be happier to spend time with you. (CRITIC)
98. Don't you find it __intriguing__how Jeremy always comes to work looking so untidy?
99. Doctors say a glass of warm milk before bedtime can result in a more restful night's sleep.
100. Tim-Berners Lee has received many awards as the _inventor__ of the world wide web.
101. On the final day, we visited the _majestic__Victoria Falls and then flew home. (MAJESTY)
102. The __daily______ recommended intake of Vitamin C varies from country to country. (DAY)
103. When shopping online, many people make use of price _comparison__websites.
104. The book, like the movie, tracks the anxiety and _growing__ pains of a teenager in 1970s
Germany. (GROW)
105. This wine has a very fruity flavour to it and a _pleasant__after-taste. I really like it.
106. I've lost all __enthusiasm______ for this concert, I'm finding it boring. Can we go?
107. The opening of this new restaurant should satisfy the sophistication__ of local Indonesian
food fans. (SOPHISTICATE)
108. You don't respond well to positive _criticism, which is only made to help you. (CRITIC)



109. _Incredible___ as it may seem, mammoths were alive only five thousand years ago.
110. Large spiders, _originally__ from South East Asia, are now being seen in the local
countryside. (ORIGIN)
111. Collecting garden gnomes might seem an unusual ___activity_____, but many people do it.
112. Professor Watkins wasn't only an _inspiration___ to me, but to thousands of others lucky
enough to have met him.
113. For someone so young, Carl is a very literate and __eloquent__ young man. (ELOQUENCE)
114. The new year __celebrations___ in this area of the country involve dancing and a drink made
from melons. (CELEBRATE)
115. The popularity of the Rubik's Cube peaked in the early 1980s. (POPULAR)

116. This musician's work is very conceptual and difficult to understand. Many people say it's just
117. Tom initially told us he wasn't coming, then he turns up with two guests! I'm furious with
him. (INITIAL)
118. Though expensive, the guided tour we took in Jerusalem was worth every penny. (GUIDE)
119. __Increasingly___, local police are saying the people they see sleeping on the streets have
mental issues. (INCREASE)
120. The Lavet Institute fights against censorship in movies and literature. (CENSOR)
121. David Baron's latest crime thriller ends with an intriguing final chapter that keeps you
guessing. (INTRIGUE)
122. The true origins of spoken language remain an area of fierce debate. (ORIGIN)
123. The two families fell out after Mr Dawson said Caroline wouldn't be a suitable wife for his
son. (SUIT)
124. It is the bride's father who has __traditionally_____ paid for a wedding. (TRADITION)
125. I had a ___restless_____ night's sleep. My back was hurting and the storm outside made such
a noise. (REST)
126. The Age Of Enlightenment was one of great inventions and revolutionary
__discoveries______. (DISCOVER)
127. The judge was forced to acquit, saying the evidence was wholly _inconclusive_______.
128. The __celebration______ of the opening of the new bridge continued until nearly midnight.



129. Harry Stevens is the man most often credited as being the ___creator_____ of the hot dog.
130. Can you think of one __solitary______ reason why I should give you your job back?
131. That the Vikings had horns in their helmets is a common ___misconception_____.
132. Local officials were surprised at the scale of the _outcry______ against plans for a local
casino. (CRY)
133. I agree with the sentiments so _eloquently_ expressed in David's wonderful speech.
134. It was quite recently that human _conception_______ was first captured on camera.
135. It was my uncle Clive that provided me with advice and sound _guidance__ when I was
young. (GUIDE)
136. The author has a stilted and _dated__style, which I found tough to enjoy. (DATE)
137. Local planners admit they underestimated the number of tourists that would come for the
festival. (ESTIMATE)
138. As is __invariably___ the case when I go to a restaurant, I ate too much and spent a fortune!
139. It's a hot day today, so take the ___precaution_____ of using sun cream and drinking plenty of
water. (CAUTION)
140. Whatever conclusion are drawn from these results, you can't deny it was a groundbreaking
experiment. (CONCLUDE)
141. Mr Hansard was elected President after a ___disputed_____ election result. (DISPUTE)
142. In __keeping______ with an ancient tradition, dinner will be served on blue china. (KEEP)
143. It's __incredibly______ rare to see large sharks in the Mediterranean Sea. (CREDIBLE)
144. The royal wedding finished with a _majestic___ 8-course meal in the evening. (MAJESTY)
145. Scientists used a simple beetle as the __inspiration__ for their invention of a water-collecting
bottle for hot climates.
146. A group of powerful _financiers__ invested in the new company and made a fortune.
147. Helen Weldon has been totally __discredited______ an historian after it was shown she
invented quotations. (CREDIT)
148. In your __estimation______, how much money do we need to save in order to buy the house?
149. Parking in the city centre can be a major __inconvenience___ due to the narrow streets.



150. Holidays where people carry out voluntary charity work are becoming _increasingly__
popular. (INCREASE)
151. This morning's explosion at a chemical plant resulted in one _fatality__ and four injuries.
152. We stopped at the church for thirty minutes to pay our _respects to a local writer who had
died. (RESPECT)
153. I think a toy gun is a totally unsuitable toy for a four-year old. (SUIT)
154. Colin acted with admirable restraint, despite how angry he must have been feeling.
155. The __creation_ of this new department will help the company face the next ten years more
156. The summer school organised many __activities__for us to do. We were never bored.
157. The mayor was forced to resign after the __outcry__ at his ill-considered remarks. (CRY)
158. Educational TV programmes like this are very _stimulating__ for young children.
159. Ben insisted on his articles being _unmodified__ by editors and left when his boss said that
was impossible. (MODIFY)
160. I am looking for a __reputable_jeweller who will be able to appraise this watch and tell me
how much it's worth.
161. Jan Welbech was a reputable physicist until his main two theories were completely
_disproven__. (PROOF)
162. The shark's __notoriety______ is somewhat unfair as fatal attacks are extremely rare.
163. I read a story with the title 'A Strange _Occurence__ At Talbot Bridge', which was about a
train-riding ghost. (OCCUR)
164. I went on a diet that incorporated only fresh and organic food and I could only drink water.
165. The comedian joked about a plane crash and some in the audience thought he was being
disrespectful. (RESPECT)
166. Despite injuring his leg near the start of the race, Larry managed to finish a very
__creditable___ fourth. (CREDIT)
167. Rory always has plenty of money, but I've never been sure what he actually does for a
_living__. (LIVE)
168. What __precautions______ do you take in the workplace to prevent accidents? (CAUTION)



169. The bomb caused __extensive______ damage to the older buildings in the town and had to be
demolished. (EXTEND)
170. The road was _temporarily_______ closed due to a spilled load of children's toys that created
havoc. (TEMPORARY)
171. Though a talented doctor, she found that most skills were not _transferable_______ when she
began working as a vet. (TRANSFER)
172. This new design of the radio __incorporates______ all the best features of our previous
model. (CORPORATE)
173. Maggie is always displaying great _generosity_______ to those less fortunate than her.
174. I am looking to leave in order to find a new job, ___regardless__________ of whether Mr.
Perkins offers me more money or not. (REGARD)
175. It was a ___seemingly__ minor accident but tragically, one of the two drivers died.
176. Most of the activities we did on the course were __meaningless__ and irrelevant. I think it
is very __wasteful__ to spend money on these things. (MEAN/ WASTE)
177. The best way to solve this dispute is to find a neutral, __disinterested___ third party and
follow his or her suggestions. (INTEREST)
181. The _survivability__ of any manned mission to the planets will be increased if a secure
fuel supply can be found beforehand. (SURVIVE)
182. His behaviour in his father's presence caused his __disinheritance___________ and his
sister ended up inheriting the whole family fortune. (INHERIT/ INHERIT)
183. Most of the engine's problems are due to disuse. The car has been parked here for nearly a
year. (USE)
184. You can't help but disbebieve the government when different ministers are giving out
contradictary statements about policy. (BELIEF/ CONTRADICT)
185. As he took more and more drugs to counter the disease, he became increasingly incoherent
and confusing. (INCREASE)
186. If you would only acknowledge the role of your father in the success of your company,
there wouldn't be so much bad blood between you. (KNOW)
187. Why don't you demand a bigger say in the running of the company? Your unquestioning
acceptance of every decision is undoubtedly harming the health of the business. (QUESTION/
188. Journalists are often criticized for their __invasive__ style of journalism which doesn't
respect the privacy of especially celebrities. (INVADE/ PRIVATE)
189. Hard drugs have had a very destructive effect on this community. (DESTROY)
190. The best actor Oscar went to John Garaint for his role as the unforgetably cruel mobster in
"Tough Streets". (FORGET)



191. The realization that his mother was ill forced the suspect to give himself up to the police.
192. Many natural remedies are benefitial to patients but often doctors are unaware of the
boundless possibilities offered by alternative medicines. (BENEFIT/ BOUND)
193. That sign on the truck means that it is carrying explosive materials. (EXPLODE)
194. Due to inflation, house prices in this area have become totally unaffordable. We may to
look somewhere cheaper. (INFLATE/ AFFORD)
195. It says here at the end of your CV that you can give us three references from your old job.
196. The modernization of the factory will be a very costly exercise but vital for the
employment situation in this town. (MODERN/ COST)
197. Are you sure the ___milometer____ is working properly on this truck? It must have done
more than twenty thousand. (MILE)
198. That was a very satisfying meal: very tasty and filling! (SATISFY/ TASTE)
199. This country house was the scene where the infamous murderer Collins was finally
arrested. (FAME)
200. Walk on for about half a mile and when you see the clearance in the forest. (CLEAR)
201. I don't know why I rang you so late. I just had this unbelievable complusion to speak to
202. Regardless of how you feel about it, this company has to go ahead with the redundancy
plan. (REGARD)
203. The boy was punished for an unwillingness to apologize to the two boys. (WILLING)
204. Anthony is a quiet, _bookish type. You will always find him reading or studying
something. (BOOK)
205. This plane is also fitted with the latest ground ___avoidance___ radar and a totally
__computerized____ take-off and landing system. (AVOID/ COMPUTER)
206. These solar batteries will work not only when the sun is shining but as long as there is any
daylight. (DAY)
207. After the cup final, the __triumphant____ team ____bussed_________ back to the hotel
parading the cup as they went. (TRIUMP/ BUS)
208. If you want to be a professional pianist, you have to practice every day. (PIANO)
209. Ordinarily, I wouldn't spend so much money on a hat but it just suits me perfectly.
210. The singer gave an extraordinary performance and the audience gave him a standing
ovation for more than five minutes. (SONG/ ORDINARY/ STAND)
211. Is this mark on my skirt noticable or not? I should more careful drinking coffee!
212. Far from being a drunkard, my father is actually a perfect example of soberity. (SOBER)



213. Jimmy has a sprained knee and is very doubtful for the finals. (DOUBT)
214. Rabbits are often seen as symbolic figures at Easter, representing rebirth and springtime.
215. Harry should have checked the depth of the swimming pool before allowing his children
in. There could have been an accident. (DEEP)
216. The rocks appear to be stationary but in the high winds that whip across this desert
landscape, they are in reality moving ___imperceptibly____. (PERCEIVE)
217. You may laugh Inspector, but it is not whollly apparent to us why you should suspect
anyone in this room of having carried out this murder. (WHOLE)
218. So many asteroids finish their days by crashing into Jupiter due to its huge gravitational
pull. (GRAVITY)
219. The criminal act of numerous factories dumping waste into the area's rivers has led to
dangerously high toxicity levels. (DANGEROUS/ TOXIC)
220. Given the small likelihood of fire in this part of the building, one fire extinguisher should
221. The final vote was 128 for, 173 against with 21 abstentions. The government has been
humiliated by this defeat. (ABSTAIN)
222. We decided to increase our advertising spend as we think that may be a very effective
strategy. (EFFECT)
223. I read an interesting book which spoke about how you can maximize your brain's potential
by taking an hour's siesta every day. (MAXIMUM)
224. Steven has lived in Miami all his life so 15 degrees is comparatively cool for him.
225. The family intervened when they realized Harry was becoming a habitual drinker.
226. The team coach pulled Jones off at halftime seeing as he was utterly failing to keep to his
designated position. (DESIGN)
227. I spent a hot, sleepless night due to the humidity and went to work exhausted. (SLEEP)
228. It's become inreasingly clear that you don't want to continue working here. You can collect
your things and leave on Friday. (INCREASE)
229. Be sure to check that you have all your belongings with you before leaving the train.
230. Caffeine may improve alertness in the short term, but it has other negative effects too.
231. Despite four cars crashing around him, Pete was lucky and his car emerged unaffected
from the other side of the accident. (AFFECT)
232. We spent a fortune in the restaurant last night on their executive menu. It was good, but
not that good! (EXECUTE)



233. Matilda found it hard to overcome the powerful sense of disorientation she felt on waking
for the first time in the new house. (ORIENTATE)
234. Children under 12 accompanied by an adult can enter for free. (COMPANY)
235. It was a dour, passionless performance by the team in the final and they left town
humiliated and without the trophy. (PASSION)
236. New managers can sometimes discipline employees unecessarily in an attempt to appear
tough. (NECESSARY)
237. Our local newspaper is often full of stories that are hardly _newsworthy___, but they need
to fill the pages somehow. (NEWS)
238. The picturesque scenery of Suffolk was the inspiration for the painter John Constable.
239. When Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, his successor was his brother, George VI.
240. Margaret didn't understand the implications of the letter, thinking it a joke. (IMPLY)
241. Your uncle seems a very knowledgable man when it comes to talking about the sea.
242. My grandfather died owing money to a large number of creditors. (CREDIT)
243. The Presidents incompetence during the recession only quickened his party's resolve to get
rid of him. (QUICK)
244. So charismatic was she that it was difficult to ever get really angry at her. (CHARISMA)
245. After climbing all day, we were rewarded with a breathtaking view at the top.
246. Your dog is extraordinarily intelligent. You should try and get him on TV! (ORDINARY)
247. The damage to the car after the accident was considerable and repairs cost a fortune.
248. The latest Impressionist exhibition is a wonderful colorful spectacle. (COLOUR)
249. My son was very unreasonably accused of cheating at school. I will help to prove his
innocence. (REASON)
250. Scientists now understand how much nutritional goodness there is in a coconut. (GOOD)
251. There is an unrivaled collection of Egyptian relics at the British Museum in London.
252. She bribed a politician in an attempt to further her career. (FAR)
253. Unaccustomed as I am to speaking in public, I'll make this as short as possible.
254. Unless you acknowledge your mistakes, you'll never succeed in making up for them.
255. I've made some questionable decisions this year, but all in all, I've done well.



256. Though he didn't win the race, he finished a creditable third. (CREDIT)
257. The weather is so changeable in the British Isles that it's difficult to know what to wear.
258. I don't doubt the effectiveness of this new gadget, but we simply don't have the money to
buy it. (EFFECT)
259. The leadership of Jeremy in this department has been a disaster. He'll need to be replaced.
260. The teacher was furious that Emma had again turned in substandard work. (STANDARD)
261. After his shocking bankruptcy, Nigel managed to find a new job and get his finances back
in order. (BANKRUPT)
262. Many actors move into becoming narrators for television after they finish their acting
careers. (NARRATE)
263. After getting a heart transplant last November, Mike felt like a new man. (PLANT)
264. The quickening rate of company failures is having a disastrous effect on unemployment.
265. Thanks to ballooning costs, everyone is expected to agree to a pay freeze for this year.
266. The dog found the cat in his bed and walked off feeling as though he'd been outwitted.
267. Living in poverty and deprivation, the family struggled to make ends meet. (DEPRIVE)
268. The many dance movies of the 1980s, such as Dirty Dancing and Flash dance, helped to
popularize dancing. (POPULAR)
269. After the book club was restructured, it became much more popular. (STRUCTURE)
270. Crows are probably the most easily identifiable members of the native fauna of the US.
271. Conservation organizations help to preserve the ecology of an area by keeping track of
endangered species. (CONSERVE)
272. I’ll resign if you continue to disregard everything I say. (REGARD)
273. The incident left him with feelings of anger and bitterness. (BITTER)
274. There was a sudden outburst of clapping and cheering as he rose to receive the Nobel
Peace Price. (BURST)
275. The new salesgirl is very nice, efficient and unfailingly polite to the customers. (FALL)
276. Famous though he may be, he is an actor with a scandalous private life. (SCANDAL)
277. I’m afraid it’s not fair when her achievements are always belittled. (LITTLE)
278. That director always tries to paint a sugar-coated picture of working in this company.
279. He was accused of being neglectful of his own children. (NEGLECT)
280. This school is very proud of having its own expertise in scientific research. (EXPERT)



281. The man committed a theft and was sentenced to a three-month imprisonment. (PRISON)
282. Everyone in the neighborhood looks up to him and calls him the man of wisdom_. (WISE)
283. In the last test, his paper result was surprisingly satisfactory. (SURPISE)
284. This is a very important event, and there will be the presence of a great number of
celebrities. (CELEBRATE)
285. Then comes the knock-out stage; If you lose a match, you will be eliminated. (KNOCK)
286. The collection of books in this library is truly a treasure of inestimable value.
287. The tendency now is to have co-educational schools for young children instead of
segregated ones. (EDUCATE/ SEGREGATE)
288. They can’t travel anywhere by boat or ship because of their seasickness. (SICK)
289. To earn a little money, students can apply for seasonal work in the department store.
290. It’s undeniable that the misdiagnosis of the local incompetent healer was responsible for
her sudden death. (DIAGNOSE)
291. A few jokes can liven up a lecture. (LIFE)
292. He is invariably late for meetings. He is always on time. (VARY)
293. Nothing wrong will happen to you as long as you follow the strict guidelines set by the
inspector. (GUIDE)
294. I’m thinking of giving Anna a crystalline vase for her silver wedding. (CRYSTAL)
295. A renewable resource is one that may be replaced overtime by natural process or is
inexhaustable. (EXHAUST)
296. It is said that the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic
deforestation. (FOREST)
297. The mother of the child hurried breathlessly to her neighborhood drugstore. (BREATH)
298. The workers who were downsized during the recession badly need help from the
government. (SIZE)
299. The fairs provided a means of bringing handmade goods from belies places to would-be
buyers in the city. (HAND/ LIE)
300. Export merchants became _differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty
shops began to appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods. (DIFFERENCE/


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