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General Company Description

Company Name: …………

Business Address:…………………..

Contact Info:……………..

“……………………………”has been established as a security system device production

company in Bangladesh. Our business model is based on the accomplishment of securing
system. Our main objective of our business is to provide a preferable and honest service to our
customers security needs and make them satisfied through our creative and fair working skill,
which is appraisingly profitable for our business.

Mission Statement

Our company “……………….” Provides a unique product named “Advance home security
system Device” buying experience to the customers in the locations. We focus on customer
satisfaction and safety first. We understand that different home appliances purchasing is a
necessary, but sometimes unpleasant experiences are happens nowadays. Our goal is to provide
the customers with a safer and honest service by satisfying individual customers practical home
security needs with a quality product. We believe it is important to have this device at a suitable
cost for customers. By generating good sales profit it will provide job satisfaction and fair
compensation to its employees and a fair return to its owner.

Company Goals and Objectives

Our company’s goal is to become the leading vendor of home security system devices worldwide
through a combination of evolving technologies miniaturization, affordability for the end-user
and case of use “……………….” Will be known as the premier developer/ supplier of potential
securing devices.
Business Philosophy

There is proverb says “Security is the peace of mind and safety”. We all need to make sure that
our business, home and family are safe and secured. Our business philosophy is to provide
products and service to the customers and ensure they are happy and safe with our service. Our
customer’s safety is the main forced theorem in our business.

Company Strength

One of our company strength is that it is a growing business model in today’s economy. People
are searching out more security for their daily lives to feel safer and more protected from
potential incidents. The purchasing agent in this case would be any company on individual who
feels the needs greater security in locations, based on variety of factors. They would in most
cases seek out business like this if there had been security breaches or incidents the feel could be
stopped in the future by the placement of a security device from our company by providing the
innovation and technology of our “Advanced Security System” devices. We can be an attractive
option for our client looking forward to secure themselves or their families. Our company is
more embedded as a matured new central role within the enterprise and opened the door of
security positions requiring more of our business or product development orientation than others.
We understand the gravity of risks to corporate reputation, goodwill, and loss of customer
confidence and as good business practice, invest in security information’s to more effectively
protect our customer’s privacy and safety. These are our major competitive strengths of our

Products and Services

Product specification

1. Operating viewing angle of PIR sensor is 110 degree and approximate range in within 6-7
2. Power supply : 3.3V – 5V DC input voltage
3. Shape: Rectangular
4. Calibrated time : 6-7 seconds approximately
Fig: Circuit Design of PIR Controlled Security Systems

Our product has some beneficial factors and a few advantages and disadvantages, following


 Smaller in size, portable.

 Can be operated both automatically and manually.

 Consist of advance protocols.

 Operating and maintenance cost is comparatively low.

 Sustainability of this product is high.

 User friendly.

 This device is not network provided.

 The sensors delays about a minute at startup time.

Refining the plan

Raising Capital

An amount of 100000 TK loan is borrowed from………… According to the price of raw

material of the product and for a startup this fund is required if plays the role of a primary way
for our company to rise up capital. This would advise the business and governments to meet out
financial challenge and to help procure financing

The amount of loan is to borrowed on the terms of repayment within ……..years. A certain
properties have been offered as collate rate to the bank. As a lien the bank can seize……and sell
it in order to recover the money that was lent if we fail to repay the loan.


From some willing full investors, a fund of……..BDT is needed short term for a startup.
Furthermore estimated ……..BDT would be needed in two to five years. For this fund the
company will bear the cost of the raw material of the products and demands of the labors
accordingly. This could extend the company’s production rate due to improved materials and
machineries as well as working efficiencies. It’s estimated about …….BDT would be returned
on investment. On contrary for the exit strategy for the investors the whole project could be sold
off to pay off our existing set of investors, this allowing them to work from their investments. A
contact of……% of ownership is made with the investors on the company production. The
contact was made as a




Financial reporting> math

Involvement of investors> acknowledgement

For Type of Business


Estimated a total of ………..products would be manufactured annually/monthly. Cost per

production line is settled up to ……BDT from which around ……..BDT is profitable overall for
each of the physical planned in the workshop.

New product

Service Business

Intangible goods: Our companies competitive factors comparing to others are that we focus on
the key areas of our business. We look at areas such as product support, upgrade features. That is
relevant to our industries. We maintain a high customer appreciation rating for delivering a good
customer service. We keep give effort to higher the quality of our products. Price for each
product is selled at …….BDT. This price is set accordingly to the sum total of cost of raw
materials and efficiencies of the production.

Product Management

Our companies employ GMP in the production of goals and thus we are able to often quality
products on a consistent basis. We operate our company under GMP to ensure quality through
every step of production. From research and development, through formulation installation
packaging and distribution, you can be assured that our dedicated to quality in all aspects of our

Strategy Client Base

Our strategy to keep our clients base are to set out clients expectations earlier as possible so that
we can eliminate any uncertainty as to the level of service we need to offer to ensure our clients
are happy. We committed to build trust firming the relationships with our customers instead of
waiting for problems to occur. We implement anticipations services to eliminate problems before
they happen.

High Technologies Company

Our gross domestic product is the broadest indicator of our company economy, measuring the
value of our final goods and services produced in a given time period. Our employment forecast
is made on how many jobs our economy has created or lost each month. Moreover our interest
rates, inflation rates, business equipment, retailing etc. consecutive enhance our industry outlook.
For the needs of our customer to manage our changing prices costs and market we have
advanced information system. Our company works on enhancing the quality of our product
through further researches working on the development of the product for more comfort to our
customer .Our research is to innovate our product through network provided services. To protect
intellectual property by our company we could patent our patent or preserve trademarks of
product or reserve our product copyrights and also avoid any kind of technological obsolescence.

Retail Business

Company Image

The primary goal of any company is to attract the customers to its product or service. To evaluate
our company image, management, company name and trademark are provided with a positive
outlook. Our thought leadership and corporate culture makes our company to business with like-
minded companies that share the same values. We provide our company’s quality service and
suitable facilities.



Customer Service policies

1. Our customer service policies are tailored to the needs of our customers information are
collected such as customer name, address , phone number, name of the employee receiving
complaint, date and time of the occurrence and resolution , its nature etc.

2. We create information surveys to get the feedback of our customers. We use online surveys to
gather information’s in time the customers need.

3. We organize focus group talks to our employees about frequent customer issues and look at
stats like as the number of return and return rate to determine how happy customers are with our

4. We combine internal and vendor input and compare it to information from customers in order
to create a list of problems. We focus on ones that come up frequently affect our bottom line and

5. We set our customer service goals in time with our vision and based on our research into
customer needs. We set a baseline to see how responsive our current customer service program

6. We tried to be concerned about how well our products and sales material are oriented forward
customers. We seek to produce a better product that meets or even anticipates consumer needs.
For our product and our quality service we use reliable customer service policies to enhance our
company image.


The location of company and our workshops are in ……….., for which we can attract customers
to our outlets make supply and distributions easier which also change customer buying habits.
Our location situated at a well-planned shopping area to provide a number of outlets preferably
under a theme.


We design our product promotions to create a greater need or desire for our product in the
market place. We increase awareness of products through advertising, campaign, offer a special
deal, bonus to make out product more appealing. We can able to make our promotional efforts
clear, quick, and informative without being overly dense. We prioritize the most important
information about our product namely whatever makes it better product than its competitors. We
carry away advertising of our product through newspaper, magazine, on air, and social networks
embracing online advertising.

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