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Present the journey of our Filipino identity in an editorial cartooning. Support it with a short
editorial essay (200- 300 words only) citing at least 3 concrete ways of taking pride to one’s
identity as Filipino. Please use separate sheet.
People nowadays are increasingly patronizing other cultures. We have gotten
infatuated to the point of replicating all they do, including their appearance, tastes, and
actions. Apart from admiring, we are also quick to criticize other countries that we have
neglected. I believe it is past time for us to pay attention to our Filipino identity and all
that it involves. We should be proud of our Filipino identity since it is the most valuable
treasure that our conquerors have kept hidden from us for so long. What distinguishes
us is our culture and beliefs. Filipinos are known for their adaptability, resilience, and
altruism, all of which are commendable qualities. We can think and express our
thoughts as humans, and we also have a feeling of good and wrong, which we refer to
as our conscience. Nobody has the authority to own another person or to compel them
to work under duress. We are not all the same, even if we are all equal. Each of us is
unique in our own way, but we all have some characteristics that make us human. As a
result, each of us should be treated with dignity and respect, and we should treat others
the same way. In their sexual and reproductive lives, no one should be discriminated
against. Everyone has the right to be protected from all forms of violence perpetrated
against them because of their race, color, language, sex, religion, political, national, or
social origin, property, birth, or other position.

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