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HELLO teacher,
and on this day
I will be presenting my software project


I am going to talk about a simple billing program

and the objective is to present the functionality of the program to be


allowing the contracting

company to acquire what it requests through the requirements.

*The topics that

we are going to talk about in this presentation will be...

Login and roles

search for information

create, read, update and delete


Companies today require more efficient information management in terms of
accounting system,

in addition to needing to manage a varied amount of information.

reason why I have thought of creating a billing system

with which you can have a

basic system for data management which I explain below...


How will the session be started and how will the proper permissions be

In the first place

we are going to have a login with which the person will be able to have
access to the main page,

but for this

he will need a username, password and obviously be previously


If you are not registered,

you must go to the link that you can see at the bottom
"you lost your password" click and it will direct you to another form..

Here you will have a form in which you must type name, email, password
and confirm
the password again, once you hit the "register" button.

When you do,

you will receive an email

that will tell you that you must wait for

the administrator's authorization

to be able to enter with the registered data.

In this part comes the management of roles, it must be remembered that

the role
with which the registration starts is ¨Unauthorized¨
Password recovery

If you were already registered and do not remember your password,

Don’t worry,

a password will be sent to your email

so that you can enter the system without

any problem

once you fill out this form and click on the "recover password" button.

* 2. topic two, search for information. (read)

Searching for information is very necessary to access the registered


without having to wait for the database administrator

to do so,

this is part of the ease

and reliability that my software offers.

* To access the search engine

you only have to pass the cursor over the item

if you want to access,

there two options will be displayed, you must select search...

* In this way you will access the search engine where you can locate what
you need,

but it does not matter if you put the complete word, any letter or number

will recognize related information and present it to you immediately.

* 3. topic three, create, read, edit, delete.

According to crehana point com,

a CRUD is a group of four actions that are used to manage the

that is stored in different types of development.

It is also used to
check that developments are fully functional.

If you are wondering what CRUD means,

each of the letters of this acronym corresponds

to a particular action:

Create, Read, Update and Delete.

The objective of performing each of these actions is to store,

organize and classify

the data.

But they also work to correct errors in the manipulation of information.

As you could see in previous slides,

when you put the cursor on each entity

you will
see that two options are automatically displayed,

one of these is to create.

* When you click on it,

a form will open

where you can put the different data depending

on the action that is needed,

whether it is registering a client, a new invoice, a new order,

a new product, a new supplier.

Each worker will also be able to edit,
if they wish, their password, their username and their email easily from
the main page.

that if you must remember these changes

since they will be your new login data.


*You will also find the option to edit and delete information stored in
all the
components of the system

but only if you are a company administrator,

otherwise you will

only be able to search for it and later read the information found.

If you are an administrator you can execute these changes

by accessing the same search


and from there you will delete any information with a click.


Taking into account the importance of having a program that manages

the necessary information to make a company more efficient in terms of

information management,

I have developed software

with which the client can create, search, read, edit and delete

as well as store it properly. in a database, there in said base you will

find security that will prevent information from being revealed to people
outside this authorization, also counting on the start security with
which only authorized personnel can enter.

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