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Activity/ Discussion:

The Rise of the

Religious Order
What is religious life?
What is vocation?
Can you imagine yourself
joining such group? Why or why

A commitment to live a religious life is loving Righteousness with every inch of
one's heart and pursuing and accepting him above everything else. Religious life
is a call of following Jesus where you are loving him more than anyone or
anything else. Someone that feels like their life is only devoted to God.

Any part that a person plays in their life is considered their vocation in the
broadest sense. Moreover, according to what I understood at the vocation mass I
went to on November 25, 2022. In its liturgy, Father stated that a catholic's
vocation is a context for how God summoned them, a personal invitation from
God, and a vocation that comes from who they are and what brings them joy.

We could walk into and out of a large group event, which is not only conceivable
but also probable. Additionally, it can be strengthened by the company of other
Christians and the chance to engage in acts of worship and service. We also
sense that in this way the presence of the Holy Spirit, who brings "love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith in me.
Thank you
for listening!

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