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2/2/2021 Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

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(1) When was the first IC engine installed in cars and brought on roads? *





(2) How does the geometric profile of a high-speed IC engine piston vary along its height? *

Ring area: Taper from top to bottom, Skirt area: Barrel shape with major axes along thrust plane

Ring area: Taper from bottom to top, Skirt area: Barrel shape with major axes along thrust plane

Ring area: Taper from top to bottom, Skirt area: Barrel shape with minor axes along thrust plane

Ring area: Taper from bottom to top, Skirt area: Barrel shape with minor axes along thrust plane… 1/5
2/2/2021 Multiple Choice Questions

(3) Which of these statements are true? 1. Top-most piston ring helps in gas sealing and oil
scraping, 2. Second piston ring helps is gas sealing and oil scraping, 3. Second piston ring helps
only in oil scraping, 4. Third piston ring helps in only oil control, 5. Third piston ring helps in oil
control and gas sealing *

1, 2 and 4

2 and 4

2, 3 and 5

All of the above

(4) What is the correct order of the mass and size of the pistons in IC engines based on their
speed: *

high speed > medium speed > low speed

low speed > medium speed > high speed

medium speed ≅ low speed > high speed

medium speed ≅ high speed < low speed

(5) What is the typical range of compression ratio of spark ignition and compression ignition
engines? *

For spark 10:1 to 20:1 and for compression 4:1 to 8:1

(6) What is the typical range of bore to stroke ratio and for medium to high speed engines
versus low speed engines *

1.1 to 1.4 for medium and high and 0.8 to 1.1 for low speed… 2/5
2/2/2021 Multiple Choice Questions

(7) The patent “Internal Combustion Engine” was awarded in which year and to whom? *

In 1898 to Rudolf diesel

(8) What is the typical speed range of high, medium and low speed IC engines? Based on these
speeds, estimate the typical time duration of a four and a two-stroke engine for the following:
(a) power stroke (b) Time duration of exhaust valve opening *

1200 rpm for high 400 rpm for medium 80 rpm. .25 millisec for high .

(9) What is the brake horsepower of the World’s most powerful engine and how does its size
(in terms of area) compare with an external combustion engine generating and equivalent
output power? *

About 6000 bhp and size is also quite big for such engine to produce such amount of power

(10) How many piston rings can a piston have? Can a ring be located outside of a piston?
Explain with a one line supporting statement. *

3 yes it is polish ring

(11) Can an IC engine be 3-stroke? Explain with a supporting one-line argument *

No, because synchronization become tough in such case… 3/5
2/2/2021 Multiple Choice Questions

(12) A closed vessel is used for generating steam under pressure. It can be designated as a
boiler if its capacity is *

<22.75 litres

=22.75 litres

> 22.75 litres

>=22.75 litres

(13) An IC engine exhibits consistently poor exhaust emissions (high soot and unburnt
hydrocarbons). Which of these design faults is most likely to be present in the engine? *

A high crevice volume

A high surface-to-volume ration of the combustion chamber

Both options 1 and 2

High clearance volume

Options 1, 2 and 4

(14) What is TBN in context to the lubricating oil of an IC engine? What are the units of TBN? *

It is measure of basic concentration present in lubricating oil . Unit mgKOH/g… 4/5
2/2/2021 Multiple Choice Questions

(15) Which of the following would be at highest temperature in a steam power plant *

Sub cooled water

Saturated water

Superheated steam

Saturated steam

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