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Indian Institute of Technology, Indore

Quiz – December 2021

Course Title: Electrodynamics Semester: 1st

Date of Examination: 30th Dec, 2021 Time duration: 55 Minutes
Course Code: PH-106 Total Marks: 1 + 14 = 15

1. Answer in your own words as far as practicable. You must explain the rationale behind each mathematical step. Your
answer should not be a collection of alphanumeric only!

2. If we find substantial text overlaps between answer scripts we will mark them accordingly. A text overlap might occur
if you copy from each other or copy from the same source. In such cases, without any discrimination, there will be
penalties (at our own discretion).

3. You should upload your answer script ONLY in the PDF format. No other formats (JPEG, JPG etc) will be accepted.
We will ignore any other formats. Please make sure that your file size is not too large (< 10 MB) so that my Gdrive
folder has sufficient space to accommodate everyone’s answer script.

4. Make sure to name your file as Name-Surname-RollNo.pdf or, if you don’t use a surname, name the file as Name-

5. Before submission, check your pdf file for a final time to ensure all the pages are oriented and arranged properly. Make
sure that the handwriting and the scanning are clear and readable. 1 mark is reserved for compliance with all
the instructions including timely submission of the answer scripts.

Q.1) The potential of the nuclear matter is approximated by the Yukawa potential given by
1 Ae−kr
φ(r) =
4π0 r
where A and k are some positive constants.
(a) Find the electric field for the Yukawa potential as a function of r. 1 mark
(b) Compute the charge density and total charge for the given potential.
Hint 1:You may use the following integration formula
Z ∞
Γ(n + 1) = e−x xn dx = n!

2 marks
(c) Plot charge density as a function of r. 1 mark
(d) Discuss the k → 0 limit in particular the impact on the charge distribution. 1 mark
Q.2) Consider two uniformly charged concentric spherical shells of radii ra and rb (ra ≤ rb ) with
total charges +Q and −Q respectively.
(a) Find the electric field and potential for the regions
(i) r < ra
(ii) ra < r < rb
(iii) r > rb 4 marks
(b) Plot the electric field and potential as functions of r. 2 marks
(c) Verify that the electrostatic boundary conditions are satisfied at r = ra and r = rb . 3 marks

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