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Rumah Gadang

Written by Anisa Karlina

Rumah Gadang is a traditional house of the Minangkabau tribe, West

Sumatra. It has a unique and easily recognizable roof shape. The architecture of
Rumah Gadang is certainly related to the culture of the Minangkabau people.

The history or origin of the form of the Rumah Gadang is related to the story
of the victory of the Minangkabau people against Majapahit. In the past, the
Majapahit kingdom wanted to occupy the Minangkabau region. Majapahit prepare
troops in large numbers. After negotiating, the Minangkabau community offered a
buffalo fight. If the Majapahit won the buffalo fight, then they have the right to occupy
Minangkabau land. However, if the buffalo of the Majapahit side lost, they had to
leave Minangkabau.

The Majapahit party then agreed by sending a bull that was so big and fierce.
However, the Minangkabau people who are known to be smart, they actually send
buffalo calves to compete. As soon as the calf was released, he immediately ran to
the stomach of the Majapahit buffalo to look for milk. This is because the calf thought
that the Majapahit buffalo was the mother. In the blink of an eye, the Majapahit
buffalo's stomach was torn by a knife placed at the end of the calf's mouth. Thus, the
Majapahit buffalo died and the victory belonged to the Minangkabau people. For this
reason, the Rumah Gadang is made like a buffalo horn as a symbol of victory for the
Minangkabau people.

One of the most striking features of the Rumah Gadang is the shape of its
majestic and pointed roof on both sides. Because of the shape of the roof, the
Rumah Gadang is often called the gonjong house or bagonjong.

In addition, Rumah Gadang is designed to be earthquake resistant. This is

because the West Sumatra region often experiences earthquakes. According To
Gantino Habibi in "Earthquake Resistant Gadang House" the construction of the
Rumah Gadang plays a role in its ability to withstand earthquakes.

The poles of the Rumah Gadang are not planted in the ground, but are resting
on a strong and wide flat stone. So, when an earthquake occurs, it will move on the
rock where the pillar stands. The pillars of the house are also not connected with
nails, but with dowels made of wood. So as to create earthquake-resistant

Based on the leadership model, Rumah Gadang is divided into two types,
namely the Rumah Gadang Koto Piliang and the Rumah Gadang Bodi Caniago type.
The type of Rumah Gadang Koto Piliang has anjuang at the left and right ends and
the floor is terraced, while the type of Rumah Gadang Bodi Caniago does not have
anjuang at both ends and the floor is flat.

The entire interior of the Rumah Gadang is a loose space, except for the
bedroom. The loose space consists of a space and a lanjar which is marked by the
presence of poles whose arrangement is lined up from left to right and from front to
back. From left to right mark space, while from front to back mark lanjar. The number
of rooms must be an odd number between three and eleven. And the number of
lanjar is adjusted to the size of the house.

Rumah Gadang is accompanied by accompanying buildings that have their

respective functions, including rangkiang and anjuang.
 Rangkiang

These buildings are usually two in number. It is located in the front yard of the
Gadang house and is used to store rice as the main ingredient of daily food.

 Anjuang

This building is located on the right and left wings of the building which
functions as a place for the coronation of traditional heads or a place for the bride
and groom. Therefore, another name for the Gadang house is the Baanjuang house.

Rumah Gadang is rich in meaning which is a general description of the life of

the Minangkabau community as a whole. In everyday life, the rumah gadang has its
own function, these functions are:

1. Customary Function

Rumah Gadang is a main house owned by a group of Minangkabau people

who are bound by a certain tribe. As the main house, Rumah Gadang is a place
where traditional events and other important events of the tribe are held.

We can describe the traditional activities of the Minangkabau community

based on their life cycle, namely: Bathing, Circumcision, Marriage, Batagak Gala
(Appointment of Datuak), and Death.

The above functions can also be called temporary functions that take place in
a Rumah Gadang, because these activities do not take place every day and only
take place at certain times.

2.Daily Function

Rumah Gadang is a place that accommodates the daily activities of its

residents. Rumah Gadang is a house inhabited by a large family with all their daily
activities. The definition of a large family here is a family consisting of a father,
mother and daughter, whether married or unmarried, while boys have no place in the
Rumah Gadang. This function is actually more dominant in a Rumah Gadang. As
usual houses for the general public, this is where activities and interactions between
family members take place.
To this day, Rumah Gadang typical of West Sumatra is still commonly found
in this province. This house ornament is also widely found throughout Indonesia,
especially in Padang restaurants. In the past, the roof of the Rumah Gadang was
made of fibers and could last for decades. But lately, the roof of the house has been
replaced with zinc.

With this Rumah Gadang, we should be proud of it and preserve it. This is
because Rumah Gadang reflects the richness of Minangkabau culture and also
shows that our ancestors had extraordinary advantages in the field of architecture.

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