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Unit 4: Database Design & Development

UML - Unified Modeling Language

What is UML?
▪ UML stands for Unified Modeling Language which is used in object oriented
software engineering
▪ The UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have
proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems.
Overview of UML Diagrams
: behavioral features of a system / business process

: element of spec. irrespective of time • Activity

• State machine
▪ Class • Use case
▪ Component • Interaction
▪ Deployment Interaction
▪ Object : emphasize object interaction

▪ Composite structure
• Communication(collaberation)
▪ Package • Sequence
• Interaction overview
• Timing

Use Case Diagram:

▪ Capture requirements. Clarify exactly what the system

is supposed to do
▪ Displays the relationship among actors and use
cases. Different from traditional flow chart.

Purpose of Use case Diagram
▪ The main purpose of a use case diagram is to show
who interacts with your system, and the main goals they
achieve with it.
▪ Create Actors to represent classes of people,
organizations, other systems, software or devices that
interact with your system or subsystem.
Use case for ATM sub system

Use case for a Appointment

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