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AL/2021/10/E-I -1-

KOg; gjpg;Gupik cilaJ / All Rights Reserved

Index Number:

✵ This question paper consists of two parts; PART A (Questions 1  10) and PART B
(Questions 11 –17)
Answer all questions. Write your answers to each question in the space provided. You may use
additional sheets if more space is needed.
✵ Part B:
Answer five questions only.
✵ At the end of the time allotted, tie the answers of the two parts together so that PART A is on top
of PART B before handing them over to the supervisor.
✵ You are permitted to remove only PART B of the question paper from the Examination Hall.

(10) Combined Mathematics I

Part Question No. Marks
1 Paper I
2 Paper II
3 Total
Final Marks
Final Marks
9 In Numbers
10 In Letters
13 Code Numbers
B 14 Marking Examiner 1
15 Marking Examiner 2
Checked by
Total Supervised by

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Part A
r n2
1. Using the Principle of Mathematical Induction, prove that 2
r 1
 2
for all n    .

2. Draw the rough sketches of the graphs y  x  3 and y  2 x  3 on same diagram. Hence, find all real

values of x satisfying the inequality x  2 x  3 .


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3. For any complex number z , show that i z  1  i  z  1  i . Draw the rough sketch of the locus of the

complex numbers z satisfying Arg  z  1  i   on an Argand diagram. Hence, find the minimum

value of i z  1  i such that Arg  z  1  i   .
 1 
4. If the ratio between the 7 th
term and (n  5) th
term in the binomial expansion of  3 2  3  is 1: 6 ,
 3
find the value of n ; Here n    .

[See page 4
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256 x 4   4
5. Show that lim  8 3 .
x 
4 tan x  1
6. Rough sketch of the part of the circle x 2  y 2  r 2 is shown in the y
diagram. Here OPAˆ    0      . Show that the volume of the solid
  r
 2
obtained by revolving the shaded region PAB about x  axis through an
O A B x
 r3
angle 2 is given by
 2  3sin   sin 3   . 2 2
x y r 2

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7. If the tangents drawn to the curve x 2  4 y at the points P(2t , t 2 ) and Q (4t , 4t 2 ) meet at the point R ,

show that the locus of the point R is given by 2 x 2  9 y . Here, t   0  is a parameter.

1 1 1
8. a, b are positive parameters such that 2
 2  2 , where c   . Show that the locus of the foot of the
a b c
x y
perpendicular drawn from the origin to the line   1 is x 2  y 2  c 2 .
a b
[See page 6
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9. Show that there are four circles such that their center lies on the curve y  x 2  6 and touching the x
and y axes. Also show that the sum of the areas of these circles is 26 .

    3 
10. Show that sec   tan   tan   . Hence, find the value of tan   .
2 4  8 

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KOg; gjpg;Gupik cilaJ / All Rights Reserved

Part B
✵ Answer five questions only.

11. ( a ) Let f ( x)  x 2  kx   2   and g ( x)  2 x 2  kx   2   ; Here     0 . Given that

f ( x)  0 and g ( x)  0 have a common root  ; where   0 . Show that      . Also show
that k    2 and hence show that
(i) k  0 ,
(ii) the discriminant of f ( x)  0 is  2 , and

(iii) the discriminant of g ( x)  0 is  3  2  .


Let the other roots of f ( x)  0 and g ( x)  0 be  and  respectively. Show that      
and find  and  in terms of  and  . Hence, show that the quadratic equation with  ,  as roots
is 2 x 2  (2   ) x    0 .
( b ) Let h( x)  2 x 3  ax 2  bx  c ; Here a, b, c   . Given that the reminder when h( x) is divided by

x 2  1 is 6 x  3 . Show that b  4 .
If the reminder when h( x) is divided by x 2  3 x is kx  4 , find k , a and c .
Show that ( x  2) is a factor of h( x) and also show that h( x) can be expressed in the form

( x  p ) 2 (2 x  q ) ; Here p, q  .
12. ( a ) The table shows the details of 20 people recommended
Male Female
to participate in an international conference from an
Electrical Engineering 4 2
engineering faculty, in the fields of electrical, computer,
Computer Engineering 4 4
and civil engineering. A team of 10 people from them
Civil Engineering; 4 2
have to be selected to attend the conference.
(i) Find the number of teams that can be selected such that it consists of exactly five males and five
(ii) Find the number of teams that can be selected such that it consists of at least 5 males and 3
(iii) Find the number of teams that can be selected such that it consist of at least 2 males and one
female from each engineering field and comprised of exactly 6 males and 4 females.
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2(2r  7) A B
( b ) Let U r  and Vr   for r    ; Here A, B  . Find A, B
(2r  1) (2r  1) (2r  3) 2r  1 2r  1
2n(10n  17)
such that U r  Vr 1  Vr for r    . Hence, show that U
r 1
r 
3(2n  1)(2n  3)
for n    .

Show that the infinite series U
r 1
r converges and find its sum.

n n
Let Wr  U r  U r 1  U r  2 for r    . Show that Wr  U r  U n2  U 2 , deduce that the infinite
r 1 r 1

series W
r 1
r converges and find its sum.

 a 0 a  1 1 a 1  b b  2
13. ( a ) Let A , B    and C    are matrices such that
0 1 0  1 a  1 0  b  2 b  3
ABT  C ; Here a, b   . Show that a  3 and b  5 .

Write down C 1 and show that C  C 1  7 I . Here I is the identity matrix of order 2 .
Let P   C  2 I  . Find the matrix Q such that C (Q  P )  AAT  C  C 1 .

( b ) Let z  cos   i sin  ; Here 0    .
   3   3 
Show that z  z 2  2 cos    cos    i sin    . Hence, write down
 2   2   2 
(i) Arg ( z  z 2 ) and

(ii) z  z 2 .

In an Argand diagram, the points A, B and C denotes the complex numbers z , z 2 and z  z 2
respectively. Roughly denote the points A, B and C on an Argand diagram and show that OACB is
a rhombus.

  3 1
Also, when  
6  2  1  i  .
, show that z  z 2  
 

  6 2
Hence, deduce that cos    .
 12  4
 
( c ) Let z  r (cos   i sin  ) ; Here r   and    . Using De Moivre’s theorem, show that
2 2
z n  z n  2r n cos n ; Here n    .

 n
 2 
Hence or otherwise, show that (1  i ) n  (1  i ) n  2 cos  .
 4 

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( x  1) (2 x  1)
14. ( a ) Let f ( x)  for x  2 .
( x  2) 2

9 x
Show that the f '( x) , the derivative of f ( x) , is given by f ( x)  for x  2 .
( x  2)3

Hence, find the coordinates of turning point of the curve y  f ( x) and distinguish whether it is

maximum or minimum.

18( x  1)
It is given that f ''( x)  for x  2 . Find the coordinates of inflection point of y  f ( x) .
( x  2) 4

Draw the rough sketch of y  f ( x) indicating the asymptotes, turning point and inflection point.

( b ) Figure shows a circular lake with center O and radius 2km . An

animal which is capable of swimming at a uniform speed of

3kmh 1 and running at a uniform speed of 4kmh 1 needs to travel 2km

A  B
from A to B , decides to swim from A to P and then runs from 
P to B along the lake side. The total time taken by the animal to

reach B from A is T hours. Let PAB   radians; Here

0   .
(i) Show that T  (4 cos   3 ) .
dT 1
(ii) Show that  (3  4sin  ) and find the value of  for which T attains its maximum.
d 3

1  1
15. ( a ) Using suitable substitution, show that I   (x
 1) 2
dx   .
8 4
x 2

If J   2 2
dx , show that I  J  and hence find J .
( x  1) 4

( b ) For m   , using integration by parts, show that e
cos mx dx  2
m 1
 e2  1 .

3 2
Hence, show that e
cos x cos 2 x dx 
 e  1 .

 
b b cos 2  x 
 8  dx  1 ln 3 .
( c ) Show that  f ( x) dx  
a a
f (a  b  x) dx . Hence, show that 
x(4  x) 4

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 m 1
16. Show that the gradients of the lines that makes an angle of with the line y  mx  c are and
4 m 1
1 m
; Here m  1 .
1 m
Let A  (0,  2) and B  (6, 6) . Find the equation of the line passing through A, B , and find the equation

of the lines l1 , l2 which pass through A and make an acute angle with the line AB . Here, the line l1
makes an acute angle with the positive x  axis. Show that the equation of the perpendicular bisector l ' of
the line AB is l '  3 x  4 y  17  0 . Let P be a point on l ' . Show that the coordinates of P can be
expressed in the form of (3  4t , 2  3t ) .
If the points where the line l ' intersects the lines l1 and l2 are C , D respectively, find the coordinates of
C , D and show that ACBD is a square.
Find the center and radius of the circle S which touches the four sides of the square ACBD internally and
show that the equation of S is given by S  x 2  y 2  6 x  4 y   0 .
If the circle S touches the side AC at M and the side CB at N , find the coordinates of M , N , and
show that the equation of the circles passing through M , N is given by S  U  0 . Here
U  8 x  6 y  37  0 and  is a parameter. Hence, show that the equation of the circle that intersects S
orthogonally and passing through M , N is given by S  U  0 .
cos  sin  1   
17. ( a ) Let   ; Here 0    and a, b, c   . Using the substitution t  tan   , show
a b c 2 2
that (ab  bc)t  2act  (ab  bc)  0 .
        a
If the solutions for t are tan   and tan   , show that tan   .
2 2  2  b
( b ) (i) If sin 60 sin   3 sin 75 sin(45   ) for 0    180 , show that   30 .

(ii) In usual notation, state sine rule for a triangle ABC .

ˆ  60
In the triangle ABC shown in the diagram, ACB
ˆ  75 . The point D lies on AC such that 
and BAC
ˆ  .
60 75
If it is given that the area of BAD  3  the area of C
BCD , show that c sin   3a sin(45   ) . Using
sine rule and the result obtained in (b) (i), find the value of  .

    cos x    3a ; Here 1  x  1 . Using the result sin 1 x  cos 1 x  

3 3
( c ) Let sin 1 x 1
, show
   2
that  sin 1 x     32a  1 .
 4 48
Hence, deduce that a  .

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KOg; gjpg;Gupik cilaJ / All Rights Reserved

Index Number:


✵ This question paper consists of two parts; PART A (Questions 1 − 10) and PART B
(Questions 11 –17)
Answer all questions. Write your answers to each question in the space provided. You may use additional
sheets if more space is needed.
✵ Part B:
Answer five questions only.
✵ At the end of the time allotted, tie the answers of the two parts together so that PART A is on top of
PART B before handing them over to the supervisor.
✵ You are permitted to remove only PART B of the question paper from the Examination Hall.

(10) Combined Mathematics I

Part Question No. Marks
Paper I
2 Paper II
1 3 Total
Final Marks
7 Final Marks
8 In Numbers
10 In Letters
Code Numbers
B 14 Marking Examiner 1
15 Marking Examiner 2
16 Checked by
Supervised by

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Part A
1. Two spheres 𝐴 and 𝐵 of masses 2𝑚 and 𝑚 respectively are kept on a smooth horizontal surface. The sphere
𝐴 is thrown with the velocity u towards the sphere 𝐵 which is at rest and directly collides with it. The coefficient
of restitution between 𝐴 and 𝐵 is .
2 u
Find the velocities of spheres 𝐴 and 𝐵 just after the collision. Also, show that the
ratio of kinetic energies of 𝐴 and 𝐵 just after the collision is 1:2
A(2m) B(m)


2. A particle is projected under gravity with speed 𝑢=√𝑎𝑔 in a direction making an

angle 𝜃 (00 < 𝜃<900 ) with the horizontal from a point O on a horizontal ground. P
During its flight, if it passes the point 𝑃 which is at a horizontal distance of 2 and
height 𝜆a from O,
Show that 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝜃 − 4𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝜃 + (8𝜆+1) = 0. Also deduce that 𝜆 ≤ θ
[See page 3
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3. One end of a light inelastic string is attached with a particle P of mass 𝑚 which is kept on smooth horizontal
table. The string passes over a smooth pulley which is fixed on the edge of the table and passes under a movable
smooth pulley Q of mass 𝑚. The other end of the string is connected to a fixed-point O. Parts of the string
which are not in contact with the pulleys are horizontal or vertical and also perpendicular to the edge of the
table. Initially the string is held taut and particle P is released from rest while it is at a distance 𝑎 from the edge
of the table.
Show the acceleration of P is 5
. Find the velocity of Q when P reaches the edge of the table.
………………………………………………………………………………… a
………………………………………………………………………………… Q(m)


4. A car of mass 1000 kg travels on a straight road against a resistive force of magnitude (𝑎 + 𝑏𝑣)𝑁.
Here 𝑎 and 𝑏 are constants and 𝑣 is the speed of the car in 𝑚𝑠 −1 . When the car moves with 10𝑚𝑠−1 ,
the resistive force is 1500N. When the engine of the car works at 40kW, the maximum speed attained
by the car is 20𝑚𝑠 −1. Find the values of 𝑎 and 𝑏.


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5. A narrow smooth tube 𝐴𝐵 which subtends an angle 𝜃 at the center 𝑂 with radius 𝑎, is fixed in a vertical plane
keeping 𝑂𝐴 horizontal. A particle of mass 𝑚 is projected vertically upwards with a speed of √𝑎𝑔 from 𝐴,
inside the tube. In the following motion, the particle just reaches the point 𝐵 and then falls vertically downwards
under gravity. Show that 𝜃 = 300 . Find the time taken for the particle to reach the point 𝐶 on 𝑂𝐴, when moving
under gravity.

. B

a 𝑔
……………………………………………………………………………… √𝑎𝑔
a C
. A

⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = −2ⅈ + 4𝑗 , ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
6. In the usual notation, let 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶 be three points such that 𝐴𝐵 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = ⅈ + 9𝑗.
𝑂𝐵 = 2ⅈ + 7𝑗 and 𝑂𝐶
Here 𝑂 is the origin. Show that the points 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶 are collinear.
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = (4𝜆 − 2)ⅈ + (3𝜆 − 7)𝑗, here 𝜆 is a scalar.
𝐷 is a point on 𝑂𝐴 such that 𝐵𝐷
If 𝐵𝐷//𝐶𝑂, show that 𝜆 = 3 .

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7. A uniform rod of weight 𝑊 and length 2𝑎 has its one end 𝐴 resting on the corner of a smooth horizontal floor
and a smooth vertical wall. The other end 𝐵 is supported by a smooth peg and the rod is in equilibrium making
𝜃 angle with the horizontal. If the reaction at the end 𝐵 is 2 2 , show that 𝜃 = 450 . Find the horizontal and

vertical component of the reaction at 𝐴. What is the distance of the point at which the reaction at 𝐴 and 𝐵 meets,
from the wall?

………………………………………………………………………………… θ
8. A light inextensible string attached to two particles 𝑃 and 𝑄 of weight 𝑊 each, passes through a smooth pulley
which is fixed at the upper edge of a rough plane inclined at 𝜃 to the horizontal. As shown in the figure, 𝑃
hangs freely and 𝑄 is on the inclined plane. The system is in limiting equilibrium with the string taut and parts
of the string being perpendicular to the edge of inclined plane. If the coefficient of friction between 𝑄 and the
1 1
plane is 2 , show that 𝑠𝑒𝑐 𝜃 − 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝜃 = .
Also, obtain another relationship between 𝑠𝑒𝑐 𝜃 , 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝜃 and deduce that 𝑐𝑜𝑠 = 5 .

…………………………………………………………………… T
…………………………………………………………………… P
…………………………………………………………………… Q
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9. Let 𝐴 and 𝐵 be two independent events of a sample space. It is given that 𝑃(𝐴) = 𝑥, 𝑃(𝐵) = 𝑥 − 10 and
𝑃(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵) = 10 . Find the value of 𝑥.


10. A set of 5 observations of positive integers, each less than or equal to 7, has mean, mode and median each
equals to 4. Sum of the largest and the smallest observation is 9. If the modal observation does not exceed two
times and the other observations are distinct, find these 5 observations.


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Part B
✵ Answer five questions only.

11. ( a )


P, Q and R are three railway stations in a straight line as shown in the figure such that 𝑃𝑄 = 𝑎 𝑘𝑚 and
𝑄𝑅 = 100𝑘𝑚. At 𝑡 = 0, a train X passes the station P with the velocity of 2𝑢 𝑘𝑚 ℎ−1. Then it moves with the
uniform acceleration of 𝑓 𝑘𝑚 ℎ−2 and after 𝑡 = 1ℎ, it moves with a constant velocity for a certain time. Finally,
it moves with the constant deceleration of 4𝑓 𝑘𝑚 ℎ−2 for 2 h and comes to rest at the station Q at time 𝑡 = 𝑇.

Another train Y passes R with the velocity of 5𝑢 𝑘𝑚 ℎ−1 at 𝑡 = 1ℎ. Then the train Y moves with the constant
deceleration of 𝑓 𝑘𝑚 ℎ−2 and reaches the velocity 3𝑢 𝑘𝑚 ℎ−1. Just as it reaches 3𝑢 𝑘𝑚 ℎ−1, its velocity
suddenly reduces to 2𝑢 𝑘𝑚 ℎ−1due to a jerk occured on the train and it again moves with the same deceleration
and comes to rest at Q. The two trains come to rest at the same time. Sketch the velocity-time graph for the
motion of the trains X and Y in the same diagram. Hence or otherwise by showing that 𝑇 = 3, 𝑢 = 20 and
𝑓 = 40, find the value of 𝑎.

(b ) A river with straight banks of width 𝑎, flows with a constant speed of 𝑢. X is

a point on one side of the river bank and Y is a point on the center of the river,
Y u
directly opposite to X. A boat starts its journey from X, in a direction making Z
an angle 𝜃(0 < 𝜃 < 2 ) to the opposite direction of river flow, with a speed of
𝜆𝑢 relative to the river.

The boat reaches the point Z, which is directly opposite to Y, in the direction of river flow. Then it travels
from Z to Y, in the opposite direction of the river flow
Draw the velocity triangle to the motion of the boat from X to Z and show that the direction of motion of
  sin  
the boat with respect to Earth is tan −1   to the direction of river flow. Here, 1 < 𝜆 < 𝑠𝑒𝑐 𝜃 .
 1 −  cos  
Also, show that the total time taken for the whole journey of the boat to travel from X to Y is
a  
tan   .
2 (  − 1) u 2

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12.( a ) The triangle ABC in the figure is the vertical

cross-section through the center of gravity of a G
uniform wedge of mass m. 𝐴𝐵̂𝐶 = 𝛼 , 𝐴𝐶̂ 𝐵 = 2

and AD = a. The face of the wedge containing AB

is placed on a smooth inclined plane which makes Q(m)
an angle 𝛼 with the horizontal. The face C E
containing BC is horizontal and there is a thin B
smooth groove DE parallel to AB. Two particles
P and Q with masses 2m and m respectively are
connected to the ends of a light inelastic string
which passes over a pulley at D on the wedge and
a fixed pulley at G, as shown in the figure. P and D
Q are hanging freely. The part of the string DG is a
parallel to AB. Particle P is held close to the A
pulley D and the system is released from rest with
the string connecting P and Q taut. Obtain the
relevant equations needed to find the time taken
for P to reach A.

( b ) A part of a smooth circular wire 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 is fixed in a vertical u

plane as shown in the figure. The center of that wire is 𝑂, its A
radius is 𝑎, 𝐴𝑂̂ 𝐷 = 𝛼 and 𝐴𝑂𝐶 is vertical. 𝐸 is a point on E D
𝐴𝐶 which is horizontal to 𝐷. A small bead 𝑃 of mass 𝑚 is
α a
placed at 𝐴 and it is given a horizontal velocity of magnitude B
𝑢, so that it moves along the wire. Here, 𝑢 =
. When ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗

makes an angle 𝜃 (0 ≤ 𝜃 ≤ 2𝜋 − 𝛼) with ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗

𝑂𝐴, show that the
speed 𝑣 of the bead 𝑃 is given by 𝑣 2 = 4
(11 − 8𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 ) .

At the moment mentioned above, find the reaction on the bead 𝑃 and show that the direction of 𝑃 changes
when it passes the point with 𝜃 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 (12) .

Also, find the speed with which the bead 𝑃 leaves the wire at D, in terms of 𝛼, 𝑎 and 𝑔.
In the subsequent motion under gravity, if the bead 𝑃 goes through 𝐸, show that 𝛼 satisfies the equation
8 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝛼 − 11𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛼 + 2 = 0 .

[See page 9
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.C a


𝐴, 𝐵, 𝑂, 𝐶0 , 𝐶, 𝐷 are points in a straight line on a smooth inclined plane at an inclination of 30° to the horizontal.
The points are positioned as shown in the diagram such that, 𝐴𝐵 = 2𝑎 , 𝐵𝑂 = 𝑎 , 𝑂𝐶0 = 𝑎 , 𝐶0 𝐶 = 𝑎 𝑎𝑛𝑑
𝐶𝐷 = 2𝑎 . One end of a light elastic string with natural length 2𝑎 and modulus of elasticity 𝜆1 is joined at 𝐴
and the other end is joined on a particle 𝑃 with mass 𝑚. Another light elastic string with a natural length 2𝑎
and modulus of elasticity 𝜆2 is joined at point 𝐷 on one end and the other end is joined on the particle 𝑃. If
𝜆1 : 𝜆2 = 3: 2 and when the particle P was held and released from rest at point 𝑂, it was in equilibrium, show
that 𝜆1 = 3𝑚𝑔, 𝜆2 = 2𝑚𝑔. Now particle 𝑃 is brought to point 𝐶 and released from rest. Show that the equation
for motion of the particle 𝑃 from the point 𝐶 to 𝐵 is given by 𝑥̈ + (𝑥̈ − 2𝑎) = 0. (Here, 𝐶𝑃 = 𝑥̈). Transform

this equation to the form X = −ω2 X . (Here, 𝑋 = 𝑥̈ − 2𝑎, 𝜔 = √2𝑎 ).

Using 𝑋̇ 2 = 𝜔2 (𝑐 2 − 𝑋 2 ), show that the velocity of particle 𝑃 when it reaches the point 𝐵 is √ 2 . (Here, 𝑎1

is the amplitude). Moreover, when the particle 𝑃 reaches 𝐵, it collides with another particle of mass 𝑚 at point
1 15𝑎𝑔
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ direction is √
𝐵 which is at rest. Show that, the velocity of the combined particle just after collision in 𝐵𝐴 .
2 2

In the continued motion after the collision, until the combined particle (consider it as 𝑄) comes to a momentary
rest, show that it's equation of motion is 𝑌 = −𝜔∘2 𝑌 where 𝜔∘ = √2𝑎 , 𝑌 = 𝑦 + 𝑎 and 𝑦 = 𝑂𝑄. Show that the

2𝑎 4
total time taken for the motion of the particle from point B to the first momentary rest is √ 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 ( ).
𝑔 √51

14. ( a ) Position vectors of points A, B, C and D with respect to origin O are a̱, ḇ, c̱ and ḏ respectively.
Here a̱ = (-5i - 2j), ḇ = (𝜆i + 𝜇j); (𝜆 < 𝜇), c̱ = (7i + 10j), ḏ = (-5i + 14j). Here i and j are the unit vectors
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ , 𝐴𝐶
along OX and OY axes. Find 𝐴𝐵 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ and ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐵𝐷 in terms of i, j, 𝜆 and 𝜇. If AC ⊥ BD and |ḇ| = √45, then
show that 𝜆 = 3 and 𝜇 = 6. Deduce that A, B and C are on a straight line and find AB : BC. By finding ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ , show that 𝐴𝐶̂ 𝐷 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 ( 1 ) .
. 𝐶𝐷

[See page 10
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( b ) ABCD is a rectangle such that AB=3m and AD=1m.

E is a point on AB such that AE=1m. Forces of D C

magnitude 10, 14, P, Q, 7√2 and 3√5 N are acting

along BA, CB, DC, AD, ED and EC respectively in

the direction of order of letters. By considering the A 1m E 2m B

moment about a suitable point or otherwise, show

that the system will never be in equilibrium.

(i) If the system is reduced to a couple, then show that P = 11, Q = 4 and find the magnitude and sense of
moment of the couple.
(ii) If P = 7, Q = 8 then find the resultant force and show that it is parallel to ED. With that, find the point
where the resultant intersects the line DC. When an additional couple of magnitude M is added to the
system, the resultant passes through point C. Find the magnitude and sense of M.
15. ( a )


Three uniform rods, AB =2a, BC = 2a and CD = 2√3a are smoothly joined at the ends B and C. The weights

of the rods AB, BC and CD are W, 𝜆W and 2W respectively. The end A is smoothly hinged to a fixed point.
AB is kept horizontally by a smooth fixed peg at the point E on the rod AB such that AE = 2
. Joint C is

placed on the horizontal ground such that 𝐵𝐶̂ 𝐷 = 900 . A force ‘P’ perpendicular to CD is applied at D such

that A, B, D are kept at equilibrium in a vertical plane at the same horizontal level. The reaction at C is 3W.

Show that 𝜆 = 2.

Further, show that the reaction at the peg E can be given by R = W. Also, show that the horizontal and vertical

√3𝑊 𝑊
components of the force exerted on AB by CB at B are 4
and 4

[See page 11
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( b ) Seven equal light rods are joined freely to form a
framework as shown in the diagram. The framework
is freely hinged at a fixed-point A and loads of
weight 400N, 300N, 200N are suspended from the
joints C, D and E respectively. A horizontal force F F
is applied on C such that rods AB, CD, DE are C D E

horizontal and the system is in equilibrium. 400N 300N 200N

(i) Find the force F. Also find the vertical and horizontal components of reaction force acting on joint A.

(ii) Draw the stress diagram and find the stress in each rod stating whether they are tension or thrust.

(i) Show that the center of mass of a uniform hollow right circular cone of height ℎ and base radius 𝑟 is at a
distance 3 ℎ from the vertex of the cone.

(ii) A uniform hollow hemisphere of base radius 2𝑟 and centre 𝐶 is separated by a plane perpendicular to its
symmetric axis and at a distance √3𝑟 from 𝐶. Show that the centre of mass of the part 𝑅 which has two
circular sides, lies on its axis of symmetry at a distance 2
𝑟 from 𝐶.


r R


Show that the Centre of mass of the frustum of a uniform hollow right circular cone, with circular sides of
radius 𝑟, 2𝑟 and height ℎ, lies on its axis of symmetry at a distance 9 ℎ from the centre of the smaller circular
Part 𝑅 (mass 4𝑚), a circular disk with uniform radius (mass 𝑚) and the frustum of the cone (mass 𝑀) were
fixed together with their centres collinear to make an ice cream cup as shown in the figure above. If ℎ = 2
(81𝑚 +4𝑀)√3𝑟
show that the centre of mass of the cup is at a distance from its base along the symmetric axis.
18(𝑀 + 5𝑚)

If the center of mass of the cup is at the Centre of the smaller circular side of 𝑅, deduce that
5𝑀 = 36𝑚.

[See page 12
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17. ( a ) Among Michael, Nimal and Suren, one of them will be the new CEO of a private company. The chances of
Michael, Nimal and Suren becoming the new CEO are in the ratio 3:2:5 respectively. The probabilities of
introducing a salary rise plan for employees where Michael, Nimal and Suren will be appointed as CEO are
0.3, 0.5 and x respectively. The probability of introducing a salary rise plan for employees is 0.29.
(i) Show that x = 0.2.
(ii) If the salary rise plan is introduced, find the probability of Suren being appointed as CEO?

(b ) The distribution of marks obtained by a certain number of students for an exam is given below.
If the mode of this distribution is 52, show that the missing frequency a = 25.
Find the median and the standard deviation of this distribution. Also, find the coefficient of skewness and
state the shape of this distribution.

Marks No. of students

30-40 15

40-50 20

50-60 a

60-70 05

70-80 15

80 -90 20

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