2nd Summative Tle 6

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School Year 2021-2022

Name ____________________________________________ Grade & Section______________

I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Provide water for your seedling by _____________.
a. drying b. feeding c. watering d. fertilizing
2.It is time to plant seedling outdoors when _________.
a. drying b. raining c. roots appear d. weather is cool
3. An orchard facility focused on growing lemon, lime, or oranges is a _____orchard.
a. nut b. seed c. fruit d. citrus
4. Orchards are usually situated __________.
a. in malls b. in the city c. in the forest d. near bodies of water
5. One of the oldest methods of propagating fruit trees is by keeping the roots moist to encourage
formation of roots.
a. grafting b. layering c. budding d. marcotting
6. It is used for smoothing the soil and gathering dry leaves.
a. trowel b. crowbar c. rake d. wheelbarrow
7. It is used for cutting branches and trees.
a. axe b. crowbar c. hoe d. fork
8. It is used in digging and preparing the soil for the plants.
a. fork b. axe c. rake d. pruning shears
9. It is used for cutting unnecessary small branches of trees.
a. wheelbarrow b. pruning shears c. axe d. crowbar
10. It is used for watering the plants.
a. bolo b. sprinkler c. fertilizer d. shovel
11. Suitable soil for orchard planting is ____.
a. clay b. sandy c. clay loam d. sandy loam
12. Good plant materials come from trees that are ____.
a. old b. small c. young d. mature
13. The constant application of water to plants to provide moisture is called__.
a. pruning b. irrigation c. fertilization d. intercropping
14. Seedlings receive this requirement for growth by placing them near a window.
a. soil b. water c. light d. fertilizer
15. The easiest and the most common method of plant propagation is called _________.
a. budding b. cleft grafting c. marcotting d. cultivating
16. Method of plant propagation in which the desirable scion (top portion) is joined with or inserted
into the rootstock in order for them to unite and grow into one plant.
a. marcotting b. budding c. grafting d. cultivating
17. ________ includes a large variety of facilities that produce nut-bearing trees.
a. nut orchards b. fruit orchards c. seed orchards d. coconut
18. A young shoot or twig of a plant _________.
a. wood b. bark c. kindling d. scion
19. A piece of land planted with fruit trees.
a. orchard b. parcel c. tract d. field
20. One of the surest ways of maintaining the desirable characteristics of the parent plant or
a given variety of fruit trees.
a. grafting b. marcotting c. budding d. cleft grafting
21.How the plant growers will determine the germinating ability of the seeds?
a. by testing them c. by putting some water
b. by storing them d. by selling them
22.The seeds must come from___________.
a. small trees c. matured fruits
b. newly-grown trees d. stores
23. It is the most important factor causing deterioration of the vitality of the seed when stored at
room temperature.
a. Humility c. sun
b. Humidity d. water
24. The best source of good seeds are _______________.
a. from healthy, good crops c. from layering
b. from grafting d. from neighborhood
25. It is one kind of seed-testing method that remove immature broken, undersized, diseased and
infested seeds, weed seeds, stones, and other impurities.
a. Visual inspection
b. Dish method
c. Rag-doll method
d. Seed box method
26. It is one of the most important step in conducting a survey by knowing the environmental
concerns such as potential noise, air and water pollution.
a. Know your area c. know your market
b. Know the local trees d. know the people in the community
27. Propagating trees where the skin is removed and allowed to develop roots by wrapping the
area with coconut husk or suck.
a. Budding c. Layering
b. Grafting d. Marcotting
28. Mr. Herman Catapang wants to have a successful business in propagating trees and fruit-
bearing trees but he has no prior knowledge to do it. What do you think is the best thing that he
will do?
a. Propagate trees and fruit-bearing trees even though he has no knowledge in doing it.
b. Conduct a survey through an interview of one of the employees of OCVAS in Batangas City
Government who have full knowledge in propagating tree and fruit-bearing trees.
c. Ask his mother if she has knowledge about it.
d. Ask the help of the Barangay Officials in your community.
29. In this method, a scion or top portion of a stem of a plant is joined with or inserted into the
rootstock of another plant, to make them grow into another plant.
a. Budding c. Layering
b. Grafting d. Marcotting
30. Marvey Marinio conducted a survey in their community about propagating trees, what are the
things he needs to consider before he put up his orchard farm business?
a. Know the area and local fruit trees
b. Know the market and learn from others
c. Know the people in the community
d. All of the above
II. Directions: Match the pictures in Column A with their names in Column B.
Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number.

________ 31.
a. Pruning shears

_________ 32.

b. Wheelbarrow

________ 34.
c. Water sprinkler

__________ 35.
d. Fork

__________ 36.
e. Trowel

__________ 37.
f. Rake

g. Hoe

__________ 39.
h. Axe

__________ 40.
i. Crowbar

j. Sprayer


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