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As an English teacher for adults, I have tried making use of many tools for my learners to get

involved in the class. One of the most useful resources I find is Quizlet! This free website
provides learning tools for students, including flashcards, study and game modes. It also can help
teachers differentiate review for students by various works relating to one topic such as:

1. Flashcards – A quick way to review terms and definitions, just like paper-based
2. Learn – A personalized study mode based on how well you know the information in a
study set
3. Write – A fill-in-the-blank style study tool
4. Spell – A study mode that dictates a term or definition that you must correctly type
5. Test – An easy way to quiz yourself on how well you know the information in a study set
6. Match – A time-based game where the student must match terms and definitions
7. Gravity – A level-based game where the student must answer correctly before being hit
by an asteroid

Last week my A1 adult class’s topic was clothes, my learners got obstacles to remember all of
the vocabularies relating to the topic. Hence, I showed this link on the screen and sent them the
link It is shown below

My learners can use their own devices such as smartphones or laptops to access the link, revise
what they had learned to answer twenty questions in a limited time. All of them were quite
excited and competed to rank the top position. Besides, they can practice some other exercises by
themselves at home for further review what they had learnt and in the next lesson, I would check
their remembering by some offline warm-up games at class. In a nutshell, I found reviewing the
old item language by games always more effective than the traditional way.

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