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model by division into arrondissements and communes and by

Times, 5th of Jan. 1892; R. Grant's Hist. of Phys. Astronomy;

were the Silli of Timon and the Cinaedi of Sotades.

in favour of a great antiquity for man in Patagonia." In a

anterior end of Echinorhynchus haeruca, Rud. (from

in all civilized countries. A vigorous branch of chemical

requirements of the enormous force which was ultimately employed,

an end with the surrender of Mustafa Pasha, the last of the

property qualification that would have entitled them to serve

earth supported by a retaining wall and high buttresses carrying

the underworld (Mictlantecutli) as regent of the tenth of the

starting from Falerii and passing through Castellum Amerinum,

water. According to tradition the observance of this custom

followed, in the second that of general grants in the

however, to metamorphic rocks. Holocrystalline plutonic

and the Persians; after his death he took part in the retreat

title of Reale Accademia dei Lincei, with a literary

may be compared the similar story told of the northern hero

of the Royal Asiatic Society (1902, pp. 289 ff.). (G. W. T.)

murder of the former by his rebellious soldiers. With these

designate the pleaders as a class of professional men, each

and requires only from 27 to 48 hours in the cool season; it

bullet from the barrel by its expansion. The common forms of

having as little butter or other valuable fat in margarine

the sulpho-group (HSO3); thus potassium ammon-trisulphonate,

untersucht (1809), from the rigorist point of view.

tales, of which Rudder Grange (1879) is the best known.

in the service of Count Guy, although he made frequent visits

is made infinitely narrow by reducing the aperture stop; such

are used; throwing-clubs are employed for small game, and

definitions of quality or type. (See BEER and BREWING.)

of eminent men, the best known and most valuable is the

be capable of contraction so as to prevent regurgitation.

and his ministers, and the Comneni were almost compelled

of the immense inland Amazon depression, and having all

of sulphuric acid in potash alum was known to the alchemists.

is carried out at the Ash ranges, 2 m. east of the barracks,

withdrew from an attitude which involved the destruction of

West Virginia; and then became head of a private school at

resident membership should not exceed 150 in number, that

Evidences for the greater extension of the Eocene seas than

Orosius. His relations to the Celtic princes in the southern

Indus. It has been carefully surveyed for a possible railway

The Joseph Fodor Museum (1860) contains modern French and Dutch

for works of solid construction. In isolated instances of

gain their living in great measure from the fisheries, tunny

The Bar Association.

Bois-le-Duc. Of handsome person and engaging disposition,

that for these two series a different intonation, a different

see why Paul should omit reference to the public occasion

its value belongs to the late Gaston Paris, although his

Pas de Chevres (Arolla to the Val d'Heremence), foot path . . . .9,354

other in composition and structure. The Russian Altai is

seized by his adherents; the amir's troops were defeated some

for the butcher at the age of two or three years, will the

so early as 1380, by Gian Galeazzo Visconti. About the

more of these crops into these higher-priced products. Still,

a representative House of Commons committee:10 ``that all

shore. On a second expedition of his own he proved to his

The chief results obtained by European experts showed

stating that the goods are not adulterated within the meaning

August 410 Alaric and his . Goths burst in by the Salarian

a college of letters and science, a school of engineering,

form of commissioners appointed by the Board of Agriculture,

Among the important matters which claimed his attention at

By electrolysing a solution of potassium ethyl succinate,

about 117 m. E. by N. of Pittsburg. Pop. (1890) 30,337;

are widely distributed in sedimentary rocks, such as

at Rome rather than at Alexandria. In that city, however,

carefully preserved, and of several rare and peculiar birds,

his chagrin was that Simonides' elegy on the heroes slain at

indiscriminate removal of restrictions, and they were reimposed in

did not at once practise. The close of the war had opened

method of obtaining it unalloyed. It was soon discovered

longer due to sugar, as used to be the case, but to saccharine

vehicles still embarrass the traveller who desires to find

ploughs, harrows and press drills. Since 1850 there has

earlier half of the 7th century B.C. In the next century

enormously, particularly in England. A very large fraction

(6) The goods may be deliverable by the terms of the bill

(in this case it is the loftier portion). On each alp there

1910. The other measure arising out of the report of the

there, especially at Idar, the stones operated on are

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