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logicians. A is also used largely in abbreviations (q.v.).

assumed. It is a matter of common knowledge that several

sent Antoine on a scientific mission to Brazil, the results

the Pacific coast of Mexico, 190 m. S.S.W. of the city

the former being genito-urinary and the latter alimentary or

the early middle ages, lived with professedly celibate monks

Caustic soda is used in very large quantities in the

Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Acts, the Sea Fisheries Regulation

``Grandfather Clause.'' No man may vote in any election who

and better they shall lyke. For those beestis in the house

mask, a series of messengers), as must have been the case when

Christian, who suffered martyrdom when but thirteen during

destined to have a permanent influence on the whole continent.

excavated in the south side of the precipitous bank of the ravine,

has been given to the whole river. The Alpheus proper rises

J. Rhys, Celtic Britain (1884), pp. 104, 105, 107.

On the 13th of December a division stormed Fort McAllister,

as specialists in the various spheres of industrial and

months. The mother-liquor, drained from the soda-crystals, on

2NH3. Large quantities of ammonia and ammonium salts

and penetrating odour, but when it is thoroughly purified from

maximum holding of an allotment was raised from one acre to

March 1459, and studied under the Brethren of the Common

Lombardy, 13 m. south of Rovereto. After traversing North

high that he was allotted a place in the Alexandrian tragic

the ``product'') after the factom; division, by placing the

studentship, including travelling studentships of the value

his office in the interests of Arianism by creating other

arrows, with pitfalls and springs set everywhere, and with

Cardinal G. Massaja, I miei Trentacinque anni di Missione

The Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, at Erfurt,

and football; a portion has been railed off for a race-course,

Suebic tribes had now moved westward. In later times the

Acosta was imprisoned in 1592--1593; on his submission in

Great Britain so as to obtain average values for the United

English use of the symbol u in unspoken and uniform.

are of considerable bulk, or, like Macrocystis, of enormous

rifles from 1866 to 1868, with paper instead of metallic

the Portuguese, though its bounds on the south remained a

elector and duke of Saxony, was born on the 27th of January

``Busy, curious, thirsty fly,

nature. The simplest member of the series is acrolein, C3H4O

a e ecosa esina e ecosa esina force a

once. The metre fell into disuse until the reign of Francis

wheat has practically gone out of cultivation, but barley

(3) Social Organization.---There is a possibility that

its stimulating properties), gold (in small quantities) and

Botanic station at Mahe, who visited Aldabra in 1906. says:

of the regulations without coming into collision with the

compromised upon his inspectorship of buildings (so in Tabari).

couch, around them all the fruits of the season, ``Adonis

corrupted through the Spanish), a Berber horde from the Sahara

than a judicial body, although in some cities they hold

AESCHINES (5th century B.C.), an Athenian philosopher.

Ashari. But he made a system of his own by combining

isolate one of the three ``directions'' by the method

and Marshal de Bourmont, the minister of war, himself took the

to his rule, and in January 1908 he was declared deposed by

a small fishing village. Its rise to its present position

Carbon disulphide '' 100

fine organist and clever writer on music, especially on operatic

himself. By the adoption of a regular system of work,

South America has warm waters and corals on the north-east,

in particular, are in many places as lively as anything he

The "Pelican's" guns were heavier than those of the "Argus."

which had been declared by the British government to be the

determining factor of his whole career. He lavished vast sums

India. No place was better fitted for both an emporium and

be, and should meet at the navy office at least twice a

of Kushk, which is the capital of Badghis. The settlement

1 Savary to Napoleon, Nov. 4, 1807. Tatischeff, p. 226.

In consequence of the acute crisis which shortly afterwards

Arabia. From the Kenites, at any rate, they may have received,

Singh, who is said to have ascended the throne in 1695. In

remain, but in fact they left the country soon afterwards.

by W. B. D. D. Turnbull in 1834 in Scott's honour, for

a function a garment soiled by everyday wear. The date of its

used in this way, and the tendency is to convert more and

temperament, and into the processes of imaginative creation.

1248. The liberties of the burghers were, however, still

element into Africa, where it flourished with such vigour

the Freeborn County Court House, and is the seat of Albert

figures being made to appear as projecting more than half

Alicante, on the small river Serpis, and at the terminus of a

and ultra- dogmatism of the early Christian writers.

m. Entering the department of Gers, the Adour receives the

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