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Môn học: Grammar

Chương 1: Nouns & Articles

Chủ đề 1.1: Nouns

Phần 2

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Hello everyone. I’m Ho Le Hang. Welcome to the next part of Nouns. Today we will
discover Number or Singular and plural forms of nouns

2 This part is designed to help you identify singular and plural forms of nouns.

We usually add -s to form the plural of most nouns.

Let’s find out some features of pronunciation of nouns with regular plurals:
First, we pronounce -s as /s/ after these sounds:
/f / chiefs; /k/ cakes; /p/ taps; /t/ pets; /θ/ months.
And we pronounce -s as /z/ after these sounds:
/Ɵ / depths, months, myths
/b/ tubs, tubes, verbs
3 /d/ friends, hands, roads
/g/ bags dogs, legs
/l/ bells, tables, walls
/m/ arms, dreams, names
/n/ lessons, pens, spoons
/ ɧ /songs, stings, tongues
vowel + /R/: chairs, doors, workers
vowel sounds: eyes, ways, windows
4 We will add –es to nouns ending in:
-o potato potatoes

-s class classes

-x box boxes

-ch match matches

-sh dish dishes

We do not pronounce e We pronounce the

in plurals like plural as /iz/ after the

cakes, clothes, tables, /z/ noises; /dʒ /:

names, eyes. oranges; /s/: buses;
/ʃ/: dish; /tʃ/: matches;
/ks/: boxes.

Next, if a singular noun ends in “-y” and the letter before the “-y” is a consonant,
change the ending to “-i” then add “-es” to make the noun plural.
Singular Plural

lady ladies
baby babies
lily lilies
trophy trophies
jelly jellies
story stories
And if a singular noun ends in “-y” and the letter before the “-y” is a vowel (a, e, o
and u), simply add a “-s” to make it plural.
Singular Plural

bay bays
way ways
key keys
jersey jerseys
toy toys
boy boys
If a singular noun ends in “-f” and the letter before the “-fe”, the “-f” or “-fe”, is often
changed to “-ves” to form the plural nouns.
Singular Plural

7 leaf leaves
wolf wolves
knife knives
wife wives
life lives
And with some nouns that end in f or fe, we just add s to form the plural.
Singular Plural

8 chief chiefs
cliff cliffs
roof roofs
giraffe giraffes
In some cases, both ways are acceptable.
9 Singular Plural
hoof hoofs/hooves
scarf scarfs/scarves
dwarf dwarfs/ dwarves
wharf wharfs/ wharves
If the singular noun ends in -o, add -es to make it plural.
Singular Plural

hero heroes
potato potatoes
tomato tomatoes
Or we add only -s to make it plural.
Singular Plural

photo photos
11 piano pianos
halo halos
bamboo bamboos
radio radios
solo solos
We also have some irregular cases. For examples:
Singular Plural

foot feet
12 goose geese
man men
woman women
tooth teeth
mouse mice
child children
ox oxen
person people/persons
Some nouns have the same singular and plural forms like aircraft, deer, salmon, trout,
With nationality nouns ending in –ese and –ss have the same singular and plural forms
like a Chinese – the Chinese, a Swiss – the Swiss.
Now, let’s continue with nouns that can use singular or plural verbs like Government,
committee, family, company, etc..
- What will you be doing while the family is on vacation?
- The family arrives for the party at different times.
- The families need help.
Other nouns can use singular or plural verbs like the majority, the public, the youth of
today, etc..
15 Ex:
- The public want to know how they are governed.
- The public wants to know how it is governed.
With nouns ending in –ics, s like acoustics, economics, phonetics and statistics.
They take a singular verb only when they refer to the academic subject.
16 Ex: Statistics is a branch of economics. (Not *statistics are*)
And they take a plural verb when the reference is specific.
Ex: Your statistics are unreliable.
Crossroads, headquarters, kennels, series, species and works (= factory) are also
nouns ending in -s, so:
17 They take a singular verb when they refer to one.
Ex: This species of moth is rare.
They take a plural verb when they refer to more than one.
Ex: There are thousands of species of moth.
Clothes, pants, scissors, shorts, trousers, belongings, earnings, congratulations,
thanks, outskirts, premises, surroundings, stairs, savings, goods, manners, brains (=
intellect). These nouns have a plural form only and followed by a plural verb.
My trousers are dirty.
18 The scissors are sharp.
I bought a pair of shorts yesterday and two pairs of trousers.
I need a new pair of sunglasses.
If your clothes are wet you can dry them upstairs.
The outskirts of Washington are really pretty and they stretch for miles.
That is the end of the lesson today. In this lesson, you learnt how to distinguish
19 between the singular and plural form of nouns. You also know how to make plural
nouns. Thank you very much for your attention. Goodbye and see you!

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