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Economic growth is a measurement of a nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

It is the growth in a
national income that is, the value of all goods and services produced in an economy in a given period
of time. It does not tell very much about the actual welfare of the people in a country. Economic
Development however is a measure of welfare, the well-being of a country. It is usually measured in
terms of indicators like, education indicators, health indicators, and social indicators. Thus it is about
living standards, about what it is like for a citizen living in that country - from his image portraying
about healthcare, how healthy are people, how easy it is to get access to medical care, what is their
quality of life truly like.

Research Methodology and Research Methods difference

By definition, research methodology is a chapter that shows how the problem will be investigated
containing the plan in the collection and analyzing of data. This part discusses the elements of a
research - the research design, respondents of the study, sample and sampling techniques,
instruments and statistical treatments. On the other hand, research method is the strategy used in
the collection of data for analysis to come up with new information or to understand a particular topic
or phenomenon. Thus, research methods are the tools and the techniques used for the research.

Walkability can be defined as the degree to which a built environment facilitates walking and
motivates people to walk in the first place. Urban patterns support the needs of pedestrians where
people will just have to walk on neighborhoods promoting a sense of belongingness to the
neighborhood or community. With designs promoting walkability helps also in reducing the emissions
of greenhouse gases, improve air quality, reduction of road congestion and road injuries.

Connectivity is everything developed in connection with everything else. This answers the question if
does it fit together? There is a connection between multiple realms. From houses that links to mixed-
use buildings like shops, links to parks and open spaces, links to the roads and pedestrian paths and to
access transportation, thus there is a connection within the neighborhood. The goal is to connect the
people to the place,urban form, the nature, and the buildings. This in turn promotes walking because
the people will no longer ride in cars to go far because the things or places that they want to go to are
just near the neighborhood.

Quality Architecture and Urban Design

Buildings accentuates beauty, pleasing appearance, and comfort creating a sense of place. It also
focuses on the human-scale designs of the buildings and establishments, its physical characteristics
feeds the human spirit. How a neighborhood is built and designed from the past centuries helps to
determine how to address some issues on sprawling, single-use, low-density patterns, giving a path
for new development in the community. These way, streets will be designed for people not just cars,
and may accommodate multimodal transportation which includes walking, biking,driving, and the use
of public transit. Neighborhoods are designed where plazas, sidewalks, and cafes will host daily
interaction and the public life.

Traditional Neighborhood Structure

New urbanism uses the principle of traditional neighborhood structure where the urban form and
character of a neighborhood as being built from the past centuries is being revived, creating a new
development patterns. It reinterprets the qualities of old patterns of building placement, design, and
public spaces to suit the modern living needs of the people, including the use of automobile.
Green Transportation

Green transportation is a system that is powered by renewable energy. It helps reduce air pollution,
green house emissions, and helps save energy as there is a reduction on the dependence on natural
resources (e.g diesel, fossil fuels). Green transportation includes walking, use of bicycles, and the use
of electric cars. New urbanism uses the principle of green transportation to design streets that are
safe and realistic for people to get around the neighborhood without a car, reaching their destination
for their daily needs within a few minutes of walking. Connections between cities, towns, and
neighborhoods are designed with a network of high-quality transits, reducing the use of cars and
connecting the people riding as they move from one city to another, to connect and see the
environment along the way and interacting with other people, creating a healthy social life.

Quality of Life

New urbanism uses principles to create buildings and neighborhoods that provide a high quality of life
for the people at the same time protecting the environment. It creates a place for people that has a
positive impact on public health as well as the sociological, geographical and economic concerns of
the people. New urbanism principles result in neighborhoods where people have more social
interaction and gives positive effects on their mental health which includes stress, anxiety and

Why does LGU need a vision or goal statement?

A vision or goal statement helps in giving direction and tells about a city/municipality and helps the
LGU in looking forward to achieve their goals of development, helps strengthen the governance
making the leaders work with passion and purpose making a positive result that benefits the
people/public. Having also a vision or goal statement unifies everyone into a team and work together
to contribute to the vision leading to success in achieving the goals.

What is zoning and what does it regulate?

Zoning allows the close proximity of a wide range of housing types, sizes, and prices.

Zoning is a way for communities to separate land by use or form. There are general basic types of
districts that any city can use. The residential - from single -family homes to high-rise apartments;
commercial includes retail, restaurants and hotels; industrial; institutional; and open space.

Zoning is a set of regulations that determine the use of land and buildings. It breaks up a city into
different zoning districts where each district has its unique set of rules as to what you can build there,
what type of uses are allowed and regulations like how tall you can build. Zoning regulates or controls
the physical development of land and the use of property. It helps protect neighborhood character
and property values, create new and unique places in a community, and implement many of the land
use and design goals of the general plan of a city/municipality.

Relationship between urban planning and economic development

Good urban planning aims for economic development. A smartly planned city/community with the
right spatial distribution of business, residential and commercial activities will have provisions for
infrastructure for transport, welfare and amenities. This infrastructure support plays a huge role in
deciding if the economies would thrive of diminish. Various infrastructure like residential buildings,
roads, utility facilities have a direct purpose (e.g housing, safety, mobility,etc.) and also perform
economic functions because they have a huge economic impact on the urban environment.

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