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Chương 2: Nutritional science

Chủ đề 2.2: Write a descriptive paragraph

Phần 3: Unit assignment

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1 Hello everyone. This video is about unit assignment of Unit 2.
What is a descriptive paragraph?
A descriptive paragraph creates a picture with words. It uses specific details and
strong adjectives to help readers easily imagine or “see” what a writer is
When you write a descriptive paragraph, help readers understand your ideas more
clearly with adjectives that describe what you see, hear, smell, touch and feel.
In this assignment, you are going to write a descriptive paragraph (150-200 words)
about your favorite dish.
As you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit Question, “What makes food
taste good?” Use information from Reading 1, Reading 2, the unit video, and your
work in this unit to support your descriptive paragraph and refer to the Self-
Assessment checklist.
Here is the writing process:
1. Brainstorm
2. Plan
3. Write
4. Edit
5. Rewrite
Choose one of the topics below:
1. Write a paragraph about one of your favorite dishes.
2. Write a paragraph about a dish people in your country eat on a specific
holiday or at a special occasion.
Let’s move to the first step: Brainstorm
First, think about your dish. Use these questions to help brainstorm and plan ideas
about your topic:
a. What is the name of your dish?
6 b. How would you describe your dish? What taste(s) and ingredients does it
c. Does this dish have personal or cultural importance to you? Why?
d. Who usually makes this dish for you? Is it easy or difficult to make? Why?
e. How does the dish make you feel?
2. Write a topic sentence that names your dish and expresses your main idea.
7 3. List eight to ten adjectives that describe your dish. Think about how it looks and
Let’s look at the model planning notes:
Topic: Malai Kofta
Description: Indian, vegetarian, spicy, soft texture, creamy gravy
Ingredients: boiled potatoes, mixed vegetables, Indian spices, gravy, tomatoes,
Process: mixed, rolled, fried, added to gravy, served with rice or bread
Colors: brown crust, dark orange gravy
Significance: traditional dish, special occasions, Indian restaurants worldwide
Now, let’s move to the next step: Plan
9 Look at the ideas you wrote and choose the best ideas.
Look again your ideas. Circle your best descriptive adjectives. Check the order.
Write an outline for your “favorite dish” paragraph.
10 I. Topic sentence: Write a topic sentence that names the dish and expresses your
main idea:
Topic sentence:
II. Subtopic and supporting details: Decide which information from the
Brainstorm activity you will include in the body of your paragraph to support
your main idea.
A. Subtopic 1
1. Detail 1
2. Detail 2
B. Subtopic 2
1. Detail 3
2. Detail 4
C. Subtopic 3
1. Detail 5
2. Detail 6
III. Concluding sentence: Write a concluding sentence that summarizes the main
points of your paragraph and restates the topic sentence in different words.
Concluding sentence:
Use your PLAN notes to write your paragraph about one of your favorite dishes or
a dish people in your country eat on a specific holiday or at a special occasion. Be
sure to use adjectives to make your description interesting, clear and specific.
Look at the self-assessment checklist below to guide your writing.
Now, we move to the next step: Edit. Let’s look at the self-assessment to edit your


  Does the paragraph include
descriptive adjectives?

  Are the adjectives in the correct


  Does the paragraph include

vocabulary from the unit?

  Did you check the paragraph for

punctuation, spelling, and grammar?

Now, let’s look at the model writing:

Indian cuisine is famous for its traditional and exotic dishes, and Malai Kofta is
no exception. It is special because it has many different ingredients, and it
requires a lot of preparation in order to get the perfect taste. Vegetarian koftas
are usually made with boiled potatoes and cooked vegetables such as carrots,
beans and peas, which are rolled together
into small balls. Then typical Indian spices like cumin and hot chili powder are
added to give the koftas their distinctive flavor. When they are fried, they develop
a brown crust, but they have a beautiful soft texture on the inside. The koftas are
then added to a rich, creamy gravy with a wonderful dark orange color that
comes from a mix of blended tomatoes, onions, and other spices. The final dish
goes perfectly with Basmati rice and warm Indian bread, which people use to
soak up all the delicious flavors. People in India often make Malai Kofta
on important occasions and holidays, but it has become so popular that it is now
served daily in Indian restaurants all around the world. Sometimes I try it in
other countries, but for me, nothing compares to having it back home in India.
Look at the model writing we can figure out the topic sentence, the concluding
sentence and a lot of descriptive adjectives.

Indian cuisine is famous for its traditional and exotic dishes, and Malai Kofta is no
exception. It is special because it has many different ingredients, and it requires a
lot of preparation in order to get the perfect taste. Vegetarian koftas are usually
made with boiled potatoes and cooked vegetables such as carrots, beans and peas,
which are rolled together into small balls. Then typical Indian spices like cumin
and hot chili powder are added to give the koftas their distinctive flavor. When they
14 are fried, they develop a brown crust, but they have a beautiful soft texture on the
inside. The koftas are then added to a rich, creamy gravy with
a wonderful dark orange color that comes from a mix of blended tomatoes, onions,
and other spices. The final dish goes perfectly with Basmati rice
and warm Indian bread, which people use to soak up all the delicious flavors.
People in India often make Malai Kofta on important occasions and holidays, but it
has become so popular that it is now served daily in Indian restaurants all around
the world. Sometimes I try it in other countries, but for me, nothing compares to
having it back home in India.

So I hope that you can finish your paragraph right now. Let me remind you steps
in writing a paragraph. Do you still remember? They’re brainstorm, plan, write,
edit, rewrite and submit. After you’ve written your descriptive paragraph,
remember to submit your paragraph to ELO LMS.
We’re looking forward to reading your writing assignments.

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