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view of the Borgia; A.

von Reumont's Geschichte der Stadt

woods, and many of his designs, especially for sideboards,

(see ARABIA, History). Even the date of this is

Herat). Only nine years after Mahommed's announcement of his

and to enforce observance of canonical consecration for all

Spanish fleet of sixty-six sail of the line, Spain having now

was better than its premisses implied. Acton's letters led

Switzerland had been another Greenland; that instead of a few

attempting to defend against a mob a fourth press which he

Next in command come surgeons- general of armies in the

correlations have to be dealt with, which seem hopelessly

October 1759 is supposed to have been approved by Alompra

eat with the other monks. In the West the rule of St Benedict

of the lakes show periodic fluctuations, while a progressive

Brathay valley and the Langdales to the west. Ambleside

or triloba, is widely cultivated throughout the tropical

the caecum is the ileo-caecal valve, which consists of two

other Advent celebrations is the entry into Rome in the last

A most important official of the Board is the permanent secretary,

N., bordering the Corinthian Gulf, into which the mountain

lb. of wheat, 400 lb. of barley and 312 lb. of oats, representing

off and water added to the residue being converted into the

was struck by a spent ball, which could not be extracted,

concur in placing it on an island; so Assurnasir-pal, Isidore,

The lower Nile valley, however, forms an exception; flint

seriously affect the local purity of the race. They have, for

difficulty of subsistence. The young were suckled for two

condition of his Aberdeenshire estates, and studied continually

to the Federal government, and, it was argued, withdrawn

coast of Asia Minor, though in point of trade it is now

enough details of man's structure to make the articles on

and natural colouring. Some of his easel pieces in oil are

the `i Alabama Platform'' failed to secure the formal approval

encroachment of one upon all others, or of all others upon one;

clergy gave great offence to the provost, who cast him into

disparate elements as characterize the Roman or the Turkish

oak $886,746, and poplar $627,686. In the decade 1890-1900

employ of the chief shipbuilding and grain-shipping firm of

but it also lessens the need for cleanliness and encourages

the 14th century. They played a brilliant part in the War

Lewis E. Parsons . . . . . 1865 Provisional.

skin over them is thinned out, and broken down in places to

are pleasing, they have not the delightful gaiety and charm

prevalent; bowel complaints are common, and often fatal in the

candidate, when a liberty was allowed of electing from another

intellectual expression in a memorable way for the larger

and the soldiers found nothing in the treasury ``except

ACCIUS, a Latin poet of the 16th century, to whom

rule. Their works make up a body of what is known as "American

equator. Each station is commanded by a flag officer, and

referred to. Shortly afterwards he proceeded to Sandhurst

later, when Mr. G. W. Hill of Washington expounded a new and

splendour. Few great towns in Italy were without their

Windsor Castle, Princess Alice first met her future husband,

life. McCabe's life of Abelard is written closely from

1904 64 1196 5,603

Tiberius. Two of her sons, Nero and Drusus, had already

1561 (Cal. State Papers, Dom. Ser., Addenda, 1547--1566, p.

drove the Cimmerii (see SCYTIHA) from Asia, subdued the

in strict defence of their rights and homes as Englishmen.

n.d.); M. Vollkommer, Die Quellen B. d'Anville's fur seine

is now the simplest of all. in several of the states grand

remarkable. In addition to those already mentioned,

Recent. Aden Volcanic Series.

Schrofen Pass (Oberstdorf to Warth), foot path . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,538

of the monks he continued to direct it until his death. He

times across Lake Trasimene. At the beginning of the 16th

of Menteith, and after his widowed sister-in-law, Isabel,

Charleston, a voluminous writer of both prose and verse, who

when clerical intolerance was trying to excommunicate scientific

are ultimately composed. The nature of this element is a

charged with harsh treatment of the poorer patients, and his

impurities present in the crude material being sulphonated

ALVAREZ, DON MANUEL (1727--1797), Spanish sculptor, was born at

political matters; that, assuming the fraudulent character

is passed into a similar pan, in which it circulates round

referred to as the battle of Aboukir. The latter title is

institution being part of the public school system maintained

whose life was forfeit. But there was no getting over the

known as ``dodgers'' is very general in the local regulations

``centre of gravity'' of the patch may be regarded as the image

1000 m. are on record--that of John Wise from St Louis to

It was the belief of Columbus and his contemporaries that he

but he makes some atonement for the blunder by steadily

that of the cerebrospinal fluid tends to rise and produce

not adulterated otherwise than by the admixture of water,

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