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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 2: Networking Infrastructure

Submission date 19/8/2022 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Tran Duc Luong Student ID: BH00108

Class IT0502 Assessor name Le Van Thuan

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Tran Duc Luong

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1

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❒Summative Feedback: ❒Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

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I. Introductuion .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
II. Body........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Network types ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.LAN: LAN(local area network) is a type of network used only by businesses. It is like other types of networks that allow computers and
devices to connect to each other to share information. LAN is easy to manage. But because it is used in businesses, its scope is quite small
because to ensure the security of that business's data. ........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.MAN: MAN(metropolitan area network) MAN is a model similar to LAN, but MAN has a larger scope than LAN. But it is more difficult
to manage than LAN. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3.WAN: WAN (wide area network) is a network system with the largest scope, it can link many countries together or globally. Therefore, it
is very suitable for multinational companies. ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
2. Network Standards. ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.Network protocol .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Network topology & communication and Bandwidth requirements .................................................................................................................... 10
4.1Network topology: is simply the arrangement of devices in a computer network. It is described in physical topology and logical topology.
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.2 Communication and Bandwidth..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Network Devices. ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Server ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
6. Workstation Hardware......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
7. Network software ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
8.Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked systems. ................................................... 20
9. Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance optimization
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
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III. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
IV. Evaluation .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
V. References ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22

List of figure
Figure 1: LAN .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2: MAN ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 3:WAN ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 4: Network protocol ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 5: star ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 6: bus ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 7: Ring ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 8:communication .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 9: Router ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 10: Hub .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 11: Switch .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 12: bridge .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 13: modem ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 14; access point................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 15: server .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 16:Workstation hardware ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19

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I. Introductuion
Networking is now very important for large enterprises. Therefore, I will introduce and provide an overview of the network
characteristics. Benefits and constraints of different types of networks and networking standards. The impact of network topology,
speed of communication and bandwidth requirements. Effectiveness of networking systems. Discussion on operating principles of
networking devices and server types and networking software.Discuss the relationship of workstation hardware with networking
software.Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and
performance optimization.For the given specification, identify the topology protocol for the efficient utilization of a networking

II. Body

1. Network types
- Network is a virtual environment in which many devices are connected to each other and they can exchange data with each other.
-According to current knowledge there are many different types of networks, but there are 3 types of networks that play a more
important role than the rest.
- Network type:

1.1.LAN: LAN(local area network) is a type of network used only by businesses. It is like other types of networks that allow
computers and devices to connect to each other to share information. LAN is easy to manage. But because it is used in
businesses, its scope is quite small because to ensure the security of that business's data.
-Features of LAN:
+Large bandwidth, can run online applications. Connected to each other through the network
+The network system is limited by the device
+Limited connection range
+Low cost
+Simple LAN management

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Figure 1: LAN

1.2.MAN: MAN(metropolitan area network) MAN is a model similar to LAN, but MAN has a larger scope than LAN. But it
is more difficult to manage than LAN.
-Features of the MAN network:
+Average bandwidth
+Low cost
+Stable speed
+Information security
+More difficult to manage than LAN

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Figure 2: MAN

1.3.WAN: WAN (wide area network) is a network system with the largest scope, it can link many countries together or
globally. Therefore, it is very suitable for multinational companies.
-Features of WAN:
+Low bandwidth, easy to lose connection
+Wide range of activities, nationwide coverage
+High cost
+Complex administration due to multiple systems

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Figure 3:WAN

2. Network Standards.
-Network standards are documents that provide us with technical guidance so that we can ensure that the devices used are in line with
the expectations we have. It helps to ensure quality and safety with high efficiency.
-International Organization for Standardization (ISO): Probably the biggest standards organization in the world, the ISO is really
a federation of standards organizations from dozens of nations. In the networking world, the ISO is best known for its OSI Reference

-American National Standards Institute (ANSI): ANSI is the main organization responsible for coordinating and publishing
computer and information technology standards in the United States. While they are commonly thought of as developing and
maintaining standards, they do neither. Instead, they oversee and accredit the organizations that actually create the standards,
qualifying them as Standards Developing Organizations or SDOs. ANSI also publishes the standards documents created by the SDOs,
and serves as the United States' representative to the ISO.

-Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC): ITIC is a group of several dozen companies in the information technology
(computer) industry. ITIC is the SDO approved by ANSI to develop and process standards related to many computer-related topics. It
was formerly known as the Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA).

-National Committee for Information Technology (NCITS): A committee established by the ITIC to develop and maintain
standards related to the information technology world. NCITS was formerly known by the name Accredited Standards Committee X3,
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Information Technology, or more commonly, just X3. It maintains several sub-committees that develop and maintain standards for
various technical subjects.

3.Network protocol
-Network protocols are the rules by which computers can exchange data with each other. In order to communicate, machines must use
the same protocol.

Figure 4: Network protocol

-Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the core protocol of the Internet Protocol Suite. The Transmission Control Protocol originates
from a network implementation that complements the Internet Protocol. Therefore, the Internet Protocol Suite is often referred to as
TCP/IP. TCP provides a method of reliably delivering an octet stream (8-bit data block) over an IP network. The main feature of TCP
is the ability to issue commands and check errors. All major Internet applications such as the World Wide Web, email, and file
transfer rely on TCP.
-Internet Protocol (IP):
Internet Protocol is the primary protocol in the Internet protocol suite for forwarding data over a network. The routing function of
Internet Protocol essentially helps establish the Internet. Previously, this protocol was the connectionless datagram service in the
original Transmission Control Program (TCP). Therefore, the Internet protocol suite is also known as TCP/IP.
-Telnet protocol:
Telnet is the primary method used to manage network devices at the command level. Unlike SSH, Telnet does not provide a secure
connection, but only provides a basic unsecured connection.
-Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP):
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HTTP is the data communication platform for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is structured text that uses hyperlinks between nodes
containing the text. HTTP is an application protocol for distributed and hybrid hypermedia information systems.HTTP's default port is
80 and 443. Both of these ports are secure.
-Domain Name System (DNS) Protocol:
The Domain Name System (DNS) is used to convert domain names into IP addresses. The DNS hierarchy consists of a root server, a
TLD, and an authoritative server.
The default DNS port is 53

4. Network topology & communication and Bandwidth requirements

4.1Network topology: is simply the arrangement of devices in a computer network. It is described in physical topology
and logical topology.
+ Physical topology simply means it is like a drawing of the arrangement of elements.
+ Logical topology it describes the way that data traverses the paths in that association.
+Star network has all stations connected to a central device that receives signals from the stations and transmits them to the destination

Figure 5: star

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+Bus the main line is limited to two ends by two special connectors called terminals.
Figure 6: bus

+On a ring network, the signal travels around the ring in only one direction.
Figure 7: Ring

4.2 Communication and Bandwidth

-Commutation is the process of transferring data packets across different network layers to their destination.

Figure 8:communication

-Rules of communication:
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All communication methods have three elements in common:
• Source or sender
• Destination or receiver
• Channel or media
Rules or protocols govern all methods of communication.
The Rules
Communication Fundamentals
Protocols are necessary for effective communication and include:
• An identified sender and receiver
• Common language and grammar
• Speed and timing of delivery
• Confirmation or acknowledgment requirements
Protocols used in network communications also define:
• Message encoding
• Message delivery options
• Message Formatting and Encapsulation
• Message Timing
• Message Size

-Bandwidth is a term that refers to the rate at which network data can be transmitted in 1 second. Bandwidth is usually measured in
bits per second (bps). Today's computer networks often have bandwidth speeds of up to millions of bits per second (Mbps) or even
billions of bits per second (Gbps).
- Internet connection via cable modem can provide 25 Mbps bandwidth. (Rouse, 2018).

5.1 Network Devices.

-Router is a network device used to extend or segment a network by forwarding packets from one logical network to another. Routers
are most commonly used in large internet networks that use the TCP/IP protocol suite and to connect TCP/IP servers and LANs to the
Internet using a leased line. In simple terms, routers connect devices in a network by transferring data packets between them. This data
can be sent between devices or from a device to the Internet. Routers perform this task by assigning a local IP address to each device
on the network. This ensures that the data packet arrives at the right place and does not get lost in the network.
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Figure 9: Router

-Types of network devices:

+Hub: When it comes to networking, a hub is an indispensable device that connects many computers or other network devices
together. Unlike network switches and routers, Hubs do not have a smart routing table about where to send data, but broadcast all data
on each connection port. Therefore, there is a risk of data security. In the past, network hubs were quite popular because they were
cheaper than similar switches or routers. Currently, the low-cost Switch and Router is a better choice than the Hub because of its better

Figure 10: Hub

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+Switch: A switch, in the context of a network is a high-speed device that receives incoming data packets and redirects them to their
destination on a local area network (LAN).

Figure 11: Switch

+Bridge: A bridge, also known as a bridge, is a networking device that connects multiple LANs (local area networks) together to form
a larger LAN. The process of aggregating networks is called networking.

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Figure 12: bridge

+Modem. Modem is an acronym for Modulator and Demodulator which means a modulator and demodulator to convert digital signals
into analog signals and vice versa on a telephone network. The modulated signal here can be any current communication electrical
signal, regardless of the standard.

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Figure 13: modem

+Access Point: An access point (also known as a wireless access point/AP) is a device that creates a wireless local area network, or
WLAN, commonly used in an office or large building. An access point is referred to as a station that transmits and receives data. Or
we can call them wifi transceivers.

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Figure 14; access point

5.2 Server
-Server is a computer connected to the internet. It is designed with many outstanding features, processing and storage capacity higher
than computers. It allows other computers with internet connection to access to use the service.

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Figure 15: server

-Types of servers:
+Web server
+Proxy server
+Virtual machine (VM)
+File transfer protocol (FTP) server
+Application server
+File server
+Database server
+Mail server

6. Workstation Hardware
-Workstation hardware is a computer line that from components to technology is upgraded to the most modern and optimal.
Workstations have features that surpass conventional computers because they are equipped with more powerful configurations to help
operate faster, specifically designed to run scientific or engineering applications.
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Not only that, workstation computers are also optimized to handle different complex data, as well as being able to connect to each
other via computer networks and serve many users at the same time.

Figure 16:Workstation hardware

7. Network software
-Network software is software that helps computers connect to each other.Network software is a fundamental element for any
networking system. It helps administrators and security personnel reduce network complexities, and manage, monitor, and better
control network traffic. Network software plays a crucial role in managing a network infrastructure and simplifying IT operations by
facilitating communication, security, content, and data sharing. Network software offers useful benefits to organizations. It has
become an important tool in facilitating round-the-clock communication and allowing an uninterrupted exchange of information.
Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.

-Workstation is a personal computer that is faster and more capable than a personal computer. Since they are PCs, they can also be
used independently of mainframes assuming they have their own applications installed and their own storage hard drives. A network
interface card is a piece of computer hardware that enables computers to join together in a network, usually a local area network.
Networked computers always communicate with each other using a specified protocol to transmit data packets. Therefore, network
software acts as a connector between computers.

For example, a computer always has a card interface network to connect to the internet. But in the program of the computer is not
reinstalled driver of the card that. Therefore, that computer cannot connect to the internet, it cannot connect to other computers.

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8.Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked
 Compare LAN, CAN, MAN, WAN
-Car CAN is a special type of network used for car modules to communicate with each other.

- LAN has a small range of large bandwidth. Simple, low-cost LAN management.

- MAN has a wide range equivalent to an urban area, medium bandwidth, complex network management, high cost.

- WAN has unlimited scope. However, the bandwidth is small, network administration is very complicated, and the cost is extremely

Compare physical topologies and logical topologies.

-Physical Topology:
+ Depicts physical layout of network.
+ The layout can be modified based on needs.
+ It can be arranged in star, ring, mesh and bus topologies.
+ This has major impact on cost, scalability and bandwidth capacity of network based on selection and availability of devices.
+ Physical connection of the network.
-Logical Topology:
+ Depicts logistics of network concerned with transmission of data.
+ There is no interference and manipulation involved here.
+ It exists in bus and ring topologies.
+ This has major impact on speed and delivery of data packets. It also handles flow control and ordered delivery of data packets.
+ Data path followed of the network.
Compare between OSI reference model and TCP/IP reference model

The OSI Layer model has seven layers while the TCP/IP model has four layers.
The OSI Layer model is no longer used while the TCP/IP is still used in computer networking.
To define the functionalities of upper layers, the OSI model uses three separate layers (Application, Presentation, and Session) while
the TCP/IP model uses a single layer (Application).

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Just like the upper layers, the OSI model uses two separate layers (Physical and Data-link) to define the functionalities of the bottom
layers while the TCP/IP uses a single layer (Link layer) for the same.
To define the routing protocols and standards, the OSI model uses the Network layer while the TCP/IP model uses the Internet layer.
The OSI model is well documented than the TCP/IP model.
The OSI model explains every standard and protocol in detail while the TCP/IP model provides a summarized version of the same.
 Compare TCP between UDP
-TCP is connection-oriented while UDP is connectionless
-TCP leverages more error-checking mechanisms than UDP
-TCP sends data in a particular sequence, whereas there is no fixed order for UDP protocol
-UDP is faster and more efficient than TCP
-Unlike UDP, TCP cannot be used for multicast or broadcast services
-TCP leverages flow control, while UDP does not
-UDP does not control congestion, whereas TCP implements congestion avoidance algorithms
-TCP is more reliable than UDP
-The TCP header is different from the UDP header
-UDP is suitable for live and real-time data transmission, which TCP cannot support

9. Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given
scenario regarding cost and performance optimization
-Web server: is a server that installs programs that serve web applications. Webserver is capable of receiving requests from web
browsers and sending responses to clients via HTTP or other protocols.
-Mail server is a server system used to communicate mail, manage and communicate internally, commercial transactions.
- DB server is a data warehouse used to store websites, data and information. A database server is a LAN computer dedicated to
storing, maintaining, and restoring databases.
-DNS Server is an ordinal naming system for computers and services participating in the Internet.
-DHCP server is a server that performs network connections. It has the function of responding to information when the DHCP client
broadcasts a request.

*In order for us to meet the requirements of ASM, we will have to choose a server to make it low cost and achieve high performance.

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+First we have to choose the web server because we see the programs on the web server are installed to serve the web application.
When receiving requests from the browser, the webserver will immediately send a response to the client via HTTP or other protocols.
To do this, each web server must be a repository with a very large capacity and can load at very high speeds to be able to store and
operate well all data stores on the Internet. Through separate communication ports, the web server configuration is set up to help
effectively operate a whole computer system operating on the Internet.
+The second is the mail server, although the mail server is a private server, it has many benefits and costs the least. It allows users to
send email or receive mail through the Internet directly with domain names. specific to each organization. Minimize spam or virus
messages. Strictly ensure the confidentiality of internal information.
The maximum capacity can be set for each Mail Server user.
Manage all email content of all members of the system. Set up automatic data backup function. Make sure the necessary information
is always available.
+The third is dhcp server, dhcp server is really convenient for large enterprises. Because DHCP has a function that allows automatic
configuration. As a result, the network connection speed of devices is faster. Helps to manage IP addresses scientifically, avoid IP
duplication and make the network more stable. It also allows devices to move back and forth between networks and get new IP
addresses automatically.

III. Conclusion
Above are my insights about networking presented. It helps us understand more about network types, commonly used protocols or

IV. Evaluation
My assignment has many incomplete places. It has not been detailed as to what the definition is or how it works. Comparisons should
be made with tables for easier viewing.

V. References,megabits%20per%20sec

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