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healthcare system in india

how india is different and what sets india apart from the world

Hello and a very good morning everyone, this is Shaurya Tushar and as shreedhi has
already informed you about the topic "what sets india apart", I am here to inform
you more about it :)
First of I all I would like to tell you about the basic difference between India
and the rest of the countries which is The concept of Unity is unity in Diversity!
India though has Diverse Religions of different beliefs but its unity in Diversity
is the feature that separates it from other countries. India is a Secular country
that means All religions like Hindu, muslims, buddhists, jains etc. reside in the
same country and that too united!
it is the birthplace of two important religions- Buddhism and Jainism. India has
the biggest constitution of the world with 1,46,385 words.
if we talk about some unknown facts of India that amazes the world are-
1. India's biodiversity is said to be biggest biodiversity of the world.
2. The first and the earliest diamond was mined in India.
3. The highest cricket ground is found in india which is situated in Chaile,
Himachal Pradesh
4. India was the first country to find the existence of water on the moon.
and last but not the least India is the third country in terms of its billionaires!
I Hope you like my information and lastly Thank you and have wonderful day

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