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Acid or Base
 Plant indicator
 6 Plastic cups
 6 Plastic spoons
 3 Dropper
 Vinegar
 Tap Water
 Distilled water
 Calamansi
 Shampoo
 Toothpaste
 Masking tape and pen
 Old news paper or any used cloth
1. Place one (1) tablespoon of each sample in each plastic cups.
2. Add ½ tablespoon of the plant indicator to the first sample and stir.
3. Note the color produced. Record your observation in column 2 of the Table.
4. Repeat step number 2 for the other samples. Use different spoons in stirring each sample
for accurate results.
5. Determine the nature of each sample using the pH scale and record the nature of each
sample in column 3 of the Table.
Data and Results
Sample Color of Indicator Nature of Sample
Tap water
Distilled water

1. What changes did you observe in the different substances? ________________
2. What are the substances that appears to be color orange to red? ______________
3. What are the substances that appears to be color violet to blue? _______________
In doing this experiment, I therefore conclude that the acidity and basicity of a substance can be
determined using ________________________________________.

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