20200810151228professions Exempted From NOC

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Note: Some professions do not need a NOC from the sponsor to issue a light vehicle driving

license or motorcycles driving license such as:

1: Judge
2: Prosecutor
3: Lawyer
4: Legal Consultant
5: Legalist
6: Doctor/General practitioner
7: PHD/Doctorate degree holder
8: Surgeon
9: Specialist
10: Medical Consultant
11: Medical Specialist
12: Expert
13: Professor
14: Tutor
15: Teacher
16: Coach
17: Guidance counselor/Social Worker /School advisor
18: Lecturer
19: Engineer
20: Contractor
21: Investor
22: Owner of land or property
23: Dealer / Trader
24: Businessman
25: Freelancer
26: Owner or partner of a business /establishment
27: Auctioneer
28: Broker
29: Trade /Commercial Sponsor
30: Manager
31: Pilot
32: Air Hostess
33: Captain
34: Skipper
35: Captain (Ship)
36: Pharmacist
37: Nurse
38: Military unit
39: Imam
40: Orator
41: Da’iyah
42: Preacher
43: Mufti
44: Marriage Official
45: Mo’azzin(Imam)
46: Reciter
47: Historian
48: Journalist
49: Editor
50: Director (Cinematography)
51: Producer (Cinematography)
52: Commentator
53: Announcer
54: Programmer
55: Referee
56: Athlete
57: Accountant
58: Analyst /Financial Researcher
59: Analyst /Economic Researcher
60: Geologist
61: Tour guide
62: Auditor
63: Computer programmer
64. Clerk

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