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John Hartnett G.



Oral Communication

Hello everyone and Good evening, ma'am. Hello, I'm John Hartnett G. Diego, and this

evening I'll read a speech regarding the millennial generation. The current generation will

determine how great our future is. Compared to previous generations, our generation is

unique. Our social connections are valued and we have greater freedom to express

ourselves thanks to the millennial generation. We advocated for diversity and equality.

With the exchange of ideas, we developed into creative problem solvers and enthusiastic

learners, which helped us build a prosperous society unlike anything previous generations

had done. We overcame our ingrained conservatism and adopted a more contemporary

way of life. We are flexible, welcoming, empowered, and motivated. This combination of

traits and ideas from individuals all over the world led to a development in contemporary

technology that became significant to us. And as we can see, technology is all around us

nowadays. We utilize it everywhere and at all times in our daily lives. We millennials

invented and grew these tools that changed the way we live. In conclusion, this generation

changed the course of history on all continents. This generation helped us develop into

amazing people who can change the world. The millennial generation is by far the finest

generation in human history because of this.

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