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Iam going to talk about Arab Republic of Egypt, her capital is Cairo and

Egypt is Northern Africa. Egypt is Global south country like many

diferente countries that for example Western Sahara and Spain. My
country’s HDI is 0.731 and its rank is 97.The HDI is a summary
composite measure of a country’s average achievement in three basic
aspects of human development that are health, knowledge and standard
of living. My country’s life expectancy at birth is 72 years, Expected
years of schooling is 13.8, Mean years of schooling is 9.6 and GNI per
capital is 4.732. Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a
new born infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of
its birth were to stay the same throughout its life. Expected years of
Schooling is the number years a child of School entrance age is
expected to spent at School, or university. Mean years of Schooling is
the average number of completed years of education of a country’s
population aged 25 years and older, excluding years spent repeating
individual grades. GNI per capita is the dollar value of a country final
income in a year divided by its population using atlas methodology.

Now we are going to talk about the Economy and It’s a system of inter-
related production and consumption activities that ultimately determine
the allocation of resources within a group. My country’s GDP is
1223040000000 and its rank is 20. GDP means that is the total
monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services
produced within country’s border in a specific time period. Egypt’s (GDP)
real growth rate is 4.2% and its rank is 68. (GDP) real growth rate
measures economic growth, as expressed gross domestic product, from
one period to anothe, adjusted for inflation and deflation.

The Distribution of weath of Egypt is very important. My country’s Gini

Index is 31.5 and the rank is 143 and Gini Index measures the extent to
which the distribution of income or consumption among individuals or
households within an economy deviales from a perfectly equal
distribution. Unemployment rate is the percentage of people in the labour
force who are unemployed. My country’s Unemployment rate is 7.86% in
2019 and in 2021 is 9.33% and its rank is 15.
And now, Iam going to talk about the demography of Egypt. The median
age is the age that divides the population in two parts of equal size and
the egyptian median age is 24 years and its rank is 166. The population
Growth rate is the annual average rate of change of population size for a
given country, territory, or geographic area, during a specified period. My
country’s population growth rate is 1.9% and its rank is 14.

Last but not least I am writing about the life standards and policies of
Egypt. The Education expenditure of Egypt is 3.9% and its rank is 408.
Education Expenditure is an investment that can foster economic
growth, enhance productivity, contribute to personal and social
development and reduce social inequality. The literacy rate is the
percentage of people ages 15 and above who can both read and write
with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.
My country’s literacy rate is 71.2% and its rank is 128.

Egypt today staff.” Egypt today”. tuesday,8 november 2022, monday,
14 november 2022

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