Vocabulary Revision Units 1-4.yta

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1. The government must __restructure____ (STRUCTURE) the coal industry as it needs some
improvements before selling it to private owners.
2. She is a competent lawyer and she wants to __specialize__ (SPECIAL) in divorce cases.
3. These huge construction trucks should be __prohibited_ (PROHIBIT) from driving in the town
centre since they drive so fast in narrow streets and cause a huge threat to pedestrians.
4. The restaurant was great and the service was satisfactory, but my dish was __ partially__ (PARTIAL)
cooked and I had to return it.
5. Detective Smith is a very skilled person and he will lead the __inquiry__ (INQUIRE) into the
6. They give _generously_ (GENEROUS) to the charity organisations and try to help every person in
7. It is _unethical_ (ETHIC) for a lawyer to reveal confidential information about his or her client.
8. Our products will have to suffer from _deterioration_ (DETERORATE) during the winter if we
cannot sell them.
9. He was arrested on charges of attempted __deception__ (DECEIVE) when he tried to use a stolen
credit card.
10. The government is planning to increase the number of schools for educationally _disadvantages__
(ADVANTAGE) children in the slum areas.
11. While he was waiting for her at the table, he _accidentally_ (ACCIDENT) knocked a glass over due
to his anxiety.
12. I have never considered my disability a __hindrance__ (HINDER) and continued painting with the
support of my family.
13. I told you quite __explicitly__ (EXPLICIT) to finish the project before June and I think that I was
really clear about it.
14. It is a/an __undeniable__ (DENY) fact that most people still suffer from hunger in third world
countries while the rest of the world continue consuming endlessly.
15. You have to learn to control your __aggression_ (AGGRESSIVE) in order to avoid serious conflict.
16. If the soldiers _disobey_ (OBEY) the orders, they will be punished seriously.
17. The delicious-looking pie was simply __irresistible__ (RESIST).
18. Most people find him _charming__ (CHARM) with his friendly manner and pleasant remarks.
19. The hurricane left a huge and _irreversible_(REVERSE) damage behind and it would take a lot of
time to rebuild the town.
20. The old man has a very __noticeable__ (NOTICE) scar on his face.

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1. She still thinks that I am a child, so she continues to give me _needy__ (NEED) instructions for even
simple tasks.
2. Her brother is such a lazy, rude and _unintelligent__ (INTELLIGENCE) person that, you need to tell him
everything twice in order to ensure that he understands.
3. Your parents seem to be friendly and _approachable_ (APPROACH) people. Why don’t you talk to
them about your problem?
4. These exercises will help you _strengthen_ (STRENGTH) your muscles.
5. Turabi plays all the games so _ambitiously_ (AMBITION) that he dedicates himself so much and wins
every time.
6. This movie is unsuitable for children as it has a/an _abusive_ (ABUSE) language and violence.
7. The patient was in a terrible condition after the accident but she has made a _miraculous__ (MIRACLE)
recovery for the last two months.
8. In the 1970s most people were arrested for taking part in _revolutionary__ (REVOLUTION) activities
against the government.
9. They underestimated the cost of the _alterition__s (ALTER) and repairs and failed to finish the project.
10.This medicine _merely_ (MERE) stops the pain temporarily but it won’t cure his disease.
11. Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and _persistent__ (PERSIST) dry coughs.
12. It was a beautiful wooden house in the mountains but I was worried about its _ invulnerable_
(VULNERABLE) to strong hurricanes.
13.During the World War I, it was not easy to find food all the time. Only certain kinds of food were
_obtanible_ (OBTAIN).
14. The decision is based on the __presumption__ (PRESUME) that all information must be available.
15.People give __contradictive__ (CONTRADICT) advice about small injuries. Some of them say that it is
good to put some ice on it; others say that you should keep it warm.
16.It is a little _suspicious_ (SUSPICION) that no one knows where he was at the time of the murder.
17. The Democratic Party insists on the _prime_ (PRIME) of citizens’ rights regardless of their race,
religion and sex.
18. His medical problems were shown to be __untraceable_ (TRACE) to his constant exposure to chemical
19. African people were brought Cuba as slaves to work in the sugar cane fields and they were
_victimized_ (VICTIM) by white people.
20. This house is provided _solely_ (SOLE) for your use during the project.
21.Due to your improper behaviour, we have to _unassociate_ (ASSOCIATE) you from the institution.


1. One of the company’s weaknesses is its poor _integration_ (INTEGRATE) of business processes with
information systems.

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2. For some people being examined by a doctor cause a/an _unautomatically_ (AUTOMATE) rise in blood
3. After she made the _announcement_ (announce), the whole meeting hall was silent for a while.
4. The _transition_ (TRANSIT) from a totalitarian country to a free state will be long and challenging.
5. The world is faced with a/an _unsteady_ (STEADY) growth of population and it means that the
resources may come to an end sooner than expected.
6. The professor told me that my project was _adequately_ (ADEQUATE) prepared and I had to do it again
in order to pass.
7. The couple have moderate income but they decided to but a _tremendously_ (TREMENDOUS)
expensive house by the sea.
8. The investigators give some further _clarification_ (CLARIFY) of the crime after a long inspection.
9. She has decided to sell her car and there has been four _prospective_ (PROSPECT) buyers looking at it
10. The new director is a quite lively and energetic person; however, his constant energy can be
_exhausted_ (EXHAUST) for the employees sometimes.
11. James has decided to quit his job and become self-employed by establishing his own company as he
finds working for someone very _restricted_ (RESTRICT).
12. She has a very _forceful_ (FORCE) personality and she always expresses her opinions strongly in public.
13. Until the 1980s most companies would not allow women to work for them or they would usually give
lower salaries to women but such _discrimination_ (DISCRIMINATE) is disappearing lately.
14. This bar chart illustrates some information on employment by gender and _ethnicity_ (ETHNIC).
15. The _majority_ (MAJOR) of people in the town support the idea of building a five-star hotel in the area
in order to enhance the economy of the region.
16. It seems unlikely that it will be possible to reach a _settlement_ (SETTLE) of the conflict between the
two sides.
17. China and Russia have decided to create a _unified__ (UNIFY) energy market in Central Asia.
18. The local _resident_s (RESIDE) of the area were complaining about the lack of parking spaces.
19. Since it would not be _economical_ (ECONOMY) to get your washing machine repaired, you should buy
a new one instead.
20. I have always admired Neruda’s _poetic_ (POEM) use of language in his novels.
21. The game of football is thought to have been _originated_ (ORIGIN)by Greeks first and then brought to
England by Romans.
22. They have started a legal process to take the child away from his ignorant parents _permanently_
23. They welcomed the _emigraters_ (EMIGRATE) from Syria during the war.
24. The hospital won’t be able to operate _temporarly_ (TEMPORARY) for redecoration.
25. Houses near industrial sites aren’t often sold quickly because they are regarded as _undesirable_
26. My son has been so _passionate_ (PASSION) about football since he was 3.
27. Most people come to visit this city out of _curiousity_ CURIOUS) but there is not much to see.
28. The three countries’ leaders came together with the aim of promoting _sustainable_ (SUSTAIN)
development in the area.
29. After uploading his videos on Youtube, Justin Bieber rose to fame in a surprisingly _phenomenally_
30. True _objectivity_ (OBJECTIVE) in a critic is sometimes impossible as you cannot be neutral all the time.

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31. After the divorce, she had hard times and for this reason her actions are _justified_ (JUSTIFY) in those
32. His argument is _fundementally_ (FUNDAMENTAL) true and she has some good points, so I think I will
vote for him.
33. TESLA continues to produce newer and _enhanceable_ (ENHANCE) versions of its products.
34. There is a growing _recognition_ (RECOGNISE) that this country can no longer afford to provide shelter
for the immigrants.
35. Every parent has _inescapable_ (ESCAPE) responsibilities after bringing a child into world.
36. The two scientists both made the same discovery independently at _roughly_ (ROUGH) the same time.
37. There has been a significant _investment_ (INVEST) of time, money and energy in order to turn this
project into a success.
38. City planners note that if the government invests some amount of money in the health, education and
other _infrastructural_ (INFRASTRUCTURE) development of poor areas, crime rates will decline.
39. A possible war in that area will _inevitably_ (INEVITABLE) hinder the process of reform.


1. On the surface it’s a very funny novel but has a more serious _underlied_ (UNDERLIE) theme.
2. __ (INCIDENCE), I would like to talk to you about your increasing expenses.
3. The president is open to any kind of _negotiation_ (NEGOTIATE) in order to resolve the crisis.
4. The economy of the country has to struggle with the crisis these days, but in the _ subsequent_
(SUBSEQUENT) months, we may encounter a slight increase.
5. Due to the its numerous side effects, there have been several requests for the _ suspended_
(SUSPEND) of the medicine.

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6. The city council has _imposed_ (IMPOSE) a ban on alcohol use in the city parks.
7. The new apartment complex that they are planning to build in the suburbs will be _ moderated_
(MODERATE) priced for middle-income people.
8. The terrorist groups were _literally_ (LITERAL) responsible for the deaths of thousands of people.
9. You will _frighten_ (FRIGHT) the baby with that scary mask you are wearing.
10. Since there is a continuous change in the price of the oil, the vegetable prices _fluctuate_
(FLUCTUATE) accordingly.
11. The company is so professional that the human resources department gives huge importance to
_confidentiality_ (CONFIDENTIAL) and keeps all the applications for the open position private.
12. There is no one to complain about the problem in the department since there is no _accountable_
(ACCOUNTABLE) or any person in charge of it.
13. The decision of the director may have serious _implications_s (IMPLICATE) for the future stability of
the company.
14. After what she had done to him, she felt _genuinely_ (GENUINE) sorry and apologized.
15. Children should not be allowed to surf on the internet freely unless there is adult _ supervision_
16. The sales forecast is predicted on the _assumption_ (ASSUME) that the economy will grow by four
percent this year.
17. In conclusion, I hope that the _preceding_ (PRECEDE) arguments have convinced you of the need for
an immediate precaution.
18. Due to the fact that she _constantly_ (CONSTANT) meets clients outside work, she always have to
have a professional look.
19. James is accused of stalking his ex-wife and sending her _threatening_ (THREATEN) letters for over
the past few months.
20. She failed her project since it was _insufficiently_ (SUFFICIENT) and carelessly researched.
21. High population and huge traffic jam are two of the most important _ distraction_s (DISTRACT) of city
22. Pandas used to be in danger of _extinction_ (EXTINCT) but thanks to the cooperation of wildlife
organisations and authorities, their population is going up.
23. Due to climate change, it is _extraordinarily_ (EXTRAORDINARY) hot outside even in March.
24. After the desperate parents request for blood, the police have issued a/an _application_ (APPEAL) to
the public to find blood donors.
25. She worked hard for twenty successive years and now she is enjoying the days of her _appealing_
(APPEAL) retirement.
26. It has been estimated that one in eight couples is _infertile_ (FERTILE) because of the genetically
modified organisms in the food we consume.
27. It is a good idea to have a travel _insurence_ (INSURE) when you are going abroad as you never know
what you may encounter.
28. Rita has been applying for numerous jobs since her graduation from university; however, she
received solely one _acknowledgement_ (ACKNOWLEDGE) so far.
29. She applied for that position _variously_ (VARIOUS) for the past few years, but was not successful in
any of the attempts.
30. I loved the book and read it in one day but the end of it was not very _convincing_ (CONVINCE); I
would expect a much better ending.
31. One Euro is _approximately_ (APPROXIMATE) equal to 4.800TL nowadays.

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32. The teacher tried to _emphasise_ (EMPHASIS) how important it is to learn foreign languages for our
future career.
33. Due to his workload, he did not want to go on holiday with his wife, but she was so eager that he had
to agree _reluctantly_ (RELUCTANCE).
34. The expedition to Burma is expected to be a _hazardous_(HAZARD) journey, so we are well-

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