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stress within 'Vords • prefixes

Discuss these q uest�on·s.

batt,er�• caku lations drcuit
1 What is an electric circuit?
conductor current equation
2 What drcuit e lements do you know? m,ea1sure.men1 m1u ltiplicatio n
3 Draw an example of a simple d rcu it, showing the po,tential proportional
different elem,ents. resistance terminalls
Study the pictures on the oppos�t,e page.
1 What does each picture show? Tcdlk about ,each pkture using a word from box a.
2 Which of the pktures show examples of electrk circuits?· Which show ,elements o-f c, ircuits? Can any
of the 0rther ·w,ords be used in connecUon w'ith electrk circuits?
C Look at the words in box a.
1 U nderrline the s1tre
, ss.ed sylla1ble in each word.
2 Which word has the same stre�s pattern as, engineering?'
3 Sort the other words into groups aiecording to, threir stress patterns.
(om plete each sentence with .a word frorn box a. Change the form if necessary.
1 Copper is a very good conductor
===== of e,lec , tricity.
2 The straight line
l proportional re,llationship between the two quantities.
on the graph shows 1he =====
3 flows around the cir,cuiit.
4 3 + x = 5 is an exampl1e• of an a .g,ebraic equation
5 The sign for _____ is X\ as in 3 x 4 = 12.

6 Electrkal eng�neers make a lot of __ =- as part of their work.

7 Instruments that ma1ke include the ohmmeter and the voltmeter.
8 Electric is the energy re,quired to move a uni1: ele, ct ric charge t,o a particular place
in a static electric field.
Study the words in box b. Find the prefix and try to work out the meaning in each caseT 1

photovoltaic non-hnear multimeter reproduction degeneration

photodiode non-repa, i rable m1ultiele1ment reg1en er atio n demagnetize
phototr ansistor non-resonant multi loop recur deconstruct

Complete each sentenc, e with a word from box b. Change the, form �t necessary.
, tionship so 1it is non-hnear
1 The grap,h doesn't show a propoirtiona1I rela
2 The experiment us,ed a multimeter---�� to me, asure voltage� current and r s,ista111ce. 1e

3 The quaUty of the reproduction of music on an mp3 player can depend on the earphones

you use.
4 If you drop a magnet, you 1may demagnetize
--= it.
5 Solar panels use photovoltaic
====� ceUs to generat,e electrical energy.

6 An old m1kro·wave oven is an exampie of a non-rep,

===== ai rable system - if it doesn't wo,rk, throw it
away and buy a new one.
word s:e-ts� synonyms, antonym�� ,etc. • des,criblng trends

Loolk at the electrica I items on the opposite page.

1 Name the, items. ADFORDUnit,rrJity
2 Which of the items do you own? How l,ongr have
you had one? Faculty: Electrica'I Engineering
Lecture: Electrical items ,anti
Study the words in box a1. appliances
1 Find pairs of words with simi �ar meanings. The ,vork of many electrical engineers
one ·rns th desjgn o electrical itents. are charge
2 What part of speech is each word?
But what ,exactly ar,e these item ?
applliance attached big business A number of electrical ite1ns are
in vol ve<l in performing a function. operation
cha rnnel com,me rrcial co1mpact cr,eated called
designed display flat ima1ge i,mmova!ble These are kno\ rn as appliances.
'" !Portable �ppl ian es, e.g .. , an
ite'm �arge pic:1:ure place prog1rram1me
e lecrr i k1:;ttJ e.
scre,en setting small th in
• fixt:d applian re., e.g., a
refri 0 e·r a tor.
Study the Hadfo1rd University handout on the right
Another important a peer of
Find pairs, of bllue words v1i1h similar mean:in,gs.
a ppHances is iv here you find them - in
Study the words in box b. a con1mnercial etting or in the hon1e.
1 Find pairs of opposites.. Designing appliance i an important
par of an e[ecrrica] engine r' ,vork. section
2 Add morie words to make a set.
Hovvever there are· certain itenl' that
3 Give a name to each v,ord set. do no,t really do a job. They n1ay task
for example, provid ntertainment.
co1mp,act deep economical expensive flat his kind ol itein i not called an named
heavy hig1h large light llow narro,w appHance but is till cr ated by

out of date recent wide eJ ectdca I engine, r ..

E Work wi1th a partner.

1 Choose an ele,ctriical item on the opposite p,age� Figure l how changes ____ in _ sales
D,escribe it. Us,e w,ords from box b.
_____ Jiffcrcnr typci. of television . ct
2 Your partner shou Id guess which item you are
talkingr about. _____ 2000 and 2010. There wa a
deep dicries
__________ in .:1l�� of CRT
F Look at the data in Figure 1 opposite.
TV until 2005 ,,vh n d1ere , a . a
1 What does the graph show?
L _____

40 ()/o -----· [n rh ame period, �ale.
2 Describe what trends you can see 1i n the graph.
of LCD . h1
Study the descripti,on of Figu1re 1 on this page. Writ,e 2005 rbere wa an _____ incrise of of 23%,
one or two words in ,each space.
aud after thi , sale continued co
Look at Figur,e 1 a1gaiin . Why do you th�nk salles _incrise
_______ every year. he
changed in the way they did? incries by_ _____
ales of JD T s ____
% _____ the IO•year period.

Study the words in 1he blue box.
cal cu �ate damped •ellim in ate
1 C.opy and c.,omp�ete the ta.ble. Put the words in onie ,or e.xce,ed fluctuate offs,et
more bo,x e,s, i,1n e aich case.
oscillation overshoot pr,ed ict
2 Add affix,es to m1ake w rd.s for 1he empty boxes.
sign tficant stable test
{Some wil I not be possib�e.)
tune unstable
3 What is the sp·ecial meaning of ead1 word in electrrkal
eng ng?
4 Find a synonym fo,r each word in the box. N,oun V,erb Adjective
e�u'Yl1naf1on ef,m,nate elim,raated
5 Group the words in the b�ue box according to their
stress pattern.
Study the· four graphs ,on the opposite page. Dis.cuss, these·
quesUons using words from Exercis,e A. Student A
1 What do the graphs show?' Fi_g re l s..hows t"'3+ fS..e over,, remperafw-e
,s,e at both set values.
2 What happens to the temperature in each gra1ph?
2 1n Figure 3: #,e �+,on firne ,s. sl0,iv, bi.At
Student A has wr�tten ,about the relationship betwe,en the ,s a s13r11fi<:..onf oversl-voo� and tr.e
set and a,ctua,� tem1perat.ures of a domesti<: oven over time, ,rirfial oven remper-a,fw-e �:s heJow H,e set
but there are some mistakes. Change the blue wi0rds so temperafure vci]ue.
that the sentences ar,e true. 3 The final femperafure figure 3 �5 LJnStdble
becou5e ,f aS overdamped.
Student B has also writte1n oven temperatures. Match each
sentence with a corrected sentence from Exercise C. 4- TM Wl5t<1h:e osc.1Ualiort1 has been added in
fi.9 re 4-, Ix.rt' fhe-re is .sHf c-0ns,de,..,ab�e
Look at the four graphs again on the opposite page. overs�oot.
Which siitua1tio
• n is best? Why? S The 5ystem .Shawrl in F,.9-lre. 5 �s damped
dnd .staMe, ,vif.h Q .slOvi1 reae.tion t,me.
F Think oi an exampl,e oi osdllation in elec1rical appliances
or in ,eve•ryday life.
1 Are the· oscillations a problem or a benefi t? Student B
2 Write some sentences to describe how the osdUations a Th,� �""°'?� �lr\o�,c; l\'\o.l l\v.?,-e ..� !"\O
can be damped for your example. -ore r;.-,.c_,�l'\t'j, . u ;"; ;o,Hj h,e ovel'\
le,...•q'>ero.lure e)Ccee�.; t!n e ,;el value.
3 Give your s,entenc,es to your partner� Yrour partner
shou Id try 10 guess what you have described. b "I I\ l \--.,,;. 'jro. f1r,., h--.e,...e. i,; l: �� \oof
4 RewritP. your partn@r'i �a�"@� with the c.amf!
c -re �\,lj ,.,e,ve.­

·meaning.,eV'ed 11\ h,c; �ro.-r"'-·

d '!.I'\ l\... ,.; ':)ro.-ip'n I b"\e. leMr�ro.lure
c. I\O.l"\c.)er: 9.u,c."'\� 1 bJl ;1 ·1r.\ti.o.H� ':)oe�
o.bove lirLe �el voJue °'"� \--.ere °i• o.
(;.�'"j,.,,�1C.OS\l -� .....a\ o.C.t'r:el.
e The .;��be.,...., �\-1,o,..:,r, i.n t.�ir;. 43ro.y\,, ��
\, erdO.'""''?eJ ""'J l�ere .., o-.c.i.l�aliOl"'I,


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