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ENG 113 – Fall 2018

Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou


Step 1: Visit the website of the Cyprus University of Technology at

Step 2: Choose the English version of the website

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

Step 3: Follow the appropriate links and complete the following notes:

Section A – Faculties and Departments

The Cyprus University of Technology has..…6… faculties and 10 academic departments:

 Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

- Department of ........................... and ……………… ………………

 Faculty of ……………… ………………. and ……………… …………………

- Department of ……………… Sciences, ……………… and

……………… Science

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

- Department of ……………… ……………… and …………………

 Faculty of ……………… ………………

- Department of ………………

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

 Faculty of Communication and ……………… ………………

- Department of ……………… and ………………… ……………….

 Faculty of ……………… and ………………

- Department of Hotel and ……………… ………………

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

- Department of ………………, ……………… and ………………

 Faculty of ………………………. and ………………………..

Any other faculty? _______________________________________

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

- Department of ……………………….. ………………………….., Computer

Engineering and ……………………..
- Department of ……………….. ……………………… and ………………..
……………….. and Engineering
- Department of ……………….. …………………. and ……………………..

Section B – Academic Staff (Faculty of Engineering and Technology)

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

Name one member of the academic staff who is a(n)

Professor …………………………………

Associate Professor …………………………………

Assistant Professor …………………………………

Lecturer …………………………………

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

Research Associate …………………………………

Post-doctoral Fellow …………………………………

Special Teaching Staff …………………………………

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

Section C – Websites

The website for the Department of Nursing is


ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

The website for the Language Centre is


Section D – Language Centre

1. What three main languages are offered by the language centre?

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou


2. Director of the language centre (Give name and e-mail address)

Name: ……………… ………………


3. Name three members of staff at the language centre

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

(Give name & surname) ……………… ………………

(Give name & surname) ……………… ………………

(Give name & surname) ……………… ………………

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

Section D – Administration – The Board

1. The Board consists of ………… members.

2. The President of the Board

(Give name & surname) ……………… ………………

3. Vice President of the Board

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

(Give name & surname) ……………… ………………

4. Name four members of the Board

(Give name & surname) ……………… ………………

(Give name & surname) ……………… ………………

(Give name & surname) ……………… ………………

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou

(Give name & surname) ……………… ………………

Section E – Administration – Administrative Personnel

1. Director of Academic Affairs and Student Welfare

(Give name and e-mail address) ……………… ………………

ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou


2. Library Director (go to

(Give name and phone number) ……………… ………………


ENG 113 – Fall 2018
Lecturer: Dimitrios Boglou


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