World Building

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Speech Sounds

The author has interestingly used world building to create a sickness-stricken world where

people loss their most prized physical ability. For the protagonist, Rye, her ability to read, write

and make sense of any language were lost. Through world building, the author narrates the

journey of Rye from Los Angeles to Pasadena after she had lost her husband and children to the

illness. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic timing where lawlessness was in the norm. In this

story world building is used to portray women as the fair gender that needed the protection of a

man to fair through these dangerous paths. For the example, Rye seeks the company of Obsidian

primarily for the protection she could offer him. At the end of the story, Rye witnesses the death

of a women killed by her husband, with this incident leading to the death of her newly found

company, Obsidian. At the same, time, author used story building to paradoxically show the

strength of women. For example, women were less affected by the disease. The protagonist was

also carried a weapon to protect to herself, and had managed to do so thus far. At the end, Rye

takes in the two children who had been born after the illness, and had the ability to read and


Beyond body, Space and Time: Ne’ Le!

The story is set in a a post- apocalyptic era where humans have discovered interplanetary space

travel and consequently immortality. The author uses world- building to create reality where

different earth-space colonies exist and both humans and dogs made trips to and from earth. The

main protagonist, Dottie is a veterinarian who makes a hurried decision to make a trip to mars in

a Statis pod. The trip does not go as planned and Dottie is awakened from her statis pod based on

an emergency revolving around the dogs that were being imported. It was at this point that the

author introduces Cora in into her world, a fellow twin soul (indigenous lesbian) from the Navajo
Nation. Through world-building, the author paints a picture of what interplanetary travel would

look like for women in the future. She refers to women as strong adaptable creatures, who are

highly skilled in their profession.

The Evening and the Morning and the night (Octavia E. Butler)

Through story-building, the author creates a fictional disease the Duryea-Gode Disease, a genetic

disease that arose as a result of a cancer-drug. In young people the disease is dormant, but the

symptoms begin to show in adulthood. The symptoms of the disease are characterized by

psychosis, the need to harm themselves and others. Due to its genetic nature, the disease can be

passed down from generation to generation. Individuals who suffer from the disease are no a

special diet which helps them control their behavior. Story-building has been shown to show the

oppression of women, through the possible mandate by the government that all person suffering

from DGD should be sterilized.

Meanwhile, elsewhere (Ayşe Devrim’s)

The author has created a world where transgender right is been considered. In the year 2030, the

main protagonist, Maryam Jalaali, a transgender woman qualifies for sexuality surgery, where

she receives the uterus and ovaries of Mary Walker, a woman who had been killed in a car crash.

The author also uses story-building to create a reality where pregnancy of a miraculous baby that

Mary was carrying possible. Furthermore, story-building, the author creates a culture where

transgender is accepted in the Muslim culture. This way, the author uses the art of story-build to

create several realities that do not exist at the moment, which fight for women’s rights.

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