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the authors and their writings.

This compilation was styled

See Biog. Universelle (Jourdain); Lalande, Bibliographie

Habits and Distribution.--With regard to its habits, all that

8 The value of the total aroduct of Alaska's fish canneries

national rising against French aggression, and the defeat of

colonies and other dominions.'' The members of the Board are

Verb., 1892) and H. Bruns (Leipzig. Math. Phys.

it is said that he was deposed by Solomon and banished to

observations see Phil. Trans., 1853, pp. 311-346.

has for one of its objects the prevention of advertisements

slumbering Furies in the Eumenides (117-139). The fatal

(South and South-East Africa)

1879, in the interests of European bondholders, of a Dual

filaments, shreds, rods, splints, yarn, twine and sennit or

Nachtigal's mission to West Africa.

by Hogarth, Journ. of Philol. vol. xvii., 1888, pp.

C. Centigrade (or Celsius's) Thermometer.

Asiatic wives. This policy did not allay the discontent of

bottoms and wherever the tundra moss is destroyed to give them

trial of a milder administration. In December 1573 the

conspicuous in the sun. The rays of this star spend close

zoospores. In Coleochaete this seems to be preceded by the

took the surname of FLACCUS, was born at Eboracum (York)

domesticate or naturalize the former class in countries not

stupid expression, and hinder his physical and intellectual

the castle, held by the Percys since 1309, and long before

question of validity has to be kept distinct from that of

sharp combats followed on the 22nd of June and the 2nd of

the breech-loading Martini-Henry rifle, adopted by the British

Nutation of the axis would determine a similar apparent

outset in the probability of a protracted struggle covering

most comprehensive of all the ``deals'' in African territory,

Arouj, drove the Spaniards from the Penon (1550) and was

market. Imports are valued at L. 80,000 and exports at

the total number of teeth is in one case the typical 44,

marked improvement in the character and quality of the Shire

organisms. As knowledge of microscopic forms of life increased,

The Anglo-Russian Convention, signed on the 31st of August 1907,

are his dramatic writings which began with Despot Voda and

to their colonial policy, and there coercion should begin.

and by whom they were deposited in bank and disbursed. The

war became imminent in 1866, the archduke took command of

quoted that which derives it from the Semitic radical resh

mountains and flowing north unite in a marshy plain, whence

of silicon in the reduced metal. The Amfreville works

passage under the dormitory leads eastwards to the smaller

iii.). Later excavations have been recorded by Ayrton, Abydos,

surface five Greek crosses, one in the centre and one in each

auditory of his sermon (Redeeming the Time) at the funeral

the soil by the feet of sheep which were driven over the

than any other building in the world, and the word pictures of

date must be in the first half of the 9th century B.C. It

colours the interior a dark brown. Generally the houses are

1895 38,285 75,028 174,476 5,626 4732

(L. Cardella, Memorie Storiche de' Cardinali, 1793, iii.

some resistance, on behalf of the Catholics, to the influence

smell of sulphuretted hydrogen when the resin is heated.

Carthage in 146 B.C. Within little more than a century from

agreement with Moawiya by which each retained his own dominions

at which stone implements were beginning to be superseded by

an epigram of Sainte-Beuve, both reigns and governs.

AGRICOLA, GNAEUS JULIUS (A.D. 37-93), Roman statesman and

naturelle complete des reptiles (1836).

Among the great alpine rivers we may distinguish two

of the corns while they are yet tender will be prevented.''

admiral. It is supposed in the Black Book of the Admiralty

interior. The great engineering difficulties in building

(vols. xxix., xxx., xxxi. and xxxviii.). For his life see the

punishment. While for all common forms of fraud the common

It is about 10 in. long (25 cm.) and half to one inch in

and secured for the artist the appointment of court-sculptor.

4), and another requiring the amphictyonic states to keep in

`Assoueros, once in Tobit `Asueros)), a royal Persian or

Anglie (ed. C. Horstmann, 1901, vol. i. p. 4i), whence it

decades (1861-1891) the law was extended, and methylated spirit

1901 28,541,476 25.8 736,808,724 39.9 293,658,777

annals and votive inscriptions of the kings, when oracles are

On the sex division, 935,305 were in 1905 males, and 879,321

-- who created there a free republic on Chinese territory;

for his son, and while the premier, Dr Vladan Dyorevich,

he occupied with ability and distinction for over fifteen

side. The perforated pharyngeal region has then been detached

McClernand, effected a lodgment in the works. The Confederate

the majority of the cesarevich, afterwards the tsar, Alexander

water renders it inapplicable to outdoor work. The purest

is often a considerable force in camp, both regular troops from

so marked a feature in India. The Kafirs of the mountainous

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