Activity #2 Huhu

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According to our previous discussion about Morality, Freedom, Reason, and Impartiality,
why is it that only human beings are considered ethical?

Only human beings and animals is living in this planet earth, Humans only has the ability
to talk, think and understand one another that have 5 senses which are touch, sight, hearing,
smell and taste. In addition, humans have the ability to reason upon certain things, and are
driven by instincts, intellect, and logic that helps us to help us to know what's happening around
us also humans being can act morally that has freedom to judge, express their emotions and to
know what is wrong and right, Therefore human is only considered ethical.

2. How does the film begin and how does it end? Why do you think it ends that way?

The film begins with a creature who found a heart then everyone around him trying to
steal it until all of them died. Based on my opinion, the animation is black and white like there’s
no life until they see the heart that’s bright their colorless world. Heart signifies what our
happiness or love that everyone wants it badly even it make them greedy having no limits and
ready to kill just to get it. Therefore, for me it ended up that way because it represents the good
and bad in this world. People willing to fight and die in order to keep their happiness or love.
Also, in other part it signifies having no limits and jealousy kills people. Jealousy is a serious
matter that makes people evil that’s destroy one another. In addition, I think it is a cycle that the
creatures that died will became a tree then it will repeat again.

3. Do you think that the characters in the animated short film "Heart" are acting ethically?
Why or why not? Justify your answer.

Based on my opinion, to be call as “ethical” it is implementation of good moral principles

in an environment. Moreover, it means to act according to the moral standards set by the
society which we live in. In the film, it effortlessly shows that the characters are unethical as
the individuals refuse to adhere to the proper conduct or the accepted behavioral pattern of the
society, since it shows no rules the creatures has no limit on their actions which leads to
greediness of the characters, to be selfish, jealous, and ready to die just to get what they want
specifically makes them evil that are against social norms or acts that are considered
unacceptable to the public so it is impossible to be mark as ethical.

4. How can absolute freedom, without reason and impartiality, affect one's life and

Reason and impartiality technically means to be unbiased by one's personal preferences

or interests in one's judgments, People in the community still has freedom to do what their want
and without it but it has a huge impact in our community and one’s life since Inequality and
unfairness will arise also economic instability, financial crisis, debt and inflation. Living in an
unequal society causes stress and status anxiety, which may damage people’s health. It might
cause one another be discriminated and might not treat right because of bias choices and
perception thinking how it affects can ruin a life, having a freedom to do what you want but
mentally can’t feel it because of unfairness in a society. Lack of reason and impartiality makes a
huge impact due to the fact that it achieves by being unprejudiced, fair and objective. Moreover,
considering different sides of a situation ensuring that each side is given equal judgment that do
not favor in just one person or group over another.

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