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John Cris D.


What is an Explanation Essay?

A common writing assignment is the explanatory, or expository, essay. An explanatory essay

describes your opinion on something, the ideas of another person, a process to follow, or an
event that has taken place. One you know the basic building blocks of an explanatory essay,
you'll be able to write a great one.

What is Blog?
A blog is another form of diary or journal, but it is one that is digital and on the Internet. These
are often referred to as online diaries/journals or personal blogs. They may document your day-
to-day experiences or even social commentary. Many people use personal blogs as a way to
keep in touch with friends and family, as well as to share with them their thoughts and feelings
on certain subjects. You may choose to keep your blog personal or to share it with the world. By
sharing it with the public, you can open the blog up to personal comments from those who view
and read the blog. This is unique to the blog and many personal opinions are common
throughout the world of blogging, some are kind and others may be quite blunt. The blog has
also changed the world in terms of marketing. In 2006, Entrepreneur magazine listed it as one of
the top marketing tools of the year that can get your website noticed. Website promotion is a
common hurdle in marketing an online business and because blogs are easy to set-up and use,
they have become a popular way of sharing information and news with the online community.

Make a column stating the similarities and differences of a Blog to a journal or Diary Entry.


A diary is often the most personal of the three. They are often arranged by date and have
space for you to write what has happened over the course of the day. Many diarists often think
of their diaries as a special friend that they can confide to. For example, Anne Frank named her
diary Kitty. She begins her entries with Dear Kitty so it as though she is writing to a dear friend
that she can tell all of her secrets to. The naming of a diary has a unique psychological effect as
it gives the writer a feeling of someone listening to his or her inner secrets and feelings. The
word diary itself is for the Latin word diarium or daily allowance. A diary tends to be more
focused on daily thoughts and events, while a journal can be written sporadically. The page a
day diary is popular amongst young girls and are often given as gifts. However, the diary goes
back hundreds of years and one of the first most popular diaries belonged to Samuel Pepys.
Pepys is known for making the diary more personal, while it had been more of a business
notation in the past. Several books have been published from diaries as well. It is these diaries
that have given us great insight and knowledge into history from all parts of the world


A journal is a diary in a sense. It can be used to document life events like a diary, but it is not
necessarily a daily activity. There are also several different types of journals that a person may
keep. There are travel journals to document your various travels across your state, country or
the world. There are workout journals that help to keep track of the type of workout you do
and make comments on it. Journals have also become popular in schools. Teachers often give
students a writing prompt to get them started in their journal writing. Each week the students
may write from the prompt and then share the journal with their teacher. These are excellent
because they get children to think creatively and to learn to put their thoughts and feelings
down on paper. This is an important step in teaching children to express themselves and
communicate effectively through the written word.

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